Chapter 11

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Izukus POV*
I got bored of sitting in the teachers lounge so well everyone wasn't looking I climbed into the air vents, see I already new this school inside out and yes that means the air vents I might have been in them before.....

Many times, what can I say there fun! I already did all my work for this week so I'll be fine! I hope.

I was walking home when I hurd a scream. I followed the scream and found a guy cornering a little kid saying some messed up shit.

I hate human trafficking just as much as I hate socializing and that's saying something.

I punched the guy in the face, well he was getting up I pushed the kid out of the alley. He stood up and tried to punch me I ducked down and kicked his feet out from under him

I was about to wrap things up when a blue and white portal opens up a few feet away from me, it started to pull me in and I couldn't get away before I was fully in the portal I saw the police tackle the guy well he's laughing saying "GOOD LUCK TRYING TO FINED THAT STUPID KID" before every thing went black.

When I woke up again I was in a alleyway it was getting dark out and it was around 6 O' clock at night.

I got up off the ground and started walking I was still waring my UA uniform and I don't know where my backpack is so I have no weapons, great.

I was walking to Aizawa house but there was a problem it wasn't there in fact the whole block was gone still Under Construction!?

I was confused so I started to walk to my abandon house, when I got there I noticed a few things one the house was completely intact, two people where living there, and three there was a kid standing outside just staring at me.

I looked at him he was also wearing the UA hero class uniform? He had blond hair green eyes and orange glasses, he looked exactly like a mini Present Mic.

He looked just as confused as me if not more. He started to call someone well still staring at me "Hay Shou where are you at the moment" he said still staring at me.

"Oh would you mind coming to my house quickly please" I could only hear part of the conversation I was still to shocked and confused to move.

"I know you are already on your way but you have to get hear faster....... You'll see when you get hear........ Then run I don't care that your only a block away....... Yes it looks important.......... Ya ok I'm hanging up now if I die you can have my glasses..... My sunglasses are amazing!!!"

He hung up just as I started to back away. "Hay kid" I looked him up and down, he looked about two years older than me.

"Don't hay kid me you look to be only two years older than me so that makes you a kid to"

"Well your younger then me so that makes you a kid"

"No thats not how it works"

We fought like that for about one more minute before I felt something fly my way, I quickly dogged grabbed the thing that can flying at me and pulled it foreword vary harshly. I jumped away from that person and got in a fighting position.

The person got up and they looked like a mini Aizawa, Why Do They Look Like Mic And Aizawa!?!?!

"Who are you" the mini Aizawa asked, I looked back to mini Mic and he was also in a defensive pose.

Then I remembered it all came flooding back to me I was sucked through a portal well fighting a villain the woke up in an alley.

Oh my god I went back in time! With that I fell back wards on to my butt, Mic and Aizawa both came a few steps closer to me.

Aizawa was about to speak again but I interrupted him. "that asshole used his quirk on me! Well I wasn't looking" they both looked confused.

"How am I supposed to get back home now fucking bitch"

Well I was cussing up a storm the two high schoolers just looked confused. "Hay kid what are you talking about" now that got my attention.

"Oh I forgot you guys where here"

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