Chap. 27

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~Emma's POV~

        A week went by and I saw the mailman come and I went outside to fetch the mail. There was a letter from Hot Topic. I went inside to open it and my stomach was filled with butterflies, I got an interview! I had it tomorrow at noon. By seven it was already getting dark so I took a shower and watched some tv. I slept in excitement of the job.


        I woke up and straightened my hair and put on some dark jeans and a All Time Low t-shirt. I got my bag, keys, and phone then drove off to the interview. I love Hot Topic, its so surreal that I get to work at the place I've always shopped when I was a teen. I did some shopping after and then came home for lunch. When I came back the front porch was covered in post-it notes. I read every single one picked them off. When I came to the last one it read:

'I love you so so much even all these post its can't describe it. -Connor'

"Hey." I turned back and Connor was there. In his leather jacket, black high tops, and his hands in his pants pockets.

"Hi." I walked towards him with the stack of post-its.

"I hope you didn't mind about-" he said referring to the post-it notes.

"Oh no it's fine, I mean I wasn't expecting them to be there when I got back."

"That's good." He got one of my hands and stepped a tad bit closer to me. He put a hand on my cheek and the other through my hair. We leaned closer and I put my hand in the back of his head, touching his hair. We kissed like if it were are last and it lasted for quite a while. I lead him inside and we watched movies like how we use to.

"Guess what."

"What, what's up?"

"I got a job at Hot Topic!"

"Cool, when do you start?"


"Congrats babe." He gave me a hug and while the movie was playing I fell asleep on is shoulders and dreamt.


        Connor got up earlier than me and he wasn't there when I woke up. I went up to shower and change for my job. It feels great to say the word job as if I actually have a life now. I went downstairs to open the door and it was Connor with his Starbucks. He got me an ice coffee and a chocolate chip cookie. I went back upstairs to get my phone and bag. I got my keys and Connor left to his house.

        I drove to work and they were getting all the stores open. I love Hot Topic. I have a bunch of shirts, jeans, stuffed animals, and accessories from them. The shirts especially. Coming here since I was a teen and actually working where I would shop it's so surreal. I started first as an organizer. Put the right sizes in right places or match all the accessories to where they belong. It was a first rough couple of weeks then I got the hang of it like that. After being an organizer for a month and a half they now put me as a cashier. I had to learn how to work the register and what buttons to press and so on. Also welcoming customers as they walked passed the open glass doors. It was hard for a couple of days but I got the hang of it also.

         After working for two and a half months I saved $18,000 in my bank savings. Now I have money to go to college or buy me some new clothing or whatever. But first I need to pay back my parents for what they've done for me. I gave them $3,000 for everything and $1,000 to a hospital where they have cancer patients. Before You Exit and I visit whenever we have time to and give them a little performance. They sign autographs and take pictures, it's amazing. Now that leaves me with $14,000. I went out shopping in the downtown of Florida. I don't go too crazy when I shop but when I need it, I go crazy.

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