Chapter 25

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Izukus POV*
Eri was crying desperately trying to get her quirk to stop, Overhaul yelling at her and insulting her in the background.

I reach out to try to calm her down but pain shot through me and I quickly let go.

I was confused so I pulled up my screen and started to hack into Overhauls database.

Name: Eri

Age: 6

Date of birth: December 21

Gender: Female

High: 110cm (3'7¼")

Hair color: Pale blue-gray

Quirk: Rewind

A time quirk! If I hack my body I can make myself immune to her quirk... What will it do to my body?.. I don't care what am I thinking.

I hack into my body and started coding myself to be immune to her quirk. It sounds painful and it is.

I quickly pull her into a hug.

"No, you'll get hurt I'm a monster"

"No Eri you are not a monster Overhaul is a monster you didn't do anything wrong "

"But I hurt people"

She's now sobbing into my chest clinging on for dear life.

"You never meant to hurt anyone it's not your fault"

Her sobbing and hiccups slowed down after a bit till it was only sniffles, I looked down and saw her fast asleep, I looked up Overhaul was no were to be seen.

Eraser started to walk up to me, I had on glitter bomb left luckily in neon pink.

He was five feet away when I threw the glitter bomb at him.

"THIS IS THE THIRD SUIT YOU RUINED GLITCH You know how hard it is to burn my hero suit"

He kept rambling on about how he's going to have to burn his hero suit but his voice was slowly fading.

An irritating ringing filled my ears and my vision started to blur, suddenly a hot pain shot through my body it is one of the worst things I've ever felt.

Black dots started to fill my vision and I let the darkness consume me.

Erasers POV*
"THIS IS THE THIRD SUIT YOU RUINED GLITCH You know how hard it is to burn my hero suit it has all these materials in it that-"

I was cut off when I heard I looked up and saw glitch in front of me unconscious.

I rushed over to him and finally noticed the little girl in his arms.

'How did I not notice her before'

I picked up glitch held him in one arm and held the little girl in the other.

Mic came running over, he was covered in burses and blood and we're pretty sure he has a broken arm.

"Mic you take the little girl to Recovery Girl- don't carry her with that arm- ill take glitch it looks like both of them have a high fever"

He answered with a 'got it' and we both ran out of the room.

"Oh so glitch is still here and you're covered in glitter again"

I look up and see nezu sitting on my shoulder, his fur is all ruffled and dirty but other than that he seems fine... When did he get on my shoulder!?

"Yeah he through another glitter bomb at me before he passed out"

"Yes that does seem like glitch"

I didn't say anything in return. We reached Recovery Girl's office in two minutes.

When we entered the room we saw Recovery Girl taking care of the little girl in a separate room with one bed.

I put Glitch on an open bed and waited for Recovery Girl to come back.

The door to the separate room opened and Recovery Girl walked out.

"It seems the little girl lost control of her quirk she was able to gain control again but she has a high fever I put her in a separate room just in case she lost control again- oh great glitch is back again that boy has to be more careful or he could get himself killed one day"

Recovery Girl kept rambling to herself well she checked him over.

"Eraser dear could you please flip him over, be gentle"

I walked over and carefully flipped him onto his stomach, his back legs and arm were covered in blood.

I moved out of the way so Recovery Girl could get to work.

She ripped off the right pant leg and I saw a big stone spike in his leg, she did the same thing with his lower back and left arm.

"I'm going to need to do surgery but he has a very high fever and I don't have all the equipment her we're going to have to transfer him to a hospital he's losing blood at a rapid rate it's a surprise he's even alive"

She thought for a minute then looked at me.

"Eraser drive him to the hospital I have to stay here and watch the little girl"

I nodded without hesitation and carefully picked him up running out of the room.

When I got to the car I put him in the front set not caring I'm getting blood on everything.

I started to speed down the road stopping whenever there was a red light or a stop sign.

I was driving way over the speed limit when sirens started going off behind me.

I pulled over and rolled down my window, the cop came up to my window and before he could speak I interrupted him.

"Pro hero Eraserhead the kid here is bleeding out and has a high fever I need to get him to the hospital immediately"

I showed him my license he nodded and said he would escort me.

We drove down the road and made it to the hospital in record time.

I brought glitch into the hospital and they took him immediately, they wouldn't allow me to go in with him so I was sitting in the waiting room

~Time skip~

I've been sitting in the waiting room for six hours, at one point Mic and Hitoshi came in.

Hiroshi said he had nothing better to do so he came with.

A nurse walked into the waiting room and announced my name



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