Chap. 30

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*8 months later*

        It was the day. The day that I've been dreaming since I was a little girl. I thought this day wouldn't come in a million years. And now I have found someone to call him my own, instead of searching for a new. Everything was going well, for the men. But you know how women are, we tend to panic at the last minute.

"Make sure you get hair and make up ready!"

"Don't forget your shoes!"

"And the veil!"

        Everyone was coming after me, but then it stopped. I did hair, make up, put on my heels, and finally the veil. My dress wasn't short, or too long but enough to pass my ankles a bit. Strapless, as I had seen it in my dreams. It wasn't to slim or puffy but just the right amount of room to have my legs move through. It had a nice little train that stayed behind. And to top it off, it was covered in floral lace until the bottom. "How is it?" I turned to face my Mom, Kylee, Lilly, and Briana. They stared at me in 'awe', my heart broke when I saw their reaction.

"You look great sweetie." My mom came over to give me a hug.

         I squeezed her tight but sadly had to let her go. My bridesmaids got their small bouquets and lined up one by one. My father came to take my hand and lead me down the aisle. Once my bridesmaids went through and everyone stood up, my stomach began to get good butterflies. Everyone's expression stuck in my head until I saw Connor at the alter waiting for me. He looked so handsome in a suit and tie. He had his hands in front of him tangled like we have them. I couldn't stop looking and smiling while walking down the aisle towards him. I gave my dad a kiss on the cheek when we arrived at the alter and he gave my hand to Connor's.

"You look beautiful." He whispered in my ear before the ceremony.


"Now take the ring and put it on your bride's finger." Connor did as the priest told. I did the same. "Now I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The priest announced and as soon as that we went for the kiss.

        Nothing felt better right now than a kiss of our wedding. I heard the claps and cheers after the kiss. We turned hand in hand then walked down the aisle as a married couple. Once we got outside people threw rice, and money for good luck. I said good bye to my family and so did Connor. Connor rented an old car that looked brand new. 'Just Married' was on the back written on cardboard and tied to the trunk. We drove to the airport, and I was still in my wedding dress.

        Connor had tickets for Greece and that was going to be our honeymoon. We stayed in a small house that had a great view of the beach and so on. "That was great trip." Connor wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck.

"Yeup, but you know what could be better?"


"Jumping on the bed!" I climbed on the bed and grabbed my dress so that I wouldn't fall or accidentally step on it. Then we jumped liked five year olds on the bed and celebrated our marriage. After a couple of more minutes jumping we stopped and plotted back on the bed.

"That was a good way of showing our marriage."

"Right." I said completely out of breath. I finally zipped off my dress and put on some sweat shorts, and a baggy shirt I packed for myself. My mom did the other kind of packing, lingerie and stuff like that. We stayed in the next day an enjoyed our honeymoon.

        Connor brought his guitar along and started to serenade me some songs that we kept writing with his brothers. He sang me old ones like how he did in high school. He had the same singing voice when we were young and started dating. How I loved listening to his voice, when we were alone; just the two of us. Good times. Connor strummed his guitar until I heard a familiar tune.

"When the sun shines through my window, I always think of you. You've got the eyes of an angel, you're every dream come true. That night goes through my head, I try to rewind. My girl you're just one, one, one of a kind. When I give up and fall down, you always get me through. It reminds me of our love, and everything with you. When it comes to times like this, I love what you do. It's three words in every language, it how much..."

I wrap my arms behind him and wait for the song to finish.

"Its how much, I love you." He sings sweetly and strums the guitar.

"I love you too."

The End 

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