Chap. 11

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~Connor’s P.O.V~ 

        Seeing Emma four weeks ago made my heart flutter. I would think she would’ve forgot about the tickets and not come. Today was the last day of tour. It was sad because I wouldn’t see them unless we write songs together. At the same time I get to spend the rest of the summer writing songs, and a long break. I came out on stage and everyone started screaming. I said “Hi” to a few fans and checked if she came, nothing. I went to our dressing room and got changed for the night. All of us went to take pictures with the fans.


        We came back and it was our turn to perform, I was kind of worried because she didn’t come. We played our songs then when we came backstage, I saw her. She was wearing a jean overalls, a random band-shirt, white knitted cardigan, and black Vans. Also she had the backstage pass clipped to her belt hook. I missed her even though it’s been four weeks, wow, a month. We walked towards each other, she smiled and I saw her cheeks turning pink. She didn’t say a thing and neither did I. She looked amazing.

“I thought you weren’t going to make it.”

“Well, I wanted it to be a surprise.” She replied with a smile. We sat on the couch talking about the pranks we pulled on them and how both of us are stoked about going out. To the beach I mean. “What time are you leaving?”

“Both of my parents said we’ll be going with you guys, since it’s the last day of tour.”

“Cool. Do you want to, if your parents let you, be in the trailer when we get back home?”

“I’ll ask when we leave.” We went to sign some autograph and take pictures with the fans while Emma was at out merch table helping out.


        After everyone packed their thing, after they left Emma went to ask her parents and they said yes. We came in the trailer, Emma and I sat in the little lounge while the rest went to the back. We played thumb war, rock, paper, scissors, and a lot of hand games. Her hands were soft, cold, gentle, small, and fit between my fingers perfectly. It was 12:37 a.m and I saw her head on my shoulder, she’s asleep. I put my head on top of hers and slept until the next day.


        I woke up and we were outside of my house in the driveway. I got up trying not to wake her up, everyone was already inside. Her parents came in the trailer, “Emma, sweetie, we’re home.” “Hmmmmm…” She groaned and wiped her eyes. I helped her up and she gave me back my jacket. As she left I grabbed my suitcase and went in the house, I took a nap before doing anything else. 

~Emma’s P.O.V~

        I came in and the first thing was to take a shower. After that I changed into some comfortable clothes like sweats and a RAMONES t-shirt. Mom called down for lunch, “So how was it?” Dad asked while getting coffee for himself and Mom.

“It was great, oh, and they invited me me to go to the beach next Friday. It's a beach sleepover for the weekend. Can I go?”

“It’s fine with me.” Dad answered.

“Do you have a bikini or bathing suit? You know we can go shopping later if you want.”

“Okay.” I ate my lunch and went to my room, you know how some girls like to be organized.

        Meanwhile I was listening to Nothing Personal; All Time Low’s album. After that I went to the back yard and practiced. I missed pressing the keys and the sound each key makes. I sat there thinking about backstage with Connor and how that felt. Being alone and talking about life, like always. “Emma!” I dropped my phone on the bed and went to the window.

         I see Connor outside I opened the window, “What are you doing?!”

“Yelling your name so that I can talk to you!” He smiled.

“For what?!”

“I need to ask you something!”

“Okay I’ll be down there in a bit!” I grabbed my phone and ran down the stairs.

         I walked to the door and waited catch my breathe I opened the door slowly and I saw no one. I walked outside to see if it was a joke, and it was. I turned around and saw him. His blue eyes staring into mine and his smile that lit up mine.

“Are you ready to go beach camping?”

“Is that where you go to the beach and stay there for like three days?”

“Yeah, you wanna go?”

“I already asked so yeah.”

“What time do you wanna go?”

“Like around 4:30, for free parking.”

“Okay, see you Friday.” He gave me a hug and walked back to his house. I opened the door and screamed to the top of my lungs of excitement. I went to my room and looked in my closet. I found three pairs of shorts, my high school sweater, two pairs of sweats, my black short top Converse, leather bag, and no bathing suit. This calls for shopping, with Mom. 

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