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Evie Pov
I shivered were i lay, i must have lost my blanket when i was sleeping. But the cold felt like ice against my skin and it was as if i was laying on cement, i dont even feel my pillow and im just using my arm for support.

I felt around for my blanket but i felt cold cement, or stone, and dirt.

Confused, i opened my eyes up and took in my surroundings as much as i could.

It was dark, but this was not my bedroom.

I was in a room, made up of stone, with a few pillars around it. There were old file boxes and some shattered glass around me.

There was an old rikedy wooden staircase at the edge of the room that lead to a large titanium door.

Where am i?

I shivered again at the freezing cold, it didn't help that i was only wearing pajama pants and a spaghetti strap crop top.

How did i get here? What is this place?

I started to feel my heart speed up, im alone, in the dark.

I tried to move and stand up but i felt something around my ankle stopping me.

I looked down and saw my ankle chained against the wall.

I tried to tug my leg away, it doing nothing. I then grabbed the chain and yanked on it, over and over.

The silence of the room overcome with the desperate rattling of the chains.

"Its no use" i heard a familiar voice say, he sounded amused by my situation.

I knew exactly who it was, Jessie.

I stopped trying to pull on the chain and looked around the room, trying to find him.

"What?" My voice shakey from the cold and fear.

My body shivering uncontrollably, if i stay here too long i could go hypothermic.

Jessie laughed, a really condescending, creepy laugh that shook my too my core.

"A small frail girl like you could never break free from those chains" i heard him say.

His voice sounded like it was all around me as i was unable to pinpoint were he was.

"Which makese wonder why you, would have the mark of the Gifted" his voice sounded around me.

"Why am i here?" I asked, unable to stop my voice from shaking in fear and the cold engulfing my body like a thick blanket.

"Because i want to know what you can really do" Jessie said and he stepped into view behind boxes and a large pillar.

"I-i cant" i barley whispered, remembering how the spell that still had a hold of me will not wear off completely untill my birthday.

"Yes you can, you did it when you were just thirteen years old" Jessie's red eyes made contact with mind "when you threw him off of you, just by hitting him."

"How do you know about that?" I asked him, i only told Corbyn.

"If you have forgotten, my spies are everywhere, we heard your conversation with Corbyn, we know the people you talk too, your family, friends" Jessie said like it was obvious.

"So i want you, to break free, show me the power you hold."

"I cant..." a tear slipped my eye, feeling my body grow weaker.

"You can and you will, and i would hurry up if i were you" Jessie half chuckled.

"Why?" I asked, worried as to why he would say i need to hurry.

"Because its getting colder Evie, have you noticed, you've stopped shivering?" He asked.

"Oooh, thats not a very good sign is it" he continued to walk around the stone room.

"Its my body...trying to conserve energy" i choked out as more tears fell, the salty tast hitting my lips.

"So you better get out Evie"

"Not if theres a chain on my leg!" I shouted at him.

He turned to me with a smirk on his face.

"Break free Evie" he told me.

"I cant, i dont know how" i cried.

Jessie then zipped twards me so he was in my face as i scooted back againt the wall.

"REALLY? YOU DONT KNOW?" Jessie's hot breath in my face as i pressed my back againts the hard, freezing stone wall.

"I dont know..." i whispered as i cried.

"Do it Evie, break free!" Jessie ordered me.

"I cant!"

"DO IT! BREAK THE CHAIN!" Jessie shouted.

"I CANT!" i screamed.

Jessie's facial expression terrified me at this point as he stood back from me.

He then reached down, ripping the chain from the stone wall and my eyes widened in shock.

He then tugged the chain and started walking and dragging me with him.

"NO WAIT! STOP!" I started screaming as he dragged me across the cold stone floor, the dirt that covered it scratching at my skin as i tried to reach for something, anything to grab and hold on to.

"JESSIE LEAVE ME ALONE! PLEASE!" I practically begged him.

I shot up from my bed as i felt arms around me.

"PLEASE!" I screamed and i scooted away before falling onto the floor.

"EVIE!" I heard Allen shout in shock.

He ran around the bed but i scooted away from him untill my back was agints the wall and i cried.

I cried louder than i have before.

I heard shuffling as my dad and Allen ran to me and i felt hands on me, and warmth that came from them.

"Oh my god Evie, your cold as ice" i heard my dad say.

I kept my eyes closed shut, i didn't want look.

"Evie shhhhh, its okay, your Alright" Allen cooed me as i sobbed.

Allen took me from the wall and held me bridle style as we all sat on the floor. My dad hugged me and Allen, the warmth of their bodies helped me from the cold i still felt.

"Evie, what did you dream about?" My dad asked me.

I shook my head and sobbed into Allen's chest.

"Whose Jessie?" Allen asked.

Once again i didn't respond, i simply cried as i tried to soke up every bit of warmth that i could.

"Evie this is getting out of hand, you have to tell us what your dreaming about, or we will have to call some sort of specialist" my dad told me as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"No...i dont want to talk about it" i whispered. The first thing i actually said since i woke up from that awful nightmare.

But my only question is, was it really a nightmare?

So that was not expected.

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