Chap. 18

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~Emma's POV~

        The next morning I was so tired and realized that summer was almost over. I was going to be a senior in two weeks. Life is going by so quickly. Too quickly.


        The next morning was already school. I woke up bright and early. I took a shower and got some jeans and a 1975 band t-shirt from my closet. I slipped on my white Converse and pulled over a knitted forest green sweater. I curled my hair at the tips and did a braid for my bangs then pinned it under my hair. I put my supplies in the bag and grabbed my phone from my bedside table. I grab an apple from a basket on the counter and walk out the door. I walk to my school, it's only a few blocks away and I saw everyone. All us as couples. I hugged them all and waited for Connor to come. I felt someone cover my eyes, and felt his hands. I already knew who it was, "Connor." I said with a smile. He uncovered my eyes and spun me around when he hugged me.

"I missed you so much." He finally said after spinning me having me dizzy for awhile.

"I did too." I gave him a normal hug and the bell rang for Homeroom. I got my classes: 

Period 1: Calculus 

Period 2: AP Government 

Period 3: Computers 

Period 4: English 

Period 5: French  

Period 6: Elective  

Period 7: Homeroom  

        I checked to see Connor's and we only had three and five switched. The bell rang and it was first period Calculus room 276. Connor and I sat next to each other and we also found out that Braiden and Kylee had this class. I never liked math, at all. But for some reason this math class was easy. I actually got what I was learning. It was time for Nutrition and we all sat under a tree where we all could sit and hang out. That was our spot. The lunch bell rang and we all went to class. We had block schedule so it was 1,3,5 on Monday. All classes on Tuesday. 2,4,6 on Wednesday. 1,3,5 on Thursday and 2,4,6 on Friday.


        Connor dropped me off at class and we went next door for his. I sat down next to Brianna because we only knew each other.

"Okay class since today is your first day, then we will do something simple." The teacher walked between the rows of our seats. "I want you all to get a computer and do a power point about yourself. It doesn't have to be an autobiography but at least five slides." After that we each went to get a computer. The teacher came by each of us and wrote down our numbers to keep track on what computer we had. "I can stalk you on my computer so don't do anything stupid." He warned us. I got started with my power point and wrote down a lot about myself and we'll of course my friends. "In one slide I want you to write about your summer and that one could be like an autobiography." I got back to work and an hour later the teacher asks, "Is there anyone who wants to present?" I was the first to raise his hand. The teacher signaled me to come up.

        I plugged the laptop into a cord to show on the screen. "My name is Emma, I'm 18 years old, and I have a boyfriend. What I wrote in my first slide were the "Things I Like". Which are: Tumblr, Twitter, YouTube, FaceTime, Converse, Vans, bracelets, wristbands, music, concerts, and much more. I wrote another slide about "Things I Don't Like". Which are: backstabbers, fakes, and other types that you can think of. In this last slide I wrote about "My Summer". My summer was all about this thing that I thought would never happen. My parents and I moved here during the beginning of summer. It was lame but then we lived next to these three brothers that brought me joy. I would always hear them practicing songs for their upcoming concert. I went over once in a while to see them practice. And then it was the day, the day they had to leave for tour. It was the most devastating day in my whole life. I said bye to him and couldn't hold in my tears. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a reassuring kiss that he'll be back. He told me, " I'll be back soon" and he did. After that tour I plan to go on the next one as their merch girl. That was my summer."

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