Chap. 24

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~Emma's POV~

        Tuesday passed and I didn't see Connor. Wednesday passed and again no Connor. Thursday got here and I came in Homeroom and saw Connor sitting all the way in the back where we usually sit. He didn't text, call, or even emailed me during this past week. Maybe he did break up with me and everyone else knew about it except me.

        When lunch came along I sat with the group and I saw Connor from across the field with that girl. When he came to sit with us, I said goodbye to everyone and didn't say a word to Connor. We have every class together now that they changed his schedule. I went to fifth period and sat in the middle row. Connor sat in the same row but all the way by the windows. After school I went to my locker and I felt that his eyes were on me. He came closer to what I saw from the corner of my eye.

"Hey can I talk with you?"

"About what? About how you broke up with me and you don't even tell me? How you call me and tell me all these sweet things and then two weeks later you're not interested in me? Giving someone your phone number and having her kiss your cheek? What are we gonna talk about because obviously you don't seem like someone who wants to talk these days?"

"Who said I needed your permission to give someone my phone number?" He snapped back and I gasped a little.

         I said surprised, "My mom was right. We do need a break."

"She's right, maybe we do."

"Fine." I closed my locker, walked away and went home by myself with the cold wind refreshing my face. I got home and locked myself in my room and let no one in.

        It was over. Connor and I are over. I sighed to see who was still awake. I turned on my lamp and started to sketch a couple drawings. I fell asleep during the middle of one. The next morning I was on my bed and the lamp was turned off. I got up and it was 11:45 am, I didn't feel like going to school. After this? No. I got up and walked down to the kitchen.

"Hey there Junebug, how was school?"

"I don't wanna talk about it." I said while looking at the glass of water my dad gave me.

"It happened huh? Don't worry your mother told me everything." I sighed and felt like crying.

"Oh dad, I feel horrible."

"Don't feel horrible, you did nothing wrong. Plus let me take you out today and we'll have some father daughter time. What do you say?"

"Sure dad and I'll spill the beans once I get changed." He kissed my head and I went upstairs to change. Sammy followed me and laid on my bed. I got jeans, a grey sweater, and tied up on my white Mr.Martins. I got my phone and chap stick and met downstairs with my dad. Sammy came along as well and we walked him around the park and I explained my dad everything that happened between Connor and I.

"So that's the whole story. Okay I thought it would be longer but you two have been together since last summer."

"Yes dad last summer when I went beach camping."

"So your mom told you that you would have to get more socialized and how are your grades. Good?"

"Yeup I have straight A's."

"It's good that he's not interfering with your studies. But next I see him I'll give him a piece of my mind."

"No you won't Dad. Maybe this was all a misunderstanding and it led to the wrong direction."

"You could be right but how could he break up with you like that. I mean I would never do that. Maybe you should talk to his brothers maybe they know something."

"Maybe I should. Thanks Dad." I gave him a hug and we got groceries before heading back home.


        I called Riley and asked him if anything was going wrong with Connor.

R: "Um no, right now he's hanging out with some girl and I though it was you but she sounds more girly."

E: "How does she look like?" 

R: "Skinny, light bright hair, freckles, green-hazel eyes and really active."

E: "Did you catch her name?"

R: "I think it's Sindy, with an S."

E: "Would it be weird if I came over?"

R: "No, maybe for you but it's fine you know. We could go to the backyard and jam to a couple of songs. I'll bring my guitar."

E: "Ok cool, that'd be great. I'll come over after lunch."

R: "Alrighty then bye."

E: "Bye."

        I hung up with Riley and went downstairs to eat lunch.

"So what happened?" Dad asked.

"Um he's meeting someone right now but after lunch I'm heading over to their house and meet with Riley and Toby."

"Hope he doesn't cause any trouble while you're there."

"Don't worry Dad I don't think he'll even notice me." I ate my lunch and grabbed my phone that I left upstairs. "See you later dad, and say hi to mom for me."

"I will." I locked the door and rang their door bell. Connor answered. "Hey is Riley home?"

"Um, yeah. Riley!" He yelled and went back upstairs.

"Oh hey the stuffs ready in the backyard."

"Okay then cool." We got there and Toby gave me hug after a long time not seeing each other. They both had guitars and started to strum some melodies. I sang along to each song not knowing where it'll take me next. After two hours of singing random songs it was time for me to leave.

"Ok so I'll see you guys Monday."

"Yeah it was fun singing with you." Toby said and gave me a hug.

        I whispered over to them, "Make sure you keep me updated on them."

"Definitely." Riley said and gave me hug. I waved bye and left back home.

         I came to my room where Sammy was sleeping like an angle. The only thing that reminded me of Connor from Sammy was his eyes. They both have the same eyes. I slept not knowing what will happen to me tomorrow. 

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