Chap. 25

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~Emma's POV~

        Saturday morning came and I woke up to see Sammy right over my feet. I got up from bed and went to the bathroom. I took a shower and put on a Florida college sweater and some jeans. I slipped on my grey Vans and once my hair was dry, I put it up in a messy bun. I started on a new book called The Summer of Firsts and Lasts by Terra Elan McVoy. It was about three sisters that have a life changing summer at a camp. This book gave me a lot to think about and I finished it in one day. I was outside and almost done reading the last chapter. I saw Sindy coming over to this street but she walked towards Connor's house. I saw him open the door for her and let her walk in.

        After I finished the book I went back to my room and went on my laptop. I created a YouTube channel because I desperately wanted to become famous but that didn't happen. I did make vlogs but not as much. I posted a couple of videos of Connor and I and decided to watch them. I clicked on one and it was when they came over and sang to me for my birthday.

"Okay everyone one, two, three." Connor signaled them to sing. "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Emma. Happy birthday to you." And at the end Connor sang a note that kept me speechless. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and they wanted me to bite the cake. I didn't want to so I grabbed frosting and put it on Connors face. He looked surprised and did the same with me. We kissed and that's where the video ended. I kept clicking on more of me and Connor and started to cry. I had a bucket of Halloween candy and started to eat that. I ate and cried my feelings for Connor. I missed him so much but obviously he moved on. What did I do wrong so that Connor could break up with me? I don't remember doing anything wrong. Maybe when I kept calling him over, he got annoyed. I called Riley.

R: "Hey what's up."

E: "Um nothing just watching Vine videos on YouTube."

R: "Cool.

E: "Can I ask you something?"

R: "Yeah sure, go for it."

E: "Um, did Connor say anything about me over the past weeks."

R: "I did hear him say something but he was mumbling. It sounded like, I miss her so much."

E: "When did he say that?"

R: "When you two argued by the lockers."

E: "Oh, how about when I kept calling him over."

R: "Yeah he said, this girl is so annoying. Why doesn't she stop calling me."

        I stood in shock and clicked on Riley. He did seem a bit annoyed went he came over. I thought it was because of family problems but all this time it was me. I should go apologize to him. Thinking it was his fault when all this time it was me. Stupid, selfish me. I hated myself right now and I screamed into my pillow. I went downstairs to tell my dad. He seemed pretty interested in what I had to say.

"So when are gonna apologize?"

"Monday most likely, to.. you know, get it over with."

"I'm proud of you, you know that. If he gives you any more problems don't be afraid to talk with me or your mother. We'll always be here for you." He gave me a reassuring hug that everything will be alright.


        Monday came along and I pulled out Connor during lunch. We went to the school's garden where he asked me out to Homecoming. "You're probably still mad at me, for what I've done and said to you." He said and we sat on the stairs. "What you said did hurt but you could've told me that you wanted a break and you let everyone else know expect me."

"I handled it pretty bad I know."

"You did. But I was looking back at the past and I know why you're like this. Why you didn't call, texted, or even emailed me. It was me wasn't it. I was too clingy with you and I just wanted to apologize what I have done to make you act this way. I'm sorry for calling you everyday and making you do things that I could've done on my own. I just felt at that time, that I it was the least in my thought that we would break up. I didn't think about it until you snapped at me by the lockers. How you and Sammy have the same colored eyes. How I watched YouTube videos about past events and eating last years Halloween candy. How I finally realized that all this mess was because of me. I finally realized how much I needed you, how I missed you not being next you. Stupid selfish me. I have you as support but I don't want that. I just-" I couldn't say anything else but crying and feel ashamed of myself.

"I accept your apology." He said and rubbed my back. I hugged him from the side and accidentally gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"I'm sorry, I just got carried away."

"It's fine, I have to sort some things out, I'll call you." He left me on the stairs and he walked back to Sindy. Then came after school. I put my books in my locker and found Connor and Sindy talking by his. She looked a bit upset and left storming out of school. I looked back at Connor and he looked happy that he didn't have to deal with her anymore. I left for the doors but I felt someone get my elbow. I turned back and it was Connor.

"Hey you wanna hang out sometime?"

"I'd like that." I smiled and he gave back his smile that I fell for since the beginning.

         We left walking back home together and he dropped me off at my place. I closed the door slowly and how everything was going back to place.

"How did it go?" Dad was preparing lunch.

"Good, it worked out."

"So are you back together?"

"Not yet it takes time Dad." I said and dropped my things off in my room. Sammy came downstairs with me and we ate lunch. I went upstairs and finished my homework while listening to music.

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