Chap. 16

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~Emma's POV~

"So I was by my window upstairs in my room and hear a moving truck right outside. I see a Mom, Dad, and a teenage girl around my age. I asked my mom if we could invite the new neighbors over for dinner. So she sure and we asked and they finally came over. The first time I locked eyes with a beautiful girl and also smiled at me. I didn't know of she was checking me out or she did it just to be nice. So we sat down for dinner and I would stare at her once in a while and since she sat in front of me it was even better. When she looked up and our eyes met I could have never wished for better neighbors."

Everyone awed.

"I'm not done yet, hold up there's still more." Connor said and had his hands up. "So the next day I heard someone playing piano and singing a song. Her voice was so angelic and I could listen to it everyday. I stayed there next to the fence and sat listening to her. When she came outside we were having band practice and she came over to introduce herself while she was still in her pajamas. She is the only girl I can fall for." Connor ended his story and kissed me on the lips. I felt everyone staring at us like we were zoo animals. We pulled away and I wrapped my arm around his and put my head on his shoulder.

"That was beautiful." Lilly said sighing.

"How did you too first kiss?" Kylee asked excitedly.

"Let me tell this one." I replied. "It was a regular day and I was outside reading an old book I had from my collection. I see Connor coming over and said hi. Then he asked if I'll go to their band practice the next day. I said sure but only if he helped me finish a song I was trying to play. We went to the backyard and I played him the first part of the song. Good thing he knew what song it was or else I would've been lost. So after we had an awkward silence then his fingers touched my chin and I lifted it up. We met eye to eye and his lips landed on mine like that." I bit down my lip and sighed.

"And that's how it was folks!" Connor said in a weatherman voice. I laughed at him. He grabbed my hand and held it with mine.

"Awe, boo. I wanted hear more about you two." Lily said.

"What more is there to tell?" Connor looked at me then back at them

. "What are you planning to do after high school Emma?" Braiden asked.

"I don't know, maybe get a degree on music and sketching." I forgot that this year is my last year of high school, and I'm graduating. Hopefully. But what will I do after graduation? I started to doze off into the fire and I heard Connor calling my name.

"Emma. Emma. Emma, what's wrong?"

"W-What? Sorry, started to think about Braiden's question." I rubbed my eyes and laid my head against shoulder.

"Looks like someone's tired. Do you want to go inside?" I nodded in reply and he took me inside. I laid on the couch and Connor was sitting by my legs and running his hand through my tangled hair. He stroked my face a few times with his cold fingers. "What's wrong babe?"

"What am I going to do after high school?"

"Well, you do love playing piano and sing. Why not just focus on that?"

"Because, I want to do something else than just piano and sing. Maybe find another hobby that I can get into."

"Like what?"

"Like.." My mind went blank, I couldn't think of another subject that I might be interested in. "Well there's always.." Still nothing.

"Think about it and tell me in the morning." Connor said and went to the other side and slept on that couch. Why am I stressing over on something that I can always change my mind on later? I thought to myself then looked at Connor. Sleeping like a baby.

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