Chap. 6

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~Emma’s P.O.V~ 

        Waking up today was a hassle. First I took off the covers and fell back to sleep. I played Angry Birds and slept in the middle of the game. Then I sat up and tweeted for a bit but fell asleep while tweeting. After all this I managed to get up from bed and walked to the bathroom. When I was done I went over to the kitchen and peeled an orange. I got a glass cup from the cabinet and filled it up with water. After eating my orange I went back upstairs to my room. While doing my bed I played music, like the usual.

        My Mom came in my room, “Emma, it’s 10 in the morning.”

“Sorry Mom, I woke up on the right side of the bed this morning.”

        She left and I chose what to wear. I didn’t feel like wearing jeans or shorts, I got a pair of sweatpants from my drawer and a random t-shirt from my closet. I got my short top black Converse and green socks. After getting dressed, I went to the porch and started reading again. I would look up once in a while to see who was passing by or something.

        Then I see Connor walking up to my fence, “Hey.”


“Am I bothering you? I can come back you know.”

“No it’s fine I just finished.” I got up from my seat and walked over to the fence. “What are you doing here, again.”

“What? Can’t a nice neighbor, say “Hi” to his next door neighbor?”

“Depends on who the neighbor is.” I replied smiling and he laughed back. We both looked into each other’s eyes, then I looked away to avoid any awkwardness.

“Come to our band practice tomorrow.”

“Okay. If, you help me with this.”

“Okay, what?” I lead him to the back yard where the piano was at. He took his seat next to me, “Okay, what do you need help on.”

“This song.” I played him half of the song and he knew what song I was playing. So he played the other half and we put those two parts together and played the entire song. “Thanks, I thought I would never finish this song.”

“That’s why you always ask for help.” I smiled and put my head down. His fingers reached my chin and made I made eye level. Is this really going to happen, am I going to kiss Connor for the first time? This his lips collided onto mine; sweet and soft. We both pulled away and I looked at him. I felt my cheeks heat up a bit. His blue eyes were the only things I could see. I lifted his hand and touched my cheeks, he gave me a gentle smile. I returned one back. His hands were soft and harmless. After a while he had to leave and I went upstairs to my room and tweeted about my day. 

~Connor’s P.O.V~ 

        I can’t believe it, did I just kiss Emma? I didn’t think I had the guts to do it. I came back home and Riley saw me.

“Hey bro, why are you so happy?”

“Nothing, I just taught Emma a song and she got it.”

“What song?”

“The Script Mash Up that we did.”

“She a fast learner?”

“Yeah, she is.” I went to my room and stared at the picture I had of her. Minutes later I got a text from an old friend; Megan: Are you busy? (:

C: Nah, what’s up? 

M: I was wondering if you wanted to hang out for a while. You know talk about life and so on. 

C: Yeah sure where at? 

M: At your house.

C: When?

M: Tomorrow? :)

C: Yeah sure see ya.

M: See you. Megan was an old friend of mine. I guess I’ll invite Emma over. Oh wait. Didn’t I already invite her? Oh well I’ll just say that a friend of mine is coming over. Her and I have a lot to talk about. 

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