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Evie Pov
I narrowed my eyes at Emma and her amused smirk, her eyes weren't glowing and were now a blue color and if i hadn't already seen her for who she really is i wouldn't have a clue she was a vampire.

"Hi Evie" Emma said "sorry about slamming your locker."

"What do you want?" I cut straight to it, not in the mood for her comments.

Emma laughed a bit, taking her hand from my locker to stand directly infront of me.

"Your getting awfully close with those rebels aren't you" she tilted her head.

"And what of it?" I asked.

"Well i wouldn't do that when your only going to be snatched away from each other" Emma pouted her lip "especially Corbyn."

"Well sorry to break it to you but thats not going to happen, and i dont think its wise to say any of this here" i gestured to the passing people.

"Teenagers dont care whats going on in other people's lives" Emma scoffed "they only focus on their hormones and getting in each other's pants."

"Just like your ex Jackson" she smirked and i glared.

"Let me guess, one of your spies followed me to the party and saw what happened" i said.

"We follow you everywhere Evie, we know everyone you talk to" Emma said.

"Your brother is pretty hot by the way" she leaned against my locker.

"Dont you dare touch my brother" i took a threatening step twards her.

"Oh, protective much" Emma snickered.

"He's my brother, im going go be protective" i said and she rolled her eyes.

"I have been thinking about turning Jackson to one of us" Emma changed the subject.

"He might be able to get what he wants from you then" Emma smirked, making my heart skip a beat.

Emma must have heard it as her lips twitched up more.

I dont want to continue this, i turned around and started walking away as fast as i could.

"You cant escape whats coming Evie" Emma called out "and were coming."

I practically shoved people out of the way as i came to my next class, trying to calm myself so i dont get asked questions.

~after school~
I sat on a bench infront of the school, waiting for Corbyn's car to pull up.

I texted my dad earlier, telling him that i was going to hang out with Corbyn after school.

Turns out the he wont be home till tomorrow because of work and Allen is staying at a friend's house so i have nothing to worry about.

Then Corbyn's black car came into the school parking lot.

I smiled and stood up to walk over as Corbyn pulled up next to the sidewalk infront of me.

A few people looked over at us making me slightly uncomfortable because of the extra attention.

I opened up the door and sat down, setting my backpack on the floor infront of me, but before i could close the door Freya came up.

"Wait Evie" she said "i didn't know you were leaving with him."

"Oh yeah, i forgot to tell you, see you tomorrow though."

I put my hand up for her to take and she looked at me confused.

Then she high fived me and grinned as i now gave her a confused look.

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