Chap. 5

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~Emma’s P.O.V~ 

        I woke up in a good mood. Getting up from my bed wasn’t that bad. I put on some music from my iPod to my speakers. My Mom and Dad were already awake so I turned up the volume a bit. I was playing Fireproof by One DIrection.

        While coming downstairs my Mom and Dad looked at me weird, “You okay sweetheart?”

“Yeah Mom I’m fine.”

“Some one woke up in a good mood.”

“Yes I did.” I grabbed my cereal that I prepared in a cup and went back upstairs to my room. While eating my cereal, I was getting ready to go to the Mc.Donough’s house. I slipped on my shoes and put on my sweater. I came downstairs and put my dirty cup in the sink.

        My Mom entered the kitchen, “Where are you going today Missy?”

“Next door to see them practice.”

“Oh, they’re a band?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“And who let you go?”

“Umm, myself.”

“Okay then, you can go.” I ran back upstairs to get my bag and phone. I opened the door and grabbed my keys then went next door.

~Riley’s P.O.V~

        I put on my jacket and heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door and I saw Emma in front of me.


“Hey, Thomas, Braiden, Toby and Connor are setting up in the garage.”

“Okay.” She came in and I lead her to the garage.

“Hey guys.” They all looked her way and gave her a hug. She sat in front of us to get a good view on how each of us played. We played a few songs of our own then some covers. “

Thanks for having us guys!”

“We love you!” Connor and I yelled for “the crowd”.

        Emma just sat there clapping, “You guys are awesome.” We told her about the whole going on tour thing, “You guys are so lucky to have an opportunity like this.”

“Thanks.” We all said.

“We’ll see you tomorrow?” I asked.

“Hmmm, maybe. Not sure what I’m going to do tomorrow so.” Before she left she gave us all individual hugs. Then walked her way. The guys and I went to the garage and packet everything up. Tour starts in six days, crazy!

“Hey guys, I was thinking of giving Emma tickets to the tour.” I suggested. They all looked at each other and nodded in agreement. Thomas and Braiden left, Connor, Toby and I went to our rooms. I stayed there until I fell asleep. 

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