•Chapter 36• Uncle Dearest

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Night has fallen. The streetlights shone their light on the empty streets. Selena walked out of her daughter's bedroom. She closed the door behind her. Eric stood in the hallway. He smiled at his wife. Selena blushed slightly. "What are you smiling at?" She asked him. Eric shrugged in response. He stepped closer to the woman. "You. The way you're taking care of our little girl." He smiled at her.  Eric puts his hands on his wife's waist. He leaned down and kissed her gently. Selena smiled as she pulled away. "It's late. Let's go to bed." Eric said. Selena took a deep breath. She wrapped her arms around Eric's torso. She rested her head on his chest and exhaled loudly. "I would like that." She replied. Eric runs his hand through her messy hair. "I love you." He tells her. Selena glanced up at him. "I love you too, Honey." She replied. Eric leaned in for another kiss but was rudely interrupted by a loud pounding on the door. Selena jumped slightly. She grasped onto his shirt. "What was that?" She questioned. Eric rubs her back gently. "Probably that boy from across the street," He said. Selena looked up at him. "Which one?" She asked. Eric chuckled at her. He kissed her forehead. "I'll go check. Why don't you fill up a bath for us? We'll go to bed after that." He smiled at her. "Alright," Selena replied. She stood on her tippy toes to kiss her husband's cheek. The woman walked off into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Eric looked at Megan's door. No lights had turned on. No noise came from behind the door. He assumed his daughter was fast asleep. He made his way down the stairs and towards the front door. He peeked through the little window next to the door. He couldn't see anyone. The loud pounding came back, causing him to jump. "Who the hell?" He whispered. Eric opened the front door of his house. As soon as he did, someone stepped inside. The person slammed the door shut behind him. A strong hand found itself wrapped around Eric's throat. "Of course it's you." Eric choked out. Louis, the imposter, forced Eric against the wall. Eric puts his hands over him, trying to push the man away. "You know, my wife and kid are upstairs," Eric tells him. Louis tightened his grip. "You should've thought of that before you forced yourself onto my niece." He replied. 

Eric continued to struggle in the man's grip. "What do you want from me?" He questioned. "Your head on a plate so I can feed it to wolves," Louis tells him. Eric let out a chuckle. "I was just having a little fun." He said. "I don't care. I will not make the same mistake I made with Parker." Louis replied. "Honey, the bath is ready," Selena called from up the stairs. Eric locked eyes with Louis. "You go ahead, baby. I'll be there in a minute." Eric replied. The two men waited for the woman to leave. The sound of a door closing was their signal. "Bath, huh?" Louis said. "Yeah, what are you gonna do? Drown me in it as my wife watches?" Eric questioned. Louis forced Eric harder against the wall. "No, I came here to deliver a message," Louis said. Eric glanced down at his hand. "What? Another threat?" He asked. Louis shook his head. His grip tightened once more, making it really difficult for Eric to breathe. "This message is from us." Louis tells him, "The next time you even think of touching her, we will do horrible things to you and your family." Louis added. Eric chuckled. "What are you gonna do? Kill us?" He asked. Louis smirked as his eyes went darker. "You will only wish you were dead. We will make you regret everything you have ever done in your life. We will make you beg." He tells him. "For what? You?" Eric snapped back. Louis chuckled. "Oh, no. We will make you beg for your wife and daughter's lives. You see, you might have the 'guts' to hit a woman. Almost beating her to death and forcing yourself onto a little girl-" Louis started. "She's a teenager." Eric snapped. "Parker wasn't. My point is, you may have that power, but that's your limit. We don't have one." Louis replied, "We will take them both. We will do horrible things to them. Cut into their beautiful bodies. Fill their lungs with toxic air. Pull out their fingernails, scoop out their eyes." He smirked, "And there is nothing you can do to stop us." He added. Eric just stared back at the man, with no response. "Did I make myself clear?" Louis asked. Eric nodded quickly. Louis released Eric from his grip. "Good. You have fun up there." He said. He turned to the front door and opened it. He stepped outside but stopped there. He turned around. "Not too much fun, though." He smirked. 

Louis made his way across the street again. He unlocked the door of the house and stepped inside. Three boys sat on the couch watching Tv. "Where have you been?" Jayden asked. Louis took off his coat. "There were some things I had to take care of." He answers. Louis walked up to the couch. "Is your sister upstairs?" He asked the triplets. The three boys nodded in response. Louis walked back into the hallway and up the stairs. He knocked on the door of Jade's bedroom. "Little one? Are you asleep?" He asked. A quiet 'no' sounded on the other side of the door. Louis opened the door and peeked inside the room. Jade sat on her bed. She had pulled her knees up to her chest. She had pulled her oversized sweater over her knees. The man smiled at her. "Are you alright?" He asked her. She nodded in response. Louis walked into the room, closing the door behind him. He sat on the edge of her bed. "Are you cold?" He asked. She shook her head. "No, I'm just comfy." She replied. Louis tilted his head slightly. He puts his hand on her bare leg. "I took care of Eric." He tells her. She rests her chin on her knees. "Really?" She asked. He smiled and nodded. "He won't bother you ever again, Little one." He informs her. She smiled at him. "What does he want with me?" She asked him. Louis scooted closer to her. "Eric would do anything to get back at your father. He hates him." He started, "He did some awful things to your family." He added. Jade sighed. "Is this about what he did to mom?" She asked him. Louis looked up at her. "Your mother?" He questioned. Jade nodded slightly. "Andrew and I went to his grandmother a while ago. She told us how he found Selena." She tells him. "What are you talking about?" Louis asked her. "She told us how he almost beat mom to death to get it out of her." She said quietly. Louis's eyes widened slightly. "You know about that?" He asked her. She nodded in response. "You're not supposed to know that," Louis tells her. "Why not?" Jade questioned. "Why would you? Your dad didn't know about it either." Louis tells her. Jade sat up straight. "Wait, Dad didn't know?" She asked him. Louis shook his head. "Have you told your brothers?" He asked her. She shook her head. "Okay, good. Little one, we'll talk about this tomorrow. But for now, you need to get some sleep." Louis tells her. "Can I come downstairs with you? I don't want to be alone when I fall asleep." She asks him. Louis smiles at her. "Of course, Little one. Come here." He tells her. Louis picks her up from the bed and carries her down the stairs. Jade fell asleep soon after she'd gotten downstairs. 

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