Chap. 23

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~Emma's POV~

        I ate lunch and then heard a knock. I walked over with my phone and saw Connor in front of me.


"Hey." I let him in and we came up to my room. "I need your help making my room 80% better."

         We moved my bed, my drawers, my desk and my keyboard. We put up Christmas lights and little lanterns I found at Michael's the other day. I searched up 'tumblr bedroom' on YouTube. I found a whole bunch of videos on how to recreate the room. I made collages everywhere and I made one for Connor. I made it out of all the photos we taken together. Before, and during our relationship. Connor stayed a while and we watched movies on my laptop. We watched The Big Wedding and White Chicks. We didn't notice that the time was 11:35 p.m. I shut down my laptop and Connor slept over. I changed into my pajamas and Connor took off his pants, jacket, shirt, socks, shoes, but kept on his boxers. He hugged my stomach from behind and gave my shoulder kisses. I turned over so I can see his face, I put my hand on his cheek and rubbed it softly. He came closer then kissed me. He always had the best kisses, even in this situation.


         It was morning and to wake me up was Connor's warm fingers making his way to my cold stomach again.

"Good morning babe." he said and kissed my cheek.

"Good morning, sleep well?" I turned and he nodded as an answer.

"I'm gonna go downstairs and tell my mom that you're here."

"Okay." I went down as quickly as I could and told my Mom.

"Morning mom, um so Connor came over the other day and he stayed over. So now he is in my room sleeping." She turns to me and gives me that face.

"Did you do anything unusual while sleeping together last night?"

"No mom, blah! Gross! I wouldn't do sex with Connor and even if I would, I would've used a condom don't you think?" She gave me another face examining what I did last night with Connor. "Oh come on Mom. You think you're only daughter would betray you in your own house? Besides, we only watched movies and then went to bed, like good kids. There is nothing to worry about." I make my way back to my room and open the door to see Connor changing. "Don't leave." I say and he turns around then hugs me. "Stay with me." I heard his heart beat from a million layers that he had.

"My mom is probably worried where I'm at."

"Yeah you're right, well at least stay for breakfast."

        He laughs, "I will."

        I put my hair up in a messy bun and take him downstairs. Mom gives us a plate with an omelette, hash brown, and a glass of orange juice. He left right after breakfast back home. I went outside with Sammy and sat at the piano that has been untouched ever since last summer. I uncovered it and dusted the bench. I pressed a key then started to play that song Connor taught me when I had trouble with it. That was our first kiss.

"I can't believe I had on sweatpants, an old shirt, and Converse when I had my first kiss. But I changed, I care now. Back then I didn't cause I hardly knew them and didn't care about appearances. Can you imagine that boy?" I say to my husky while his chin his on the bench and looking at me with his blue eyes. "What can I do now Sammy? I feel like Connor and I spend way too much together. Maybe we should go out bowling or do something fun with the band. Like the beach camping." I say thinking about the memories. "If only you were here Sammy, I would've taken you." I say while putting my fingers through his fur on his head. I played a little more then got in for dinner. I went up to my room and since my parents bought me a small tv and now we have cable then I watched some TV shows I would watch with them. I snuggled in my bed with Sammy by my side and slept.


         It was Monday and I always hated Mondays. But I managed to get up and put on some clothes. I dressed in A Day To Remember t-shirt and strapped on some jean overalls with my white Converse. The day went by pretty quick and I was walking towards Connor's locker when I heard him laughing with another girl. I hid at the staircase and the wall that overlooked her locker. I don't think I knew her, her voice didn't sound familiar.

"Ok I'll call you later." he said with a smile on his face.

"Can't wait." she replied and kissed him on the cheek.

         I heard her foot steps walking away towards the front door. I knew he would break up with me, but why didn't he say anything about it? I went back upstairs and went to the back door and walked home. I came home and shut the door so loud my mom wanted to know what happened.

"Hey, can you explain to me what is going on?" She stopped me in the middle of the stairs.

"I can't explain it mom." I bursted into tears. I inhaled then exhaled, "I heard Connor talking to a girl I didn't recognized, and said that he'd call her later and then she replied with I can't wait and gave him a kiss on the cheek." I cried in my mom's arms.

"Oh sweetie, boys are hard to understand at times. And maybe it's time you two have a break. I mean you guys spend way too much time together and need to meet new people."

"Are you taking his side?"

"I'm not taking a side I just want you to get more socialized with others."

        I separated from my mom after she told me that. I went to my room and laid on my bed with Sammy crying for hours on end. I heard the door knock from the house, my mom answered. I sneaked to see who it was. Connor.

"Hi, is Emma here?"

"Yeah but she's upstairs taking a nap, she had a long day."

"Ok. Can you tell her I stopped by?"

"Sure thing." She closed the door and I went back to my room and saw Connor walk back to his house in disappointment. How dare he come by, and know what he's done.

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