Chap. 3

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~Emma’s P.O.V~

        I woke up and stayed in bed until 10a.m. I was playing Fruit Ninja, Angry Birds, and Temple Run to keep me awake and not bored. I then checked my Twitter, ‘Connor started following you’ also Instagram. It looked weird because he lives right next door. I tweeted for half an hour then went downstairs to make myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Yum. 

        I came downstairs with capri jeans, and an oversized grey t-shirt. The cool breeze hitting my face and blowing my hair felt refreshing.

"Emma, darling it’s for you!” My Mom yelled from inside. I stoop up and walked my way to the front door. I saw Connor, right in front if me. “I’ll leave you two alone.”

“Thanks Mom.” I said and smiled back to her. “What are you doing here?” I asked wanting to know.

“I was wondering if you wanted to take a walk around the neighborhood. But hey, it’s fine if you don’t want to.” He started walking down the stairs, I thought about it for a minute. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to walk around for a few hours.

“Wait. Sure, I’ll go let me just get my bag and shoes.” I ran upstairs and grabbed my bag from my bed and my white Converse. I ran back downstairs to the door. “Mom I’ll be back soon!”

“Okay, be careful.” I got my keys from the hook and locked the door behind me.

         It was an awkward walk until we started talking and got to know each other more.

“What's your favorite fast-food restaurant?”

“In-N-Out.” I replied.


        We asked each other the simple questions, then we stopped at a bench in the park. “What do you want to do now.” He asked while his arm behind me. I crossed my leg and put my my head down. “You okay.” He asked rubbing my back. That felt good, not that way.

        His phone rang, “Go ahead.” I said and picked up my head and fixed my hair. He got up from the bench and walked to the tree that was next to us. He talked on the phone for about 5 more minutes. Connor sat on the bench next to me upset, “What happened?”

“Our manager wants us at a meeting tomorrow. I hope it’s nothing bad.”

“Well, hopefully there’s nothing bad.” I replied.

        An awkward silence was between us, “You wanna play hide and seek?” He looked at me with a surpised face expresion.


“Okay you count while I hide.”

“Okay. 1, 2, 3, 4…” I went to hide behind the kid’s playing area.

        He stopped counting, I looked to see where I would to get to the base. I crept slowly for my way out and ran to the base. He saw me and ran back to me, I ran away but I felt a pair of arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me down to the ground. I started to laugh so much when I got to the ground.

“You okay?” He asked smiling down at me.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I replied giggling. I looked up and saw these pair of ocen blue eyes smiling down at me. As I looked around to see if anybody saw us he got off of me and layed on his own back. 

        He smiled then looked at my direction again. I felt kind of awkward because I’ve never been so close to a guys. I mean, being comfortable to talk to himand tell him things about me that I haven’t told anyone. I can trust him.

“I think we should get back.” He nodded and got up. Then he extended his arms in front of me, I got a hold of his hands. They were soft, he lifted me up and I stared into his eyes again. We came to my place, I slightly opened the doorand turned back to him. “Thanks for today.” I told him with a gentle smile on my face.

“Anytime, I’m just next door.” He replied back with a smile.

         Mom swung the door open, “Emma it’s alomst time for dinner.”

“Okay Mom, I’ll be there.” She looked at me with that look and walked inside.

         I turned around and he wasn’t there anymore, then I saw him walking inside of his house. And I walked inside of mine. I went upstairs to change into my pajamas and came downstairs for dinner. I overheard my Mom ad Dad talking, “I think she has got along with them.” I see Dad reading his book and whispering to Mom.

“Yeah, I think so too. She was with one of them this afternoon.” She whispers back. I slowly walk towards them and all of a sudden they stood quiet.

“Your mother told me you met them. Them meaning the neighbors.”

“Yeah, we went to the park, played tag, talked and walked like human beings.”

“Making sure.”

“We just don’t want you to fall to early.”

        I knew exactly what they were talking about. Having a boyfriend is babsically prohibited until they know him, who he is and that he loves me more than anything. Well, as his girfriend. “Can we not talk about this.” I said in a whiney tone.

“Okay, just letting you know.” Dad replied. I ate my dinner and went upstairs to brush my teeth. While brushing my teeth I was thinking about my day with Connor. It was really awkward, I wouldn’t imagine on how polite, good posture, his voice, laugh, smile, eyes, hair, hands.. I spit the toothpaste  out and washed my mouth. I put my toothbrush back and got ready for bed. Maybe he’s not as bad as I thought he was. 

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