•Chapter 18• Little Secrets

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"So what did you find out?" Jade asked. Andrew grabbed his bag and pulled out the envelope and some files. "Apparently, your father has a rare blood disease. So rare that there are only a few people on the entire planet who have it. Your father is one of the last to survive it. And from what I've seen, he has been holding up pretty good." He tells her.
"Then how did my mother have the same disease? It can't be that, like from the ten people that have it, two of them live in Hill City." Jade said. "In my research, which took me hours, I found out that the disease can be passed on by blood and sperm," Andrew explained.
"What kind of disease is this? An STD?" Jade asked him. Andrew chuckled and shook his head. "No one exactly knows what it is. All we know, and what I could find, is that it speeds up the aging process." He explained.
A waitress interrupts them as she puts their food on the table they were sitting on. Jade had forgotten they were in a diner. The waitress could only look at Andrew. "Is that all?" She asked him in a seductive tone. Andrew nodded and put a French fry in his mouth. But she didn't leave. "Are you sure? Don't you want a drink on the house?" She asked him. Andrew shook his head and put another fry into his mouth.
"Uh, I would like that," Jade tells the waitress. "I wasn't talking to you." The waitress said. This made Andrew glare at her. "You know what I would like?" He asked her. The girl smiled at him and blinked. "For you to apologize to her and fuck off," Andrew said.
The waitress's eyes widened. "What is she your girlfriend or something? Are you on a date?" She asked Andrew. "If I answer that will you leave? You're making the lady uncomfortable." He said and pointed at Jade. She groaned and walked away from the two teens.
"Thanks," Jade said. Andrew smiled at her and offered her a fry. Even though she had a plate of fries herself, she took it. "I have a question," Jade tells him, "If it can be spread by blood and...the other thing...do you think my father may have passed it on to my mother?" She asked him as she put another fry in her mouth. Andrew nodded.
"It's possible and most likely." He informs her. "Another question! Is there a chance that my brothers and I have it as well?" She asked him. He shook his head.
"From everything that I've read, it is very unlikely for the offspring to have the same disease as it is not hereditary." He tells her. Jaded sighs in relief. "Thank God!" She said and put another fry into her mouth. She noticed Andrew smiling at her.
"What?" She asked. He didn't stop smiling. "Nothing." He tells her.

Meanwhile, Jack and Jerry walked up to the front of their house. "Remember, let me do the talking. Got it?" Jerry asked him. Jack nodded. "Got it." He replied. Jerry unlocked the front door and walked in. "Dad?" Jerry called. But no one answered.
The two brothers walked into the living room and found their father and 'uncle' passed out on the couch. "Dad, wake up!" Jerry exclaimed. The two adults shot awake. "Dad, we have something to tell you, something horrible happened," Jerry tells his father.
Bill rubs his eyes slightly. "What? What happened?" He asked and yawned. Jerry glances at Jack before looking back at his father. "The girl escaped.
We have been looking everywhere but she's nowhere to be found." Jerry said quickly. Bill's eyes widen. "What?! Jerry, they are looking everywhere for that girl! It's even on the news!" Bill tells his son. Jerry nodded. "I-I know. We're really sorry.
Jayden is searching the forest again right now. Dad, what do we do?" Jerry asked the old man. "You have to find her. If she escapes and tells the police we're dead meat." Bill tells his son. Jerry nodded and turned away again. "Boys, I need one of you to stay here until your sister comes back from her..date," Bill tells them. Their eyes widened.
"Jade...is out...on a date?" Jerry asked his father. The old man nodded. "I'll stay," Jack tells them. Jerry snapped his head towards his brother. "Are you sure?" He asked. Jack nodded with a smile on his face. He walked up behind his brother and pushed him into the hallway.
"I'll take care of it! Don't worry! She likes me better than you anyway." Jack tells his brother. "What the hell are you doing?" Jerry whisper-yelled at him.
"We don't want to be suspicious now do we?" Jack whispered back and opened the door, "Bye-bye!" Jack added and pushed him out of the door.
Jerry was about to go to the right and go back to the forest when a thought popped up in his head. He glanced over his shoulder to make sure no one was watching before he started to walk to the left instead.

Meanwhile, Jade and Andrew walked out of the diner together. Andrew politely opened the car door for Jade. She blushed and stepped inside. Andrew quickly jumped into the car himself. "So what now?" Andrew asked her. Jade shrugged.
"I don't know. We've got like forty minutes left." She tells him as she checked her phone. It became silent after that. Jade turned to him.
"I have one more question." She tells him. "Ask away," he tells her. "Do you believe what people say about my dad?" She asked him. Andrew gulped a little. "I might," he answered. Jade glanced down at her lap. Andrew quickly regretted what he said. "B-but that doesn't mean I think of you any different." He tells her. Jade glanced up at him. "You don't?" She asked. Andrew smiled and shook his head. "No, of course not. I actually really like you." He admitted.
Jade blushed at him. "I like you too." She whispered. Andrew's eyes widened. "Y-you do?" He stuttered. Jade blushed some more and nodded. "So, I guess this was some kind of date after all," Andrew said quietly. There was another silence after that.
Jade then turned to him and kissed his cheek. Andrew's eyes widened again and blushed bright red. Jade blushed as well and glanced down at her lap. "Why did you do that?" Andrew asked her. Jade was about to speak again when Andrew put his finger underneath her chin and carefully pressing his lips against hers. 

The young boy pushed open the door of the store. "We're closing soon." A sweet voice spoke up. Jerry put his hands in his pockets and walked up to the front. "That means I'm just in time, then." He said. The girl turned around to look at him.
Her eyes widened. "Jerry?" She questioned. Jerry returned an awkward smile as he scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Hey, Liz." He said. The girl walked up to him from behind the counter. "Where have you been?" She asked him. Jerry bit his bottom lip slightly. "You don't want to know." He tells her. "I was worried about you." She tells him.
"I know...and I'm sorry." He tells her. "You should be. You disappeared without saying so, and now you 'can't tell me where you were'. I think you can, but you don't want to." Liz complained and folded her arms over her chest. "I know, I should've told you. I'm so sorry." He apologized again. She stepped closer to him and noticed a little cut on his cheek.
"What happened?" She asked him. "A branch. We were walking through the forest the other day...Jayden tricked me." He tells her. Liz steps closer to him.
"Can you forgive me?" Jerry asked her. The girl sighed and grabbed his hand. She took him behind the counter and let him sit in her seat. She walked into the back and returned with a cloth and first aid kit. "Am I going to regret forgiving you?" She asked him.
He shook his head. "You won't, I promise." He tells her. She carefully started to clean the cut. Jerry hissed slightly. "You don't want it to get infected." She tells him.
Jerry pulled her onto his lap and holds her by her lower back.
"I think you've got a better reach here." He smirked at her. Liz blushed at him. Jerry puts his finger under her chin and made her look deeply into his eyes.
"Please don't be mad." He pleaded. She sighed. "Fine." She said. Jerry smiled at her and kissed her nose. "I'll make it up to you." He promises. "You better." She tells him. 

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