Chap. 1

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~Emma's P.O.V~

        My life is going to start all over again. This is the third time that my family and I moved this year. Were going to Orlando, Florida on the other side of the state. I thought you figured out that I lived in L.A., or maybe not. But like they always say, Third time's a charm. Like I never got to make any best friends to keep in touch with. Hoping this is the last time we moved. Sigh. We're here. Getting out of the car, I grabbed my suitcase, luggage, and duffle bag. I looked around to see what the neighborhood looked like, in my perspective. Quiet, clean, friendly (I guess), nothing negative to say.

         I walked calmly to the porch, "How do you like it sweetie?" My Mom asked while opening the front door.


"Honey a little help here!?" My Dad yelled from the car, trying to untie the rope. I rolled my eyes walking inside the house, seemed peaceful. I liked it.

"Okay.." Dad said breathless. "you can go upstairs and pick out any room you like."

"Do I get my own pair of keys?"

"Deal." Dad and I did our father and daughter handshake.

        I dragged my feet and luggage upstairs and saw each room. I peeked into a room and threw the window showed a great view of the neighborhood. While figuring out where I wanted everything to go I overheard my Mom talking to someone. She closed the door. I peeked out my window and saw three teenage boys leaving to next door. Mom was coming upstairs I jumped back onto my bed and pretended that nothing happened. "Emma, we're having dinner with the neighbors next door. Please find something nice and suitable to wear."

"Okay, Mom whatever you say." I replied back and started digging through my luggage. I found this floral dress, I guess it could work. I grabbed a towel from my suitcase and went to the bathroom. When I got out I dried myself and went straight to my room. I had at least 2 drawers, and a dresser.

"You like it?" Mom said while putting towels in the closet across from my room.

"Yeah, thanks Mom."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. We're leaving at 7:30, please be ready at that time."

"Don't worry Mom I will." I put on the dress and blow dried my hair. I fixed my hair, and fidgeted around with my bangs.


"Emma, twenty more minutes!" Mom shouted from downstairs. Shoot, twenty more minutes! I twirled my bangs and pinned them up. I got my green low top green Converse to match with my dress. I grabbed my leather and and slipped on my favorite blue sweater.

"Done!" I yelled while going downstairs and making my way to the front door. I felt a bit nervous while walking over there.

        Dad rung the door bell, a boy that was about thirteen answered it. "Mom they're here!" Mom and Dad walked in before me.

        Their living room seemed so comfortable with all the family photos surrounding everything. Looking around I locked eyes with one of the teenage boys. I gave him a gentle smile and he returned one back. I took my seat at the table when everyone else did. We're eating and my Mom and their mom became friends like THAT. Same thing with my Dad. I was "playing" around with my food, I didn't want to look up because I knew one of the boy would be staring at me. It was "fun" I guess. I'm not that talkative when it comes to strangers.

"Time for desert." said while getting bowls of vanilla ice cream from the freezer. I was eating it slowly trying to think about what was going on in my head. "Can you tell us something about yourself dear?" Ms.McDonough asked. Everyone was staring I had to think of something quick.

        I put down my spoon and my hand on my lap, "Umm, I like to draw and play piano."


"Yeah." I said under my breathe.

"Introduce yourselves boys." Mr.McDonough said.

"I'm Toby and I'm sixteen." Adorable

"I'm Riley and I'm nineteen." Cute

"I'm Connor and I'm 20." Blue eyes.

        I put my hair behind one ear, "Where's the bathroom?"

"Down the hall to your left."

"Thanks." I walked into the bathroom and stared into the mirror. "Why are my cheeks red?" I asked myself.

        Then a knock startled me, "Is everything fine sweetie?"

"Yeah Mom, I'm fine." I fixed my hair and took a deep breath. I opened the door and gave my Mom and small smile, then walked over to the table.

"You okay?" Mrs.McDonough asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine."I sat back down at my seat. I looked to see Connor staring at me again. I started to day dream then knocked out it, I blinked like five times then looked down at my plate of melted vanilla ice cream.

"Are you still hungry?"

"No." I replied and gave her back the plate.\

"I guess we'll be leaving." Dad said while getting up and shaking their hand firmly. Mom did the same but gave Mrs. McDonough a hug instead. I did the same thing like my Mom and walked to the door and opened it.

        I started walking outside, "Wait up Junebug." Dad said and turned giving him that face.

"Dad not in public."

         He scouted, "This is not public."

"Okay but not so that everyone can hear."

"Oh I know what you mean." We all walked home and I went straight to my room.

         I looked for my pajamas and changed, striped pants and a white undershirt. I braided my hair into two ponytails and got under my covers. I figured I would finish unpacking tomorrow.

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