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Evie Pov
I rolled over on the bed, woken by Corbyn who was breathing a bit heavy and was fidgety but still sound asleep.

Sitting up on the bed i placed my hand on his arm, he was sweating and i could feel fear, and regret.

He balled his fist into the sheets before dragging his hand down and his claws came out scratching the bed causing me to move back a bit.

He flipped onto his back with heavy breaths and i leaned over him, shaking his shoulders.

"Corbyn" i said not so quietly "Corbyn its just a dream, wake up, your fine."

Now i understand how my dad and brother felt, but atleast Corbyn's not screaming.

He didn't wake and shouted his name and shook his shoulders hard.

His eyes snapped open, the piercing blue glow of them surprised me as i scooted back a bit, not knowing what would happen.

He sat up straight, slowing his breathing and brought his claws back in.

"Corbyn" i softly said to get his attention.

"I-im fine" he sucked in a deep breath "just a nightmare."

"What was it about?" I scooted closer twards him.

"My first full moon..." he stared down at the blankets.

"Oh..." i sighed "but its in the past okay, and it wasn't your fault."

"But i still did it" he argued and his regretful eyes turned on me "that man is still dead because of me."

"Why is this suddenly coming back to you?" I asked.

"Yesterday, when Arias morphed, she turned into the man i killed, and it brought back all that pain from the past" Corbyn rubbed his forehead in stress.

Now i understand, why he let Arias go, how his hands shook, why he seemed to be in a slight panic.

Arias is now locked in a room in the basement, Gabbie put an enchantment on the room so she cant escape.

"Shhh, its okay" i tried to calm him, rubbing his arm.

"But its not okay" Corbyn stopped me "right before i woke up, it wasn't him i was killing...it was you."

His eyes watered slightly and my mouth gaped a bit.

"I was on top of you, and your body slashed apart as you took your final breath and i think" he paused "what if i actually hurt you one day, go out of control and try to kill you."

"You would never do that-"

"But if i did" he cut me off "if i did, you have to hurt me if you cant stop me any other way."

"Why hurt you? There are better ways arent there?" I asked.

"Pain makes us human, when i was having trouble keeping control i would actually shove my nails into my hands to hold back my urge" Corbyn explained.

"That sounds awful" i said.

"But it worked, so if i do turn and try to kill you, you have to hurt me" his voice serious.

"If i cant find any other way then, okay" i nodded my head, still not liking it.

"Good" Corbyn sighed and flopped on his back.

He opened up his arms, giving me a cute smile.

"Come here" he grinned and i giggled, snuggling into his side with his arms around me once more.

The Last Gifted//c.m.bWhere stories live. Discover now