Chap. 10

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~Emma’s P.O.V~

        July 28, 2010

        Today is the day I get to see Connor and the band on tour. 10:45 a.m. I got out of bed and took a shower. When I got out I got a pair of black skinny jeans, my BYE t-shirt they mailed me during the two weeks. Some white Converse to match with it and a purple sweater in case I get cold. The only two things I’m taking is my iPhone and camera, I don’t want to take my bag and forget it there on accident. I grabbed my Canon camera that I bought myself and I love it so much.


        We went to the place where the concert was at and waited in line. I went out of the line a couple of times to take a few shots of the scenery. I bumped into someone, “Sorry.” I apologized.

“It’s okay.” A familiar voice replied.

        I turned to my right and there he was, “Hey! How you been.” I gave him a hug and went back in line. He stayed with me talking about the tour and how he missed me.

“We’re getting a tour bus.”

“Really!? Can’t wait to see it.”

“And I was wondering if you wanted to go to the beach or something after the tour?”

“Sure I’d love to go.” Minutes later he went to go  say hi to a couple of fans and take pictures with them.


        After that he went inside to get ready and we walked in. I went on my way to the front row, and my parents helped at the merch tables with their mom. I had my seat at the right side of the stage. All Time Low came out, all of them headed over to their direction. I took pictures to get myself distracted, Alex came over to me and sang Stella. I was in love with song, ever since Connor introduced me to them I was in love with that song. They ended their concert it was Before You Exit’s  turn to come on. Thomas, Braiden, Riley, and Connor came out with their equipment. Thomas went to his drums, Braiden to the left, Riley to the middle, and Connor to the right of the stage. He was right in front of me!

        This is going to be a great concert. Halfway through, Connor got his acoustic guitar and strummed a few chords. “Tonight has been a great one, you guys are amazing.” He took a deep breath and continued. “I want to dedicated this song to a friend, she’s here supporting us as a band. And if it wasn’t for her coming into my life, I would not have fallen.” He spoke breathless into the microphone, and smiled.

        I smiled back at him and took a few shots. “When the sun shines through my window, I always think of you.” He sang and I had butterflies in my stomach. His blue eyes staring into mine and when the light flashes to his eyes you can see them perfectly.


        After the show he came down the stage and stood in front of me giving me something. “Don’t loose this.” He gave me a backstage pass, and I smiled. I clipped to the front of my jeans on the belt holder. After the whole concert the fans lined up for the meet and greet for each band. I personally wanted to be the last last person for them to talk to/meet. So to kill time I met All Time Low and Olly Murs. We talked, took pictures, and got their autographs. Before You Exit was almost done, I waited in line. Connor looks my way and gives me a smile. I opened my arms and speed walked to him and gave him a hug. He lifted me inches off the ground and I laughed. His hug helped me out so much right now.

        I took a picture with both my iPhone and camera. Riley had to take it for us, he didn’t mind. After he took us the picture he went off and talked to more fans. “So, umm, about the song..” He said while leading me backstage.

“What about it?” I asked.

“Do you like it? I mean, I dedicated it to you..”

“Yes Connor, I loved it.” I smiled and we sat on the couch. We talked about how they were planning to do pranks for the last show, and how I missed talking to him. Thomas, Riley, and Braiden came in talking about how the show was and held gifts the fans have given them.

“How long are you going to stay?” Riley asked while sitting on the edge of the couch with the gifts in his hands.

“I’m not sure, let me ask.” I went to ask my Mom and Dad up to what time we were staying. “Okay, I’ll go tell them.”

         I came back and they saw me, “So?” Thomas asked.

“I have to go, but she said I could come to the last show, so I’ll be back soon.” I gave them individual hugs and hugged Connor twice.

“See you soon.” He told me then, his lips landed on my right cheek.

        I went with my Mom and Dad, we left back home, I dreamed about tonight. 

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