Chap. 2

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~Emma’s P.O.V~  

        The next morning I woke up in a good mood. I was surprised, I ever felt like this in the morning. Maybe it was because of yesterday, who knows. Right? I sat up on my bed and checked my phone to see what time it is. 10:30, it wasn’t late but I managed to get up a little later.

“Emma! Breakfast is ready!” Mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

        I figured her and Dad would be up by now, “Coming!” I yelled back tired. I walked over to the bathroom and washed my face and put my hair in a messy loose ponytail. I dragged my feet to the kitchen like every morning.

“Morning, sleep well?” Dad asked while reading his book and checking over to see me.

“Yes..” I replied to sound that I had to be in bed.

“Well we have a long day a head of us.” Mom said while putting a plate of sunny side up eggs in front of me with bacon and toast.

“Like what?” I asked stuffing my mouth with the toast.

“Unpacking, buying groceries,” Dad paused “maybe get a dog or cat.”

“Really..” I said looking down at my plate and continued eating. I ate then put my dirty plate in the sink and went back upstairs to start my unpacking.


        It was around noon, “Emma, can you get the mail!?”

“Sure Mom!” I was still in my pajamas, I grabbed my blue sweater and slipped on my grey moccasins. I opened the door and walked to the fence were the mailbox was. Got the mail and walked back home checking who the mail was for.

“Hey.” I stopped and turned to my left, Riley was watering the lawn.

        I just gave him a smile, “Hey.” I went inside and placed the mail on top of the kitchen counter. That was awkward.

“Sweetie we’re going to the grocery store. I’m not sure if you want to go with us.” Mom said and got her keys from the side table at the door.

“We”l leave you here because we know that you are a grown teenage girl, right?”

“Yes Dad. I know the rules. No answering the phone and door. And no loud music.”

“That’s my girl.” He kissed me on the head and they went grocery shopping.

        Home alone, at last. I locked the door and went back upstairs to finish unpacking.

        I got up from the floor and looked around the room, “Perfect.” I’ll keep it like this for a while. 

~Connor’s P.O.V~

        Emma, her name and face always in my mind, couldn’t stop thinking about her since yesterday. We had band practice so I guess I could take her off my mind for a little while. Thomas and Braiden were setting up Thomas’ drum kit in the garage. Riley and I were setting up the microphones and the amps.

“What song do you want to start with?” Braiden asked.

“Lets go with Letting Go?.”


        After band practice we took a quick break and I heard someone playing the piano. “Guys listen.” We all listened while she played.

“When the waves are flooding the shore and I can’t, find my way home anymore that’s when I, I, I look at you.”

        She has an amazing voice, and you know what that means. I have the enitre summer to talk to her.

“Who was that?” Thomas asked surprisingly.

“I think that was out new neighbor?” I replied.

“Well of course it was our new neighbor. You sound great!” Riley yelled.

“Thanks?” Emma replied back.

“You have an amazing voice to!” Riley shouted back to her again.

“Umm, are you guys stalking me?”

“No we’re not!” I replied and gave Riley that look.

“Hi I’m Thomas!”

“And I’m Braiden!”

“Hold on, I can’t see you guys. So I’ll just come over and say hi.” I walked to the driveway and waited for her to come over. “Hey.”

“Hey, they’re in the garage.” She came in and I lead her to the garage.

“I’m Thomas.”

“I’m Braiden.” They both shook her hands.

"Sorry that I’m still in my pajamas, I didn’t feel like doing anything today. Well besides unpacking and getting comfortable in this neighborhood.” She played around with her sleeves and covered her hands. 

“It’s okay.” Riley replied

“So, what are you guys doing for the summer?”

“We’re doing umm…” My mind went blank, I didn’t know what to say.

“What Connor is trying to say is that we’re going on tour.”

“Realy? With who?”

“All Time Low, and Hollywood Ending, and more people.” I replied with a fresh mind.

“When does the tour start?”

“In about a month or two.” Braiden replied.

        She just nodded and looked at the drive way, “Well, my parents are here so I better get going.” She started walking her way through the drive way.

“It was nice meeting you!” Thomas yelled while she was walking away.

        Emma turned around and waved bye then went to help her parents with the groceries. I saw her every move then turned back to the band. We did a couple of more songs then covers that we knew. When we finished, we packed everything back to where it was and said our good byes.


        That night when I was getting ready for bed I was looking if she had a Twitter, or an Instagram. Followed her on Twitter and same thing with Instagram. I now you might think that I’m a stalker but she is amazing. I mean a picture is worth a thousand words right? Well I have only one picture, and that one picture is good enough for me. 

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