Chap. 21

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"We missed you." My mom said and gave me a kiss on my head.

"Mom I've been here for the past hour." I said mocking her.

"And you worry us." Dad said and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"I know, it's my thing." I say proudly. I wanted to have a tumblr bedroom, like how I've seen online. I went back to my room and it was a light shade of pink. I wanted a color that represented me. I texted Connor to see what he'd say.
E: Hey babe, I want to repaint my room but idk what color to use. Can you help me? 

C: Yeah what color is it now?

E: A light pink :p

C: 'What colors do you like? 

E: Teal, or any shade of blue. 

C: Maybe a light blue like my eyes ;) 

E: Sky blue? 

C: With clouds (: 

E: How about a not light or not dark teal..

C: We can go tomorrow & buy it

E: Let me ask my parents. I'll txt you back babe ;* 

C: Ok then ;) 

        I went to ask my parents and they said yes so I texted back Connor that we'll meet each other outside at noon. That night I got my rest and dreamed.


        Today I woke up in a great mood and started off with a shower. Its a Saturday and I usually sleepy in but today I have to change my room with my boyfriend Connor. I got skinny jeans, a tye dye shirt I did while they were on tour, and my blue vans that had 'Connor', 'I love you', and '6•15•12 <3' written all over them. Those are my go to shoes, I take them everywhere. I ate a short breakfast and went back upstairs to brush my teeth and gather my things.


        I went out the door an locked it behind me. I turn around and see Connor with one of his hands in his pockets and a tray with Starbucks in the other. That boy could never get enough of that stuff. Like always I got a latte and he got a mocha. We waited to the bus stop and got dropped off in front of an art store. Today they were doing pottery and we stayed for a while and bought the paint afterwards. We stopped by IN-N-Out we bought ourselves a burger and shared a soda. We came back I. The bus had arrived like around 3 in the afternoon.

"Thanks for coming with me today." I said while Connor and I were siting on my porch.

"No problem babe, I'll be there when you need me." I put my head on his shoulder and tucked my hand in his pocket of his jacket. Connor sang me a song and before he left gave me a kiss and I went inside. I put the paint, brushes, and other utensils to help me paint my room on the floor. I changed into my pajamas and would have a fresh start tomorrow.


         I woke up bright and early to cover everything in plastic and have it away from the walls. I also had to cover the floor in plastic and butcher paper so that I wouldn't make any stains. I called Connor over to help me so that it would be quicker. In a 1, 2, 3 he was already over here. We grabbed paint brushes and started from the top to the bottom. We jammed to their EP and got the walls faster than I thought. We didn't do the ceiling or the door because I wanted it to be white but we did touch it up with some white that I bought separately. After that we took a break and went down to the kitchen.

"Look at you all covered in paint!"

"Oh yeah Mom, we're painting my room."

"Oh I see." she replied giving me that look. "You guys want to eat something?" "Sure Mom, but we'll eat outside." I say and take Connor's hand and led him outside. Sammy, my Siberian husky, came over to us while we sat by the tree.

"Remember Homecoming?" Connor said and patted my knee.

"Yeah. It was the most romantic thing that you ever did."


        It was the end of lunch and I was going to French class. Connor took my hand and begged me to come with him. I didn't hesitate and texted Kylee that I wasn't going to be in class. Connor took me outside and lead me to the school's garden.

"Connor why are we ditching class?" I asked confused.

"We aren't." he smiles at me.

"Then what's the rush? Why are we in the school's garden?" He told me stand right by the roses, and left running off. I wasn't sure if he was going to come back, but he did like always. He brought along Riley, Toby, Thomas, Kylee, Julia and Lily rolling on blackboards forming a line.

"Babe, it's coming soon and I wanted to ask you," He looked at them and they each flipped over a board. Saying in huge letters, 'EMMA, WILL YOU GO TO HOMECOMING WITH ME?'. At the end it showed a little doodle of Connor with a bouquet flowers. I covered my mouth going speechless.

         I nodded crying my eyes out, no one has ever done anything like this. Connor came running to me and gave me a kiss. I noticed that everyone was outside but that didn't all matter. What truly mattered was that Connor is so romantic and doing this stuff. He gave me a hug and everyone cheered and clapped at this.

"Thank you so much babe." I said and took a picture of the sign with Connor in it.

"I forgot something." Riley gave him flowers to give them to me.

"I wouldn't be more honored to go with anyone else but besides you."

"I didn't even know about Homecoming until right now." I said still trying to get things together.

"I'm glad." he said and kissed me one more time until we came back to class.

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