Chap. 19

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~Emma's POV~

        Everyone looks at me and claps for my presentation. "Ok thank you, you can take your seat now." I unplugged the laptop and went back to my seat.

"Dude, you were great." Briana complements.

"Thanks Bri." I reply. I slouched in my seat and Mr. Higgins talked about what we were going to learn this semester. "You will learn the beauty of what you can do with the computers and so much more." he kept on explaining. The bell rang, "It's lunch time so go on."

        Bri and I walked out the door and I saw Connor waiting in front of class at the lockers. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "So how was class?"

"Great." "Emma wrote about her summer and presented to the class." Bri barged in.

"What did you write about?"

"Just about you guys and the concert and how I fell in love with eyes that look like the clear blue sky."

"Really? You never told me I had white clouds either." Connor joked.


        We got lunch and sat at our table. Every couple from our group was there. Riley and Lilly. Thomas and Kylee. Braiden and Briana. Toby and Julia. Then there's Connor and I. The lunch bell rang and I had French. Connor walked me to class, "I'll write about us." He whispered in my ear before getting in class. I sat down in between Kylee and Toby.

"Bonjour classe. Je suis Ms.Abel et je suis votre professeur de français." Everyone stays quiet as if she just spoke robot. "That means, 'Hello class. I am Ms.Abel and I'm your french teacher.'" Everyone nods and now knew what she meant.

"This is gonna be rough." Toby whispers to me.

"Tell me about it." I respond.


        Class ended and since I didn't see Connor then I walked over to my locker that is next to Julia's. I put in my Calculus and French book in there and got out my notebook that I write my thoughts in. Kind of like a diary but more creative and less girly. Connor and I sat next to each other and he told me what he wrote about in Computer class.

"Then everyone looked at me I thought about you, and how they actually liked our love story."

"You guys look so cute together." Lily says sighing. We're back in Homeroom, Connor and I always sit in the back and we put the chairs next to each other. Since he can't be feet away from me and tells me that he misses me too much, even though we're neighbors. The bell rang to go home, Connor and I made our way out the door holding hands. I smile every time we walk through the hallway, people look at us with that face. Like why can't I have that, or awe they're so cute together. I've been so lucky ever since me and my parents moved next to them. If not then I would've been just a fan or not even part of their lives. Or I would've been just another girl that lived on earth and would never get a chance in life, unless she would push herself to do better.


        Winter vacation came along and we went to Black Friday and bought everyone something. Christmas came along and here we are gathered around a tree. Filled with lights and decorations. Connor sat next to me while I was on the couch drinking my hot chocolate.

"Here babe, open it." He gave me a medium size box wrapped in blue and white snowflake paper. Once I uncovered the box it was a white iPhone 5s. Inside it was a cover and it was a collage of me and Connor over the years. He made two actually. The collage and the other that said, Wherever I am, that's where you'll be. I cried at his quote knowing I won't be able to be with him on tour like how it use to be.

"Thank you so much babe. I love them." He helped me with the iPhone settings and put in my things I had on my other phone. Christmas couldn't have gotten worse.

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