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Evie Pov
So my current situation is a very odd one, i came out to hang with the horses in the feild and wait for Corbyn like i told him.

But now i am laying flat on my back with Athena lying next to me with her head across my chest and Jaguar was sniffing my head as he sat behind me.

Then Mily was aslo lying nex to me on the opposite side of Athena as i scratched her side and she seemed to be enjoying it.

Freya's mom came to pick her up earlier, so its now just me, Allen, dad and the horses.

I laughed as i pet Athena and she moved her head up more when i stopped.

"Evie?" I heard Corbyn call out, of course he came when i literally cant get up.

"Uh, little help please" i laughed, knowing he would hear me.

A moment later Corbyn came walking into the field, his eyes scanned over to me and took a double take at my situation, only making my giggle fit harder.

"Hey wolf boy" i greeted him and he walked over, a grin on his face that he clearly couldn't wipe away.

"Can you give me a hand?" I giggled.

Corbyn stopped infront of me like he was still trying to assess the situation.

"I dont know how this happened" Corbyn laughed "i dont think i want to."

"Oh trust me this has happened on several occasions" i rolled my eyes playfully.

"I dont doubt it" Corbyn agreed.

"How exactly am i supposed to help?" He asked.

"Theres a bucket of apples over there" i nodded my head in the direction of the bucket "grab one and they will follow you everywhere."

Corbyn got up and grabbed an apple walking back over and holding it out.

Athena's head rose off of me as all three horses got up to walk over to Corbyn.

I sat up finally relieved of them and got up to grab two more apples for Athena and Jaguar as Mily was eating the apple Corbyn held.

"This is still so new to me" Corbyn said as he held the apple in place so Mily could eat.

Its not easy to hold the apple up because the horse will push its nose down on your hand.

"Im sure you will get yous to it" i dropped the apples i held and Corbyn copied my actions "its your world, that i still have to get yous to."

"Not an easy thing, but thats only if your on your own. Which your not" Corbyn turned twards me.

"Well its a good thing i have you around or i think i would have lost it by now" i giggled.

Corbyn smiled at me, his eyes seemed to catch on something.

"Your still wearing the necklace" he smiled "so is it working?"

"Not a nightmare since you put it on me" i told him.

"Thank god" Corbyn sighed.

"So was there any specific reason you wanted to come over today?" I picked up the bucket of apples and started walking over to the barn.

"Well yes and no" Corbyn came up next to me.

"Okay well, thats not the answer i expected" i snickered.

"Well i wanted to just hang out, but i also wanted to teach you a few things" Corbyn said as i set down the apple bucket and brushed my hands off before turning around to him.

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