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Evie Pov
School was finally over as i sat on the bus going home, nothing else interesting happened today thank god, i dont need any more.

The bus stopped infront of my dirt drive and i got off the bus and began walking twards the house.

Neither my dad or my brother's car's were their so i am home alone.

Its fine as long as they are back before dark, if not then i have a problem...

I unlocked the door to the house and walked in, shutting the door closed behind me and headed down the hall to my room so i could put my stuff down.

As i entered my room i set my bag down and saw a sticky note on my lamp.

Dad is swamped at work and wont be home till morning, i have the night shift at work so i will be home around the same time.

Sorry Evie, but if anything happens or you feel scared just give me a call and i will be there.


I felt my breath hitch in my throat, home alone...all night...this cant be happening.

Freya! I can call her and ask her to stay the night.

I grabbed my phone and tapped her contact and held the phone to my ear as it rung and i walked down the hall to the living room.

"Hi Evie!" Freya answered.

"Hey, i was wondering if you would like to come over and stay the night" i said hopefully.

"Uh Evie, i have a family dinner today, im getting ready now, but i can see if i can go instead" Freya said and then there was silence as i waited, impatiently tapping my nails on the screen.

If i am nervous or anxious, i tend to tap on things, thats why i keep my nails long so i am able too.

"Im sorry Evie, i cant get out of it" Freya's voice came through again and i clutched my phone in my hand a bit tighter.

"Oh, um, thats okay, go have dinner with your family" i told her.

"Why did you want me too? You sound nervous and on edge" she said.

"Its fine, dont worry about it" i said and heard Freya's moms accented voice come through the background.

"Im sorry, i have to go, i will see you tomorrow" Freya said.

I said bye and she hung up the phone as i flopped on the couch with my hands over my face.

Now more than ever, i really dont want to be alone all night, i am literally being hunted my vampire's.

I stood up and walked twards the door and headed out to the horse feild, hoping to get my mind off of it.

I opened up the wooden gate amd Athena came trotting over to me.

I per her puzzle and lead her to the barn.

Once there i grabbed the hose and began to spray her down, and started to clean all the grime from her hair.

About half an hour later i was combing her hair with a big brush when Athena let out a snort. I looked up at her.

"Whats the matter girl?" I asked her and she snorted again looking out at the feild.

I looked over and at the end of the feild behind the fence was Corbyn, he stood there watching as his hands were in his pockets.

"Corbyn?" I said, knowing he would here me and i saw him nod.

I took my hair out from the low tie i had it in to keep it from messing up, and started walking out into the feild twards him.

Since my hair isn't that long i just lazily tie it back and it looks like a bunny's tail on my head.

Once i made it across the feild i stood infront of him, each of us on the opposite side of the fence.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I came to check on you, make sure you were okay" Corbyn said as he looked down at me.

"Well im okay, im totally just fine" i said.

"Are you home alone? I dont see any car's in the driveway and cant seem to pick up another heartbeat" he said pointing at his ear.

I looked down being reminded of my situation.

"Yes, my dad and brother wont be home untill tomorrow" i told him, feeling the anxiety fill up inside of me once more.

"Why are you stressed?" Corbyn asked.

"Im not, im fine" i lied.

"First of all, you just lied, your heartbeat increased. Second of all i can smell the anxiety off of you" he said.

"I just, dont like being home alone, mostly when its dark" i said.

"Why?" Corbyn asked, a general concern in his voice.

"Because the last time i was alone in the dark i was almost killed" i told him.

"Right..." he said as he looked down "i can stay with you, if you want, that way you wouldn't be alone" he said as he met my eyes.

"Um...i dont know Corbyn..." i shook my head, the idea of him staying with me or even being near me didn't settle right with me still.

"Evie, you told me that you would trust me" he reminded me of last night.

I sighed, he hasn't hurt me yet, so mabey letting him stay wont be an awful idea.

"Fine, come on" i said and a small grin formed on Corbyn's face and he placed his hands on the wood fence and leaped over it with ease.

"So, i saw you were washing up your horse, whats its name?" Corbyn asked as he walked next to me as i was headed back to the barn.

"Her name is Athena, she's a little stinker and still acts like a tiny foal" i giggled and Corbyn smiled.

"I like that name, i have actually never rode a horse before" Corbyn said and i gasped.

"You have never rode a horse?" I said and Corbyn shook his head.

"Well you know what, your riding one today, you can get on Jaguar, he's my brother's horse" i told him.

"Sounds good" he said as we entered the barn were Athena stood a bit impatiently.

She snorted at me and i giggled and pet her muzzle.

"See, she's such a little stinker" i said and Corbyn laughed.

So, you think Evie is finally going to let Corbyn into her life or still shut him out?

Dont forget to vote!

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