Chap. 13

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~Emma's P.O.V~

        I woke up thinking aout last night. Today we got to the beach and I can't wait to spend the day with Connor. I got up anf started to dress into my bikini. After that I put on my shirts, and a white v-neck. I rechecked my duffle bag. Jeans, shoes, socks, camera, lotion, towel, extra t-shirts, sweats, sweaters, sandals, book, keys, two watterbottles, wallet,  bag, and phone. I made sure I had everything then I started to get the waterbottles from the regfrigerator. I go to my room and my phone started to vibrate on my thigh.

It was Connor, "Hey babe, are you ready yet?"

"Yeah almost, just need to get this downstairs without making a single noise."

"Ok then I'll pick you up right now."

"Ok bye." I hung up with Connor and that was the first time he called me "babe".

         I had a huge smile on my face when I hung up. I picked up my bag and started to go to the door. I heard the door and I walked to it, opening up to Connor's face.

"You ready?"

"Yeah.." I locked the door behind me and he took my bag to the trailer and put it in the back lounge. I got into his trailer and he drove all of us to the beach.


        He got into the parking lot and I stayed in the car to breathe into the fresh salt water air. Connor took my hand and stared into my eyes. "Wanna take a walk?"

"Yeah, I need to stretch my legs." He and I got out of the car and I grabbed my dufflebag. We walked up and down the beach seviral times, then I went to get my duffle bag and we sat on the beach.

"What do you wanna do now?" he asked while he was getting up.

"What else do we need to do?" Connor smiled at me and I got up. He carried me bride style and ran to the ocean. Then he threw me in after. I popped my head out of the water and I saw everywhere arond me then I felt something on my legs.

         Then Connor's head pops out, "Not funny babe, I thought I was gonna die!"

"Sorry, I had to do something babe." I realized we were still in our clothes but whatever.

        Connor leaned in for a kiss and then we went under water and saw so many things. The fish swimming near by, the different sea plants and all. We rised up and Connor carried me back to the shore where the towels were already layed on the sand.

"That was fun." He said while drying himself.

"Fun, we still have our clothes on." I replied while drying myself with his towel. Then he pulled me close and gave me a surprise kiss.

"You'll have a lot of these in the future."

I smiled, "I'mma go change into propper clothing."

"Ok then." I walked my way to the restrooms and saw Lilly waiting in line.

"Hey!" I walked up to her.

"Hi! Oh. My. God. You're all wet, what did you and Connor just do?" She asked while nodging my shoulder.

"Nothing bad, just went in the water but I came to change."

"Seems like you guys were having a good time."

"We were.." I replied.

We each went into different stalls and I changed into my bikini with a white v-neck over it and sandals. I walked out of the stall and headed my way over to where Connor and I were laying down. I didn't find him anywhere until I felt someone carrying me bride style again and threw me into the ocean. The minute I jumped in the water I swam right up, and looked.

"I bet I scared ya?" Connor said and I turned around to see him.

"Yes you did sir, you gave me a heart attack when you threw me in." I replied breathless.

"Well aren't I full of surprises."

"I hope you don't have anymore.."

"Don't worry just a few more up my sleeve."

         I smiled at him give him that look. We spent at least another hour more in the open sea then went back to shore. When we came out we were a bit wrinkly but that didn't stop us from pushing eachother back and forth. I got my towel and duffle bag. I started making my way to the shower with Connor behind me at some point. I took my "shower" and I went to the girls bathroom to change into some sweatpants and a hoodie. When I came out I saw them making a small fire by the trailer. I walked over and placed my dufflebag back in the trailer and sat on a towel next to Connor. He gave me a blanket and wrapped it around me while everyone else was talking about the past.

"Haha, remember when Emma and your parents came for dinner the first time." Riley said.

"Yeah, I was so nervous that day that I wanted to leave so bad because I wasn't used to the whole moving thing until like the next day. When I started to unpack and I felt much better while playing my piano in the backyard. And that same day was when I talk to you guys for the first because of your spying skills."

"And that same day I fell in love with the most beautiful, smart, and unbelievable girl." Connor said and gave me a big wet kiss on my cheek and I put my head on his shoulder.

"You guys are just the cutest couple ever, siriesly you guys are." Lilly said while holding onto Riley and swaying back and forth.


        Eveyone was sharing their story on how they met. Connor and I were there just playing with each other's hands and playfuly kissing each other. After story time we put out the fire and went to bed. Wonder how we're all gonna fit, but we each slept with our bandmates. Connor and I kept the front lounge and let everyone else sleep in their bunks. I felt his strong arms around me, I knew I'll always feel protected when we sleep together. I played with his fingers and drifted off to sleep. 

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