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Evie Pov
After school i was taking my normal walk around the city of LA.

I admired all the tall buildings around me. I felt small compared to all of this but i love it here.

The cars passed by me as some honked at each other.

It was a hot day today, the sun rays beat down on my skin.

I would come into the city after school, i would take the bus home to put my stuff away before heading out here.

I will probably do some shopping today, i heard about some sales going on and thought i would take a look.

I have completely put Corbyn out of my mind today, i dont need him bugging my thoughts all day.

I walked down the sidewalk, passing by several different shops, people sitting at tables next to the buildings.

Everything seemed fine untill i got a feeling in the back of my mind.

You know that feeling like someone is watching you while your back is turned?

Ya, that feeling.

I looked around before i saw a boy across the rode from me watching me.

It was one of the boys from that day in the woods, who had glowing yellow eyes when i first saw him.

This was the fluffy brown haired boy, who i remember had brown eyes after they stopped glowing.

Why is he here? Why is he watching me?

A bus passed infront of me, blocking my view. Once it passed i saw the boy walking off.

I held my shoulder bag i carried tightly as i kept walking.

I continued my way before getting to the mall were i would do some shopping.

I walked in, glancing around at the designated food area and the smell hit my nose as i breathed it in.

The escalators leading up, the different lettering above different places telling you what it was.

I walked up to Claire's, i got my ears pierced their a few years ago and love the jewelry they have.

When i walked in there was nobody but the lady by the desk and two other girls.

One with long curly blond hair and carried a small girl as she looked at the jewelry.

The little girl was adorable, short brown hair and big brown eyes and a large grin plastered on her face.

The other girl next to her was also a blond but her hair was my length, just passed the shoulders and straight, unlike minde which was wavy and brown.

I walked to a shelving station behind them, one that twirls around.

It held many different earrings as i browsed upon them.

I heard whispering behind me and turned my head as the two girls looked back to the jewelry as if theu were not just looking at me.

I walked over to another twirling shelf to see what it had.

I spund it around, my eyes catching on a pair, it was a bow with an arrow through it and it immediately grabbed my attention.

I picked it off from the small piece of cardboard with the earrings in it hung.

"Why a bow and arrow?" I heard a voice from beside me and turned to see the long haird blond with the little girl standing their.

"Oh, because im in archery, top of the team, i never miss my shot" i said as i turned twards her.

"Never?" She asked.

"Nope, really anything involving aiming, its like i cant miss" i laughed.

"Now i understand, im Gabriella, but you can call me Gabbie" she said.

"Nice to meet you Gabbie, im Evie" i said and she smiled.

"And who is this?" I smiled at the little girl who looked at me with wonder in her eyes.

"This is my daughter, Lavender" Gabbie said and tickled her as the small girl let out a squeal.

"She's only a year old and is finally sleeping through the night and i can sleep" Gabbie said and i laughed.

"Im guessing moming can be a challenge, especially at your age, you look about eighteen or nineteen" i said.

"Im nineteen and yes, it is a challenge" she laughed.

"So am i, i turned nineteen this year, my last year of High school" i said.

"And congrats to that, oh and this is Tatum, but you can call her Tate" Gabbie said as the other girl turned around from her spot and smiled as she walked over.

"Hi, i heard your name was Evie, its nice to meet you" Tate smiled.

"I found the bracelet you wanted" Tate said and handed the sparkly jewelry to Gabbie as her face lit up.

"Perfect, thank you, i got distracted talking like i always do, im gonna be one of those moms" Gabbie said and i laughed.

I walked over to the counter were the lady stood and set the earrings down infront of her as Gabbie and Tate were behind me.

"That will be eleven fiftythree" she said and i pulled out my wallet and grabbed my debit cardand handed it to her.

She handed it back to me along with the earrings and i thanked her as Gabbie and Tate stepped up and i stepped out to the entrance of Claire's as i put my stuff on my purse.

I looked up to see another boy, sitting on a bench next to the indoor water fountain.

This was one of the platinum blond ones, the shorter one who has brown eyes, where asi saw the other had ocean blue eyes.

Then Jonah came walking over to him as he took his eyes away from me to speak to Jonah.

I was frozen in my place, are they following me? Why? Why cant they just leave me alone? I want nothing to do with people who can murder me at any given second.

Gabbie and Tate then walked up next to me, snapping me out of it.

"Hey, so i hope to see you later, we were going around some other stores for a bit, how about you?" Gabbie asked.

"Um, ya, i was going to check out some of the sales" i said.

"Great, hope to see you there" she said and Tate gave me a smile and they walked out of the store...straight twards the boys.

Jonah and the platinum blond smiled as the two of them walked up.

Gabbie handed Lavender to the blond as he held her in the air and Jonah and Tate kissed.

What the actual hell.

Well, now the boys are following her and she just met the girls.

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