Chap. 7

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~Emma’s P.O.V~

        I woke up thinking about yesterday. “That’s what makes you beautiful…!” I got a text from Connor: ‘Hey were hanging out at my place and I want you to come over (:’

E: You already asked me this yesterday. But play what time? 

C: Oh sorry I forgot that I did, haha :) Like around 1 or noon.

E: Okay bye :D

         I got up from my bed and took a shower.


        After, I went downstairs to eat breakfast and upstairs to change. I got into my blue skinny jeans, a white top, and black Converse, and a green sweater. I played a bit of Temple Run to kill time. It was 12:30 when I checked my phone. I went downstairs grabbed my keys and left next door. I rang the doorbell and Braiden answered.

“Hey, they’re all in the back yard.”

“Okay, thanks.” I went in, Braiden closed the door and escorted me to the backyard.

         I stood there like if there was a dead body in front of me and I had no idea how to get rid of it. I walked over to an empty chair and sat down. Minutes later, Riley pulled out a chair and sat in front of me.  He sat there just looking around, then I see Connor coming out with another girl talking. “Who’s she?” I whispered over to him.

“Just an old friend, well Connor’s old friend.”

“What’s her name?”

“Megan.” I nodded and he put his hands in front of me. I looked at him with a confused face but he just smiled. I put my hands on top of his and clapped them together. We played for a little while longer, “Can I talk to you, inside.” He nodded and got up from his seat then I did.

        We walked into their kitchen, “Do you want something to drink?”

“Water.” He filled up a glass of water and placed it in front of me.

“What did you want to talk about?” I opened my mouth but Connor and Megan interrupter and came in laughing their heads off.

“Oh hey! This is Megan. Megan, this is Emma.” I took out my hand and she shook it.

"Nice to meet you.”

“Likewise.” I replied and looked around the living room a photo caught my eye. “Is this you?”

“Yeah back in 5th grade.” Riley replied.

“You look so young.”

“Yeah, ten years ago. What did you want to talk about?”

“Oh, umm..” I saw Connor staring at me. “Outside is better, too many people.” We went outside and we talked about how they’re going on tour, then he asked me.

“Emma, will you show up, at the tour?”

         I just stood there speechless, “Are kidding me? Yes!” I gave him a huge hug and then back away before I start screaming. “Wait, are these already payed?”


“Oh My God thank you so much!” Three tickets to go on the Dangerous Tour. After a while I put the tickets in my bag. We went back inside where everyone else was, while we sat down on the couch we were still continuing the conversation we had while being outside.

         Megan looked at her watch, “I have to go.”

“Okay, bye.” She gave him a hug them gave us all a hug. Even though we didn’t know each other we still hugged. I sat on their couch with my knees up while Connor was saying good by to her at the door.

“Now what?” I ask. We all stood quiet and my phone vibrated, ‘Message from Connor’ read on the screen. 

C: Can I talk to you? 

E: I’m right here. I replied, he got the message and sat next to me.

“Can we talk about yesterday?”


“The thing I gave you was a mistake, I couldn’t hold it in I had to have someway to like let it out. And I guess I showed it a little to much.”

“No, I get it. You don’t have to apologize for that it happens and then you slip.” I completely understood on what Connor was trying to say.


        We both just sit there talking about random things. Riley sits next to me, “Hope you come to the tour.”

“Are you kidding me, I’ll die if I don’t.” I replied.

        Connor got his guitar and started strumming a few chords here and there. Riley sang some melodies while Thomas and Braiden joined. They did a few of their songs then covers that we all knew. Riley sang the first verse, I sang the chorus, and Connor sang the second verse. When it came to Connor singing my heart just exploded and his voice like whoa. It was so beautiful and I could hear it all day. I couldn’t fall to quickly, but the bad new is, I already did.

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