Chap. 22

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~Emma's POV~

"I still have my dress in the closet." I told Connor while we were eating sandwiches.

"I still have my tux." he winks. I shake my head to his joke. "We should have another proper date." he suggested.

"We're having one right now." I laughed.

"No, like going out to the movies or a fancy dinner."

"Nothing too fancy."

"Ok when?"

"The week before school."

"Next week?"

"Yeah like on Friday or something."

        He thought about it, "Ok miss, would you kindly care to join me on a date next Friday?"

"Why yes good sir, I would kindly accept to accompany of your presence." We laughed at our imitated British accents.

        We came back to the room and all the paint was dried so we took off the tape. Everything came out perfect. Tomorrow I'll remove the plastic and paper, so tonight I'll sleep in the living room. Connor left at 5:30 and I took a shower before doing anything else. It was 9:30 and I got ready for bed. I pulled out a blanket and pillow from the closet upstairs and laid on the couch until I fell asleep.


         I had a dream about me and Connor. That we were in school and he was acting weird around me. When I asked him what was wrong, he told me, "Sorry Emma, but I wanna break up with you."

"Why?" I asked him quickly.

"Because we always hang out and you don't give me enough room to breathe. You're always like behind my shoulder and it's getting out of hand now. So now I want my own personal space."

"Can we still be friends?" I ask crying in tears.

"No." he said, "No we can't." After he said that I ran off crying into the crowded hallway.


       I woke up at 8:37 crying, crying, and crying.

My Mom was coming down the stairs, "Honey what's wrong?"

"Oh Mom it was a dream, it really bad dream." She sat next to me and held me in her arms.

"What was the dream about sweetie?"

"Connor, and I, br-broke u-up." I tried saying while it hit me.

"You know that'll never happen. You two look great together, and he makes you happy all the time. He's such a sweet boy to you Em, remember that." I nodded and she kissed my head.

        I went to the restroom and washed my face. I came back and folded the blanket and put the pillow on top of it. I got my phone after I peeled off all the plastic and paper that was covering the bottom of the room. I got a call from Connor. 

C: "Morning you, how'd you sleep?"

E: "Pretty solid, but then I had a nightmare that woke me up."

C: "What was it about?"

E: "You broke up with me, and we weren't friends anymore after that. You said that I was in your bubble way too much and you wanted your space."

C: "You know that'll never happen, I'll always love you no matter what, when, wherever, and such. You mean so much to me, that sometimes I feel like coming over and just sleeping next to you."

E: "Really, you're that desperate?"

C: "I wouldn't call it desperation, but I love spending MY time with you. And how you make me smile, knowing that you care so much about me. I love everything about you. How you get shy around me when I look at you. When you blush when I give you a complement. The way you look when I have my eyes on you while talking to someone else. When you see me, you look at me in a way no other girl has looked at me like that. Every time I get nervous. Not bad nervous but good nervous. When I see your brown chocolate eyes light up every time you see me. The way you study in the library and how your hair falls over you. How you caress my hair while we lay down in the park and talk about random stuff. The way you hold my hand and gently rub your thumb on the back of my hand. I said most of it but I love everything about you Emma. I really do."

E: "I love you too Connor Patrick McDonough. The way you talk, and me me laugh with your silly faces. How you talk to me and look at me straight to the eyes. When I feel down you're always the first person to get me back up. The way you text me everyday, I never get of it. How you laugh and always make jokes. The way you care about your music career and the way you sing in such melody. How you play guitar or mess around with the notes and play something so random. I get butterflies when he kiss and how the way you look at me after our make-out. When you say "Hey" in the morning always make me feel better. Our dates that brought us closer. Your hands when you hold onto mine and play with my thumb while walking to our homes. When you hug me, it's a tight but friendly hug. I feel like I should never go of you. The last thing is your eyes. How they sparkle and twinkle when you look at me. Every single time you don't look away, you stare at my face with those ocean blue eyes. Sometimes I think about the song 'Baby Blue Eyes' by A Rocket to The Moon. It always reminds me of you."

C: "I guess we each have something that we still love about each other."

E: "Yeup."
C: "I'll come over later today."

E: "Can't wait."

C: "Me too. I love you."

E: "I love you too, bye."

        We hung up and I wrote down everything that he said about me so that I wouldn't forget. I took a quick shower and changed into jeans, an All Time Low t-shirt, my Vans, and I put my hair in a loose ponytail.

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