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Corbyn Pov
We hadn't moved at all for the past minute or two since Evie fell unconscious in my arms, feeling the even more intense connection together after so long apart.

I held her head to my chest, running my fingers through her hair, admiring her calm sleeping face.

"You feel complete now dont you" Tate nelt down next to me along with everyone else.

"...yeah...yeah i do" i didn't once remove my eyes from Evie, placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Why did she pass out though?" Jack asked.

"She was already weak when she used what was left of her strength on Jessie, it took everything out of her" Gabbie responded.

"When will she wake up?" Zach questioned.

Gabbie sighed, "i dont know...she will at some point, but for now she needs all the rest she can get."

"So" Jonah stood "lets go home."

Gabbie put her wand up and the scenery changed and we were now at the entrance of the building.

"I need to finish this, make sure Evie and the rest of us stay safe" Gabbie stepped away and faced the building.

"INSENDIA" Gabbie motioned her hand and the entire building burst into flame.

I scooted back holding Evie bridle style, standing up and shielded Evie from the heat.

"What about the tree's!?" Daniel threw his arms out, dramatically gesturing to the woods surrounding us.

"It wont spread, the fire department will show up and deal with this" Gabbie put her wand out once more and the burning building and woods faded into our living room.

"I'll be in my room" i announced and carried Evie off, stopping and faced everyone once more.

"Thank you for helping to get her back" i smiled softly.

"You two would do the same for any of us, and we care too much about both of you" Jonah nodded.

I continued my way down to my room, opened the door and layed Evie down, sliding beside her and held her once more.

~three months later...album release day~

Today is the day, the day the album releases and i finally can hear these songs.

Yesterday, Jonah, Corbyn and i went on Omegle to find limelights and we sure found some.

The past few days the boys gave out teasers for five of the songs, For You, I'll Be Okay, Love Song and Be Myself and Stay.

I have to say im most exited for For You.

Apparently we have to be up all night for the release an interview and GMA, i dont have to stay up but i want to celebrate with the guys.

Gabbie and Tate have other things to do so its just me.

My life has gotten back to normal, well as normal as it can be when your a Gifted, and mated a werewolf pop star.

The first month after i came home was explaining everything that had been going on in my life for the past two weeks to Allen, Freya and my dad.

Also Freya's big birthday surprise was an actual freaking car, she got me a car and i love it, its a green jeep like the one i always talking about growing up.

And yesterday i got a call from the school that i have enough credits to graduate early, i haven't told Corbyn that im doing it yet, im waiting until the album releases.

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