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Evie Pov
So thats why i heard them whispering behind me, and they immediately looked away when i turned around. I better stay away from those girls, if they are connected with any of those boys, there trouble.

I kept my head down as i walked out of the store until i was a good distance away from them.

I looked around at all the stores, i think i should look at some clothes. The clothing departments are upstairs so i made my way twards the escalators.

I got on the moving stairs as they took me upstairs.

Once i got off i started heading twards Shop Priceless, my favorite place to shop because it has the best stuff.

I love shopping, its one of my favorite things to do.

I was looking around, grabbing a few shirts, a cute jean jacket, some shorts and a new pair of shoes.

I was carrying my stuff and saw two boys in another isle, one of them, was the boy from earlier outside and the other was the platinum blond with ocean eyes.

What the hell is going on?!

I quickened my pace twards the check out and set my stuff down infront of the man behind the counter.

He started checking things and putting them into a few bags.

I didn't see the boys anywhere but still felt that i was being watched.

"That will be seventy five dollars please" the man said.

Wow, the sale today is really paying off.

I reached into my purse and handed him my debit card and he swiped it and handed it back to me.

I grabbed the two bags of clothes and began walking back to the escalators and got on as they took me back down the stairs.

I walked along as people passed by, going in and out of stores.

The little kids in the play area the mall has, their laughter made me smile.

Gabbie and the platinum blond boy, who i assume is Lavenders dad, was their and Lavender was running around.

Gabbie then noticed me and smiled and waved, i did the same to be nice but i really want to get away right now.

The platinum blond boy sat up a bit noticing me and nodded.

I looked away and walked twards the indoor food court, i didn't have any lunch at school so all i had was breakfast today.

The smell of food hit my nose, making my stomach growl at me as i entered.

There was a pizza place, Chinese, slushies, pretzels, and a couple more.

I walked up to the pizze place, getting two slices of pepperoni pizza, then headed to get a red raspberry slushie.

Once i got my food i looked around to find a spot to sit and at the entrance of the food court, was Corbyn.

He stood their for a moment before walking twards me.

I put my head down even though i know he sees me, and i went to a booth and set my bags down next to me and my plate of pizza and slushie infront of me on the table.

I looked around to see if he followed me and i didn't see him.

I let out a deep breath and sat back in my chair.

Then, like he appeared out of thin air, Corbyn sits across from me.

"Leave me alone, and stop following me, and tell your friends to do the same" i told him.

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