Chap. 4

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~Connor’s P.O.V~ 

        Waking up by the sound of our dog, Tank, barking and licking my face.

“Hey bro, how’d you sleep?” Riley came in my room and picked up Tank from my bed.

“Well, I guess.”

“What did you guys do yesterday?” I knew what he was talking about.

“I showed her the neighborhood, went to the park, and came back home.”

“That’s it!?”

“Yeah, you didn’t expect me to hold her hand or kiss her.”

“Yeah, but I knew you wanted to.” I checked my phone pretended like I didn’t hear his last statement. “Mom told me to tell you that breakfast is ready.”

“Okay I’ll be there.” I replied looking through my phone. Riley left my room and I got up five minutes later. I fixed my hair and walked barefoot to the kitchen.

“Sleep well?” Mom asked and kissed my head.

“Yes I did.” I replied and sat down. She placed a plate of scrambled eggs in front of me.

“You okay?” Mom asked worried.

“Yeah Mom, I’m fine.”

        Then I texted Thomas and Braiden about the meeting with our manager. I went upstairs to change then went back downstairs to brush my teeth. After that the doorbell rang and it was Braiden and Thomas. Riley was putting on his jacket and we left for the meeting.


“So you guys know that tour starts in a week. Rehearse  as much as you can and get plenty of rest. Sing melodies to get your voice going everyday. Relax your voice the day before tour and drink honey to help your singing voice.” He was talking to Riley and I because we do most of the singing. “That’s it, hope to see you guys in a week.”

         We all shook hands and left back home. When we got back home I see Emma sitting on her porch reading a book. She looked so peaceful, beautiful while reading. I came out of the car and didn’t take my eyes off her, she looked up and locked eyes with me. She gave a gentle wave and I gave her back a smile. 

~Emma’s P.O.V~ 

        Did Connor and I have a moment? He looked so handsome when he smiles. Anyway, back to my reading. I was reading Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. My parents came back from the store. “Do you have a good time?” I asked sarcastically.

“Yup, bought new things.”

“Good to know.” I replied as my Mom closed the door behind them. I kept on reading until lunch then went outside to the backyard and placed the book on top of the piano. I practiced a song I really liked called “Honestly” by Hot Chelle Rae. For my brake I read some more, drank water, and went to do my business. When I came back there was a rock, and under that rock there was a note. I removed the rock from the note a ready it.

 “All I wanted to say is, you play beautifully and hope to see you again soon. -Anon.”

         It looked like a guy wrote this note. I was looking around to see who would have left the note but, no one. I then slipped it into my book and practiced again. I didn’t want to think about the not right now, all I wanted to do is practice. The day was coming to an end, the sky was became darker and the wind a but more cooler. I went inside in time for dinner and sat down. Moments later my phone started to vibrate, “Mom may I be excused?”

“Sure are you done?”

“Yeah.” I went upstairs to my room and checked what happened.

         It was a message from Riley: ‘I’m inviting you to our band practice tomorrow, please come :)’ I replied: ‘Okay just tall me what time and I’ll be there. ^_^’ How did Riley get my number?, I asked myself. Who knows, I really don’t care who did. Then I received another message saying: ‘Around noon.' I went to my closet to picked out what to wear tomorrow. Nothing fancy or overdressed, just casual. I got a pair of dark blue skinny jeans a large t-shirt any sweater. I changed into my pajamas and got under my covers. 

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