Chapter 21

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Izuku POV*
I was kind of hoping it was just going to be like a small kidnapping or someone trying to rob someone nope it's a full on hostage situation.

Like what the actual fuck.

There were about 30 people tide up and 5 people standing there holding them hostage how the hell did they get down here.

We are literally in the mall's basement well the abandoned part of the basement.

"Thank god for your teleportation quirk"

Well that was an easy answer.


Now that I look closer I see the group of people are children ages 4-16. So these people are going to use them, great human traffickers I hate those things I mean people. And what's with all the human trafficking there is so much of them.

'Okay there are about 5 people one has a teleportation quirk another one has some type of mutation tipe quirk, but I don't know the other three. I don't have my vigilante costume but I do have a mask I could call Eraserhead down here through the walkie but that's not fun.... But I'm also still wearing the same civilian clothes I was when Eraser came to try and catch me I also don't have a hoodie on either they will be able to tell that I'm the vigilante'

"Hey I hear something"

Every one stops talking even me. 'fuck I was muttering'

I look around again and I see one girl that pops out she's a Hero student in training momo.... I remember her from my last timeline she was the mom of the horrid class 1-a.

And probably still is.

I snuck behind her and whispered to her.

"don't turn around I'm here to help"

She just nodded.

I looked down at her wrists to see them tide with quirk canceling cuffs, it looks like there from the black market.

"Ok your homeroom teacher is on the fourth floor with two other pros underground hero Shigaraki and number four hero Hawks"

She nodded again.

"I'm going to create a distraction and your going to call them on this walkie talkie, when I remove these cuff your quirk won't work for at least another hour"

I missed talking to momo even if I'm the only one talking. She was a great person even though she wasn't mentioned in the story before I went back in time.

"Ok when you see the signal call them, you'll know what the signal is when it happens"

I say as I pick the locks to the cuffs, again she nods.

"Good luck"

Then I disappear into the shadows.

It's been a few minutes and I still don't know the other three people's quirks and I got bored, and that's never good.

"Ughhh you guys are so boring all you do is talk about how 'strong' you are boooooorrrrrrriiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnngggggggg"

"Who the he-"

The guys was cut of with a big boom, and a giant pile on rainbow glitter fell in them.

"That's better y'all needed a makeover"

I started to laugh my ass off well they were getting out of the glitter, they were completely covered.

The hostages didn't get any glitter on them there in the far right corner, and I see momo talking on the walkie.

"You brat I'm going to kill you"

"Oh sweetie you can't kill what's already dead"

I said as I ran into the shadows.

"Come out now you little shit"

"I'm gay"

I say from behind them, one guy tries to punch me so I just move.

I start to sink into the ground suddenly, I look up the see a guy with sandy hands.

"Oh so that's your quirk i thought it would be something about your appearance because damn it's hard to look at you, when I get home I'm going to have to bleach my eyes"

The teleportation guy walks up to me and takes out a knife. I'm all they way in the ground now only my head is sticking out.

Now let me tell you something I had to let them catch me so the hero's wouldn't be suspicious, the glitter is enough to make them wonder.

"I wouldn't be surprised if the hero's did the same"

The teleportation guy looked confused till a scarf wrapped around his torso and pulled him back.

A father flew into the ground and pulled me out and the fight officially started.

Well the pros were battling I was getting the people out (and taking notes of the villains quirks) and making sure there not hurt.

One guy came up to me suddenly, he was waring glasses and a beanie.

"Here have some blue calm yourself"

"Thank you?"

"Your welcome"

Then he walked away.

Momo was also helping evacuate everyone, and once everyone was gone she came up to me.

"Here's your walkie and thanks for the help, I was starting to panic. we should get out of here"

"That's a good idea and your welcome I always try to help people when needed but I have to go now bye"

"Good bye"

And I ran back to the mall. What did you think just because a small kidnapping/hostage situation happened I would stop playing my game hell no we still have three more hours.


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