Chap. 26

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~Emma's POV~

A couple weeks later.

        Days went by that turned in a week, and that week was prom. Since Connor and I have been together again for almost a month he decided to ask me out to prom. So he placed clues all around the school that lead to the auditorium. There had the last clue, which was him. He stud there holding a mini poster that read, P R O M ? I covered my mouth and nodded yes. Connor came closer and gave me roses and a kiss. I hugged him and thanked him for taking me instead of Sindy.


        So another month went by and then came along graduation. It was sad to leave everyone behind except Connor, but hey I'm done with school. No more formulas, or expressions to memorize and now I can do what I want to do. So I got dressed in a blue dress with black lace and black wedges. I curled my tips and walked my way to the car in my gown. When I got there the first person I see is Briana. Then Kylee, Lily an everyone started to gather around for a group hug. I didn't find Connor but I saw him talking to his folks and I went over to say hi.

"Congrats Emma."

"Aw, thanks Mrs. McDonough." I gave her a hug and our parents had a good chat before the ceremony. Connor and I took selfies with whatever technology we had in our hands. They called the graduates to put in alphabetical order. Our parents went in first and I looked back at Connor and he gave me a wink.

        The speeches were an hour long and then comes the good part. Principal McGee stands at the podium and announces, "The senior class, can you turn your tassel from the right to the left. Now everyone I congratulate the graduating class of Florida High School of 2013." Everyone clapped and cheered. The graduating class took off their caps and threw them to the air, I had the chance to catch mine back.

        We left the auditorium the way we came back in. I came walking outside and I had graduated high school! I found Kylee, Julia, Lily, running towards me and we gave each other a group hug. The boys came after us and gave us another group hug. I went around taking pictures with everyone else and my parents gave me balloons and a teddy bear. It had a sweater on it saying, CONGRATS. I gave a hug and huge kiss to Connor and when all the students left with their parents Connor and I walked around and went to the car.

         He gave me his suit jacket because my mom didn't want me to get my gown dirty. Connor wrapped his hands around my waist and I loosely put my hands sound his neck and he swayed me back and forth. He asked, "Do you want to go back home and celebrate or just knock out on your bed that so comfortable."

         I smiled, "Both." He smiled and drove us home. We celebrated until like two in the morning and I knocked out in my own bed.


        The next morning I took a shower to start the day. I went downstairs and didn't find mom and dad just a big box. It had a note that said:

'Morning sweetie. Your dad and I decided to go on a road trip to Las Vegas. We bought you a couple of things that we forgot to give you yesterday. Hope you like them. -Lots of love, Mom & Dad
P.S: no parties or else.'

        I opened the box and it was an apple macbook air laptop, a wall charger for my phone, headphones, books, and lots of school supplies. I got my old white laptop and put what I had there in my new laptop and changed a couple of things. Then I put the books in my library in my room and charged my phone in the kitchen. I stayed in the living room for a while then started to think about getting a job. I tried Forever 21 but they had enough, then I tried Hollister and they said not now. So then I looked on Hot Topic's website and saw that needed employees. I filled out an application online and had to wait a week for a response.

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