Chap. 28

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        Not much really happened I kept working at Hot Topic then got a letter from Florida University where Connor was going. So I told my parents since they came back from their trip to Las Vegas. In a week I'll be leaving with Connor and start a new life. I did tell everyone at Hot Topic of course. The week came and it was time to say good bye to my parents.

"Bye mom, dad I'll see you guys soon." I gave them tight hugs and Had tears welling up in my eyes.

"Give us a call when you get settled. She gave me their phone numbers.

"Honey, never stop reaching for your dream."

"Thanks dad." I gave them one last hug and Connor was at the door.

"You ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." I replied and we went in our separate cars.


        University was fun Connor and I had so much to do. I majored in the Art Programs. Anything from theatre to sketching, I wanted to do. I saw Kylee, and Lily there at the university. We were excited to see each other again. Connor and I still had our relationship going on and since he still did music, things haven't changed. He still goes on tours, the studio, and sometimes had online classes. But that won't change anything between us.


        A year after, Connor and I rented an apartment to live in fifteen minutes away from the university. I was so excited. After this school year, I graduated with my Art Major and everyone came to the graduation. Connor graduated with his Music Major and our parents came to congratulate us. After that year we spent a more time in our apartment and Connor kept going to tours, concerts, studio sessions, and so on. It was good to graduate and now to find a different job that qualify for my skills.

        After a few months after graduation I found a good job at the Art Institute in the downtown in Florida. We lived in a crammed apartment, good space for two, enough food to live, clothes to wear by the day, and someone who loves me an much as I love him. It was nice to live by ourselves and I would visit him by the studio one and while. I would stay up late doing my art work and Connor would have to remind me that it was night time. Everything was how I wanted. Connor and me living our dreams together side by side. 

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