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Corbyn Pov
Jack and i stood in the elevator, not moving, just listening for Evie's voice or anything that can lead us to her.

I heard a mufled girl voice and i looked around focussing harder.

"Actually, im not sorry" she chuckled to herself and i turned to Jack who already had his focus on me.

"Seventh floor" i clicked the button and we began to move upward slowly and i became very impatient.

About fifteen long seconds later the doors opend and we stepped out carefully incase anyone was around that was a threat.

Jack and i exchanged looks, nodding and began down the hallway.

We turned the corner and down the hall were a group of werewolves and Emma standing there and they immediately stopped and turned to us as we froze.

"Run?" Jack murmured.

"Run" i confirmed and we spun on our heels, headed as fast as possible back to the elevator.

I frantically pressed the button for the elevator to open as they came around the corner.

Right as they got to us i rushed in the now open elevator, another werewolf jumping in and Jack...

Jack was thrown down the hallway as the doors closed.

"NO!" I banged on the doors as we went up to the last floor, the eighth floor.

The man inside with me cracked his knuckles from behind me and i turned around, glowing my eyes, letting out a low growl.

Bringing my claws and teeth out we both let out loud roars.

He tried to hit me but i blocked it with my own and blocked a few more, scratching his chest.

The man grabbed me and threw me upwards and i slammed against the top of the elevator, falling hard back to the ground and growled, growing frustrated.

I slashed his ankles, giving me enough time to jump to my feet and the elevator opened once more.

Just as it did the man grabbed me again and threw me out down the hall and i hit the ground hard, sliding across, groaning in pain.

I was about to stand as i felt claws slash down my back, falling back to the floor and he kicked me so i lay on my back in pain.

The man seemed proud of himself and let his guard down long enough for me to swing my leg around, tripping him so he fell hard on his face.

Standing, i grabbed the back of his hair and slammed his head against the ground twice before he stopped moving.

I didn't kill him, but hitting your head that hard will knock you out.

I heard more people from down the hallway and i am in no condition to fight all of them, i still need to heal.

And i would loose either way, there are too many of them.

Looking twards a closet door, i ran to it, getting inside and locking the door from the inside.

Listening for them coming down the hall as they came nearer, they can sense me if i dont do something.

I searched around for something to throw off my sent and my eyes cought on a gallon of gasoline, i dont understand why that would be in here but it will do.

I grabbed it and opened it up, pouring it in the ground infront of the door to cover up my sent, the oder hitting my own sensitive nose.

I heard the footsteps come nearer by the second as the scratches on my back began to heal.

And as i planned, the people walked right by and i was okay for now but Jack is alone and i dont know whats happening to him.

Evie is on his floor and she is alone too, were all on our own.

Evie Pov
I ran down another hallway, hearing commotion all around, there was growling sounds and things smashing against things.

I was about to turn the other way until i heard a familiar voice cry out.

"AH!" It was Jack, how is it Jack!?

He's in pain! I quickly ran down the hallway i heard all of the noise and saw Jack amd sveral other werewolf's and Emma.

A man punched Jack in the face were he already was pretty beat up and Jack tried to fight back but was to weakned too and it broke my hear to watch.

Then the same man stuck his claws into Jacks chest as he sat on the ground amd lifted him into the air, gasping in pain amd i covered my mouth in shock before running down twards them.

"HEY!" I shouted, getting all of their attention "LEAVE HIM ALONE!"

I threw my hand out, sending the few men infront of Jack along with Emma flying back but Jacks attacker still standing as Jack began to cough up blood.

I ran again, being tackled to the ground, my wrists held down as i picked my face up from the ground as Jack seemed to be at his last point amd tears began to fall as i lifted my hand up as much as possible.

I formed a force feild in between Jack and the man and engulfed the man in it as Jack dropped to the ground barely moving.

I threw the man all tbe way down the hall, still held down to the ground.

I focused all the energy around me to form aroud  my body as i consumed myself in light.

I released it as the two men holding me down were thrown off of me and regained my footing.

I dont know how i knew how to do that but i did and somehow it felt like second nature.

Jack coughed up more blood onto the floor and i quickly nelt to his side as he gasped in pain, his healig process not kicking in quickly enough.

"Jack, JACK, hold on okay, im gonna make this better okay" i held his face in my hand.

He looked me in the eye as if saying to let him go but also confused as to how i could help.

That look made more tears spill as his own slowly started.

Elizabeth...she gave me a healing potion, just wish for it and blow and so i did.

I blew out and a pink sparkly mist came just like Elizabeth did and a small squeeze bottle formed and i quickly grabbed it.

"Its gonna be okay Jack, okay?" I whispered and he nodded, feeling hope again as his eyes fluttered.

I dripped a couple drops onto his wounds and waited a few seconds, praying it would save him.

His wounds began to close and a smile tugged hard at my lips and Jack sucked in a deep breath.

"Thank...you..." he smiled lightly, laying on his back.

"Hey dont mention it" i held his hand tight "how are you here? Why are you alone? Where are the other's?"

"I was with Corbyn, but when we came to this floor we were ambushed and he made it to the elevator, i didn't, he's also stuck with another werewolf and everyone else is downstairs and should be coming up any minute now" Jack answered all my questions.

"Thanks for coming for me" i smiled.

"Your not just Corbyn's mate, your our friend and friends dont leave each other behind" Jack said and i helped him to his feet "lets go find Corbyn."

Joy welled up inside of me at the fact that Corbyn was here and i can see hin again as i broke into a sprint with Jack.

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This book is almost over and its crazy, the next few chapters are...

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