Chap. 15

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~Emma's P.O.V~

        After shopping for each other and going back to the trailer and dropped off our bags we decided to go and get something to eat. Since both of us have the same favourite fast food restaurant we decided to go to In-N-Out. Connor ordered for both of us and I got us a table.

"How do you like today so far?"

"It was great and spent it with the person I love." I saw his cheeks get to a rosy red.

"It sucks that we leave tomorrow in the afternoon." I said sadly and dipped my finger in the cup of ketchup.

"Yeah, I know. But don't worry, we'll make the best of it." Connor said and held onto my hands from across the table.

"Order number 84!" The man from the intercom said.

"I'll be back." Connor got up from the seat in front of me and got our order. We ate our lunch and spent another hour talking about random things that popped into our conversation.

"Remember when you came over and you looked up from your plate and I was already staring at you." I smiled at myself looking down.

"Yeah. I knew that when I would look up, one of you would be staring at me."

"But then the day after we met again and that's when I kind of stalked you on the web."


"I wanted to know who you were and where you came from. And what other accounts you had besides Twitter."

"I've never met somebody that was so in love and he would basically search her whole history so that he could know more about her and what music she likes and everything."

"Now you have."

"Now I have." I smiled again and this time I looked into Connor's clear ocean blue eyes.

"I think the others are waiting for us to get back to the trailer."

"Yeah I think so to." We went walking back to the trailer and everyone was around a bomb fire like last night.

"Time to tell the story on how we all met each other, as a couple." Brianna said and hugged Braiden.

"I'll start." Riley said and cleared his throat. "How I met Lilly was during school. We had most of our classes together for Freshman year and by the end of that year I decided to have the guts and talk to her and walk her to every class we had and if not to the others that she had without me. By I think it was the first week of summer and I saw a familiar face walking around the neighborhood and I scream out, "Lilly!" She turned around surprised and from that moment on we've been together and together we will always be." Riley told his story and wrapped his arm around Lilly and kissed her on the head. They are a cute couple.

"Our turn." Thomas said and looked over at Kylee. "When I met Kylee it was during spring time and that's when I had my first job. I would see her everyday, and I fell in love. So I talked to her and took her out for our first date. We held hands and would everything. Then came the end of the day where it was nightfall and I just pulled her close and gave her a goodnight kiss. We've been inseparable ever since." Everyone awed, that was a cute story.

"Well you can't wait to see on how I met Brianna." Braiden teased. "I met her at one of our last concerts from our first headlining tour. I'd keep an eye on her from stage and when we were done with the show I would introduce myself and she fangirled a bit. I didn't care. We took pictures and talked for a long time. I showed her one of my special magic tricks and I gave her my number. We've talked so much and when we met up for our fist date was at the park. There I showed her all of my magic tricks and gave her kisses and so on." He hugged Brianna and gave her more kisses.

"Cant wait what Connor has to say." Kylee said.

"Tell us your story." Riley begged.

        I looked up at Connor, "Ok ok settle down. Story time with Connor." He joked in a weather man voice.

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