Chap. 20

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~Emma's POV~

        After that night I would stay often at the McDonough's house than my own. All because of one boy, Connor. He is everything to me, and I thank him for being such a sweet guy around me and not change when he's with someone else. It was New Years Eve and we spent it in their backyard. We saw the countdowns on television while Ryan Seacrest was hosting the show.

        Connor pulled me to the front porch and said, "I wanted this year to mean everything to you. I hope it did and hope that next year will be better for both of us. I want you to treasure this moment deep down in your memories and never forget it. I love you Emma, and I hope that this night doesn't changed what has happened between us. I love you and I hope you love me and I want the best for you this upcoming year." With those words of kindness, I couldn't speak a word oh of my mouth.

        Everyone was already counting down, "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Right at the moment Connor pulled me into a kiss like no other. And I did treasure this moment it will be forever in history.

"Babe, this year will better than the last and we will always be together. No matter what happens, and no matter where you are I will be there. I love you to the moon and back."

         After a few more hours I grew sleepy so Connor took me up to his bedroom. His bedroom looked like what I imagined. Blue walls, Christmas lights, and a framed photo of Taylor Swift on a Rolling Stones magazine cover. He gave me boxers and a t-shirt to sleep in. "I'll be back, let me tell our moms that you're up here." he gave me a kiss on my forehead before he left. I slept before he came back and I felt someone get into bed. It was just Connor.


        The next morning I woke up and Connor was on the couch watching me sleep.

"Morning babe, sleep well?" he came over and kissed my forehead. I nodded for an answer. "I'll tell my mom that you're up." He gave me back my clothes from last night. "You could change in the bathroom." he suggested before leaving. I go in there and change, also doing my hair in a ponytail. I heard a knock, "My mom said if you want to join us for brunch."

"Sure." We walked down to the kitchen. "Morning Mrs. McDonough." I say welcoming.

"Good morning hun, I suggested you slept well."

"Yes I did. I hope I'm not a bother this morning."

"Oh no, actually Connor couldn't stop yapping about you since this morning."

        I looked at Connor who had red cheeks already. "I'm pretty sure he was." I say and ate. After I ate I texted my Mom that I would be home soon. "Well sorry to leave so soon my Mom must be worried about me."

"Oh it's fine dear, hope you enjoyed your stay as much as Connor did." she gave me and him that smile.

        I went back home and went to my room and took a shower. After I came downstairs and found my parents in the kitchen unpacking what they bought. 

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