Chap. 14

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~Emma's P.O.V~

        I woke the next morning and the first place I had to go was the bathroom. I came back to the front lounge and Connor wasn't there. I guess he had to go and do something outside. I laid back down and minutes later Connor comes back with Riley and breakfast

. "You're already awake?" Connor asked confused.

"Of course." I replied and stretched while yawning.

"What did you boys bring this time?" Lilly said and gave Riley and kiss on the cheek.

"Just some McDonald's, we thought everyone would be awake by now."

"We'll the other two couples are still sleeping."

        Connor grabbed my hand, "You wanna take a quick stroll on the beach and watch the sunrise?"


         I replied with a smile and got my phone. We walked hand in hand once up and down the beach until sunrise. We sat on the sand and looked over the ocean and watched the sun lifting itself into the open sky. I sighed in amazement.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing, it was just nice seeing the sunrise and seeing it next to the best boyfriend in the world."

"Oh shucks.." He replied bashfully. I took a quick picture of the sunrise and one of us. He gave a kiss on my cheek and we went back to the trailer to go and eat our breakfast.

"Where have you two been?" Thomas replied while we walked in.

"Just taking a morning stroll on the beach." Connor replied and got our breakfast. We ate our real fast and I went to change into some sweatpants and a hoodie. Today is going to be a whatever type of day. I came out of the bathroom already changed and saw Connor on the little couch that had in the front lounge. I put my hair up in a ponytail once I sat down.

"What are you looking through?" I saw him flipping papers like he was reading a magazine.

"Just a magazine about women."

"Why would you read about women?"

"Because I would want to know what to buy my girlfriend for her birthday when it comes by."

         He wrapped my arm around his and I said, "You don't have to buy me anything. Well, unless if you want to go ahead. I don't really mind if you buy me anything or not."

"What do you want?" He said and faced me.

"I don't really know what I want, but I do know is I'll be spending it with my friends, family, and my Connor." I replied and gave him a kiss.

"Are you sure?"

"Why bother worry about it now? I mean you have a lot of time left."

        He shook his head, "It not a lot of time."

"Two months is a lot of time Connor." I replied and put my head on his shoulder.

"How about we forget about this and watch a movie." I nodded my head in reply and got comfortable. "Which one?" He held out Harry Potter 1-5, Star Wars, Batman, and Finding Nemo.

"Tough one." I bit my lip and scanned through them quickly. "This one." I held out Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Connor put the movie on and watched it until it ended.


        After we went outside and decided to do some shopping. I've never been shopping with a guy before. Like ever. So I didn't know what to get for Connor.

"What store do you wanna go in first?"

"This one." I pointed at the Converse show store. I needed some more converse and since Connor knows that I love my Converse then he would know which ones I wanted.

"How about these?" He asked holding a pair up.

        I have him a disgusted look, "I don't like pink." He looked around some more and held up a nice pair of blue shoes. I nodded at him giving him a thumbs up.

"I'll buy them for you."

"No, I'll buy them. I don't want you wasting your money on me."

"But that's what boyfriends are for, to waste money on their beautiful, smart, and really sweet girlfriends."

"Fine." We walked hand in hand to the cashier and he bought them for me. We walked out of the store and we saw everyone else shopping for each other.

"Let me buy you something."

"Fine." We walked in another shoe store and I bought Connor a nice pair of grey high top Converse.

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