•Chapter 37• Like you a lot

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The next day was rainy. Everyone was clustered into the school together. Jack silently watched Megan as she stood by her locker. She was talking to her friends. He watched as she laughed and smiled. Her white teeth in the light. Her eyes, God those eyes. He remembered looking into her eyes before they kissed. Before her soft lips brushed against his. The kiss. Their kiss. Jack turned away from her. He put his hand against a locker. He sighed loudly. From across the hall, his little sister noticed him. Jade walked up to her brother. "Hey, what's up?" She asked him. "It's nothing." He tells her. His little sister scanned the hallway. Jade's eyes fell on Megan at her locker. She turned back to her brother. "It's about her, isn't it?" She asked him. He nodded in response. "I feel terrible." He tells his sister. Jade scooted closer to him. "It's just..." He took a deep breath, "Just look at her." He said quietly. Jade looked at Megan again. The girl was smiling and laughing. Jade turned back to her brother. She realized what was going on. "You have a crush on her?" She asked him. Jack nodded slowly. "What happened between you two?" She questioned. Jack shrugged in response. "Does Jayden know?" Jade asked. Jack nodded in response. "And he let it happen?" She asked him. Jack sighed. "Of course he didn't. She's the one Jayden went on a date with the other day. It's okay, though, he liked her first." Jack replied. "Who cares? If she likes you, you should go for it." Jade tells her brother. Jack shook his head. "Why not?" Jade asked him. Jack sighed. "She doesn't like me back. But that's okay. Most girls don't like me." He said. He was about to walk away when Jade grabbed his arm. She yanked him back. "Do you want me to go talk to her?" She asked. Jack shook his head. "No, no. It's fine. I'll see you after school." He said. He kisses her forehead and walks off. Jade watched as he walked away. Andrew came up behind her. He wrapped his arms around her. "Something's up with him," Jade said. Andrew rested his chin on top of her head. "It's Jack. I wouldn't stress about it." He tells her.

A while later, Jack walked up to the main entrance of the school. He pulled open the door to see it was still raining outside. He groaned slightly. "Hey." He suddenly heard next to him. He glanced to his left to see Megan. Her hair and clothes were soaking wet. He walked up to her. "Hey, what are you doing here?" He asked her. Megan shrugged as she cupped her elbows in her hands, trying to stay warm. "My mom was supposed to pick me up. So I waited for her in the rain. And some jerk drove past me in a huge puddle, splashing water all over me." She explained, "What about you?" She asked. Jack pointed at the door behind him. "Tutoring session." He tells her. She smiled in response and looked away. Jack noticed her shivering. "Here." He said. She looked up at him again. Jack took off his jacket and put it over her shoulders. Megan smiled at him. "Thanks. Won't you get cold?" She questioned. He shook his head. "I'll be fine." He assures her. After a while, the rain starts to slow down. "Do you want to walk home together?" He asked her. "Sure. I don't think my mom's gonna show up anyway." Megan shrugged. She stood up from her seat. Together, they walked home. "So, you and Jayden, huh?" Jack suddenly asked her. Megan glanced up at him. "What about- oh, that. Yeah." She replied shyly. Jack looked at her. "He seemed very happy when he came back." He tells her. "Yeah, we had fun. We talked a lot." She tells him. Jack returned a weak smile. Megan noticed his smile. She felt kind of bad for saying she had a great time with his brother. She puts her hands in her pockets. "We didn't kiss or anything." She said quietly. Jack snaps his head at her. He let out a nervous chuckle. "What?" He asked. Megan looked down at her feet in embarrassment. "I'm sorry." She apologized. Jack stopped her. They stood still in the middle of the street. "I just thought- you know what, never mind," Megan said. Jack pulled her back when she tried to walk away. Megan giggled and looked up at him. "What is it?" He asked her. Megan sighed and smiled at him. "I just...I thought you would like to know." She replied awkwardly. Jack returned the smile. "Honestly, that does make me feel a lot better." He tells her. Megan laughs a little. The two teenagers continued their walk home. They had to pass a group of guys standing in their way. They kept looking at Megan. They started to cat all after Megan. The young girl grasped onto Jack's arm tightly. Jack glanced down at her. The Salvini boy removed his arm from her grasp and wrapped it around her shoulder. The guys continued to cat all after her. Jack turned around, glaring at them. "Shut up, will you?" He called. One of the guys stepped forward. The boy licked his lips. "Yeah? Or what?" He challenged. Megan tucked on Jack's sleeve. "Jack." She whispered. Jack glared at the boy. "Apologize to her." He demanded. The boy shrugged. "Don't feel like it." He replied. Jack let out a low chuckle. He stepped forward and grabbed the bit by his collar. The boy gulped loudly. "Apologize to her, and I might let you live." He threatened. Another boy came up behind them. "Dude, that's a Salvini. Apologize, man." He whispered. "I-I'm sorry." The boy stuttered. Jack let go of the boy. He turned back to Megan and dragged her away from the group.

"Thank you," Megan said as they arrived at her front porch. Jack smiled at her. "They're assholes. You shouldn't treat a lady like that." Jack replies. Megan returns the smile. She slipped off his jacket and handed it back to him. "Thanks." She said. Jack took it from her hands. "Any time. See you tomorrow?" He asked her. She nodded. "I would like that." She said. Jack smiled and turned away from her to walk across the street. "Jack!" Megan called after her. Jack turned around again. Megan ran up to him and kissed his cheek. "Thank you for standing up for me." She said. Jack blushed slightly. "Any time." He replied. The two separated again. Jack smiled as he closed the door behind him. Jayden came down the stairs. "Sup." He said. "Sup," Jack replied as he took off his shoes. The two brothers walked into the kitchen. Jayden's eyes were focused on his phone. Jack walked past him. "Hey, there is this group of guys on the way home. They were bothering Megan. I took care of them for now. But, maybe, you should take her home from now on. Just to make sure she's safe and all." Jack tells him. Jayden glances up from his phone. "Oh, yeah. I will, thanks for letting me know." Jayden replied. He pats his shoulder and walks towards the fridge. "Is she okay, though?  I offered to take her home, but I thought her mother was picking her up." Jayden asked him. Jack nodded and leaned on the counter. "Yeah, she thought so too. I just set her off at her house." He replied. Jayden walked up to him and patted his shoulder. "Thanks, man." He said. "Any time, man." Jack replied.

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