
846 28 13

Evie Pov
We drove down the rode, Corbyn's body was still tense as he gripped the wheel, his knuckles turning white.

To be honest i dont even know what i feel right now, im angry at Jackson, and considering his track record he wont be to pleased with me and might try something again.

But if it weren't for Corbyn...i could have been raped...

Corbyn kept glancing at me as i kept my focus forward, my eyelids were heavy and my breathing was a bit slow, i cant wait for my bed, i actually feel more calm then ever right now.

Taking a deep breath i shut my eyes and simply listened to the quiet sound of the engine.

A few minutes later i felt the car crunch over the rocks of my gravel driveway, making me open my eyes once more.

The car stopped and Corbyn sighed heavily and ran a hand through his brown hair.

"I'll wait inside if you two want to talk" Freya announced softly and got out of the car, headed inside.

After a moment of silence Corbyn's eyes finally left mine.

"Im sorry about how tonight turned out, it was supposed to be fun for you" Corbyn ran his hand over his face.

"Well most of it was" i smiled lightly "like dancing with you, that was fun."

Corbyn lips twitched up a bit, thinking about it.

But he sighed once more the smile disappearing.

"Did i..." he seemed to fumble with his words "i didn't, scare you, did i?"

"No Corbyn, you didnt" i told him "you were protecting me, the only reason it go violent was because Jackson made it violent."

"Whats his problem anyway?" Corbyn asked, the slight anger he still held in his voice.

"He's just your typical fuck boy and will do anything to get what he wants from girls" i grumble.

"I thought he was dating Emily" Corbyn remembered what i had told him earlier.

"Oh and im sure he still is, but like i said, he will do anything to get what he wants" i rolled my eyes.

"But thank you for not ripping his throat out tonight" i smiled to lighten the mood "that would have been realy hard to explain."

"Yea" Corbyn laughed "i cant lie, i was about to."

"I could tell" i giggled.

Corbyn smiled and stopped as his eyes showed a look, like an ides just popped into his head.

"You know how you said you wanted to hear a song from our new album" Corbyn said and my face lit and i nodded.

"Well since this particular song is about a party, i play it for you, its called Lotus Inn" Corbyn started to grab his phone and hook it up to the radio of the car.

"Like the flower" i smiled.

"Yea" Corbyn laughed and pressed play on the song.

A few strums of a guitar were heard and Jonah sang 'yeah' before Jack started.

I started bobbing my head to the music and Corbyn was lip syncing every word and watching for my reactions.

"I never want this night to END!" Jonah sang and my smile grew.

This song is amazing, im now the first person ever to hear this song, besides the boys and music industry.

After Daniel's part was over Corbyn came in and i have to admit that for a few solid seconds i didn't realize it was him.

His voice is just so beautiful, i smiled at him as he returned it.

I started singing along to the lyrics, able to get them down know that i have heard enough of the song.

"Do it all over again
Tomorrow we can press rewind
I never want this night to end" i sang and the song ended with the same strum of chords it started with.

"Oh my god, that was amazing!" I cheered.

"I cant wait to release it, but the full album come out on January fifteenth, the limelights dont even know anything yet, so your the first" Corbyn  put his phone away.

"Well i am honored to be the first" i put my hand over my heart and Corbyn laughed.

I glanced back at the door of the house, remembering that Freya was still waiting for me.

"I better get inside now, it late" i unbuckled my seat belt.

"Yea you look tierd" Corbyn smiled.

"Can i come over tomorrow?" He asked.

"Of course, I'll be in the feild all day so just come right out" i said and Corbyn smiled and nodded.

"See you tomorrow" i got out of the car.

"You can count on it" Corbyn waved and i shut the door.

I waved as i walked back up to the door, going inside.

I shut the front door, unable to wipe my smile away.

"Did you kiss?" Freya came around the corner, and i let out a small scream.

"Jesus Freya dont scare me like that" i had my hand over my heart and Freya laughed at me.

"Well did you?" She pressed on.

"No we didn't kiss" i rolled my eyes and walked out of the kitchen twards my room with Freya hot on my heel.

"Well what were you doing that whole time? I thought you two were you know, getting in on" Freya followed me into the room.

My eyes went wide at her words and i shut my door.

"Freya! What the fuck?" I turned to her, but my face showed a mixture of surprise and humor.

"What? I thought you two were making out of something" Freya laughed.

"No" i laughed and flopped on my bed.

"We talked for minute and then he played one of his new songs for me" i told her.

"Ooo, whats it called?" Freya quickly became intrigued and sat next to me.

"Not telling, but it was amazing" i said.

"Wait, your the first to hear it arnt you!" Freya smiled.

"Yes i am" i proudly said.

"Okay but seriously, do you like him?" Freya asked, more like an interrogation than a question though.

"I told you i dont know, now let me get ready for bed" i stood up and went to put my pajamas on.

Once i was dressed, Freya was already in bed waiting for me.

I got under the covers, and shut my lamp off, closing my eyes to sleep.

"You know I'm never gonna give this up right" Freya said.

"Shut. Up" i said but she just laughed and i had to force myself to not let my laugh escape my lips.

So Corbyn showed Evie Lotus Inn, also some shit is bout to go down before her birthday that you will never see coming.

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