•Chapter 39• Family issues

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There was a knock on the front door. Megan rushed down the stairs. "Coming!" She called out. She rushed to grab her keys from the hanger in the kitchen. She quickly grabbed it and rushed back to the door. She unlocked and opened the door. "Hey." She smiled. "Hey." The boy replied. Megan stepped aside to let Andrew step inside. "So, what are you doing here?" Megan asked her cousin. "Oh, you know, just checking up on my little cousin. Making sure she's okay and all." He lied. The boy took off his shoes and coat. Together, the two cousins walked into the living room. Megan walked off into the kitchen to get them some drinks. "So, how have you been?" Andrew called after her. He sat down on the couch. "Fine, I guess. Why wouldn't I be?" She asked. "Oh, you know, because you disappeared for weeks and then magically appeared again," Andrew replied. Megan returned with their drinks. She set them down on the coffee table. She sat next to her cousin on the couch. "So, you wanted to make sure I was okay? That's all?" Megan asked. Andrew nodded with a smile on his face. Megan folds her arms over her chest. "You're lying. Andrew, what are you doing here?" She asked him. Andrew chuckled. "I'm not lying." He tells her. Megan pointed at him. "You just did it again." She said. Andrew didn't answer. "Andrew," Megan said in a warning tone. The boy holds up his hands. "Okay, fine!" He said, "I have been stealing files from your dad's office. Salvini murder case." He admitted. Megan frowned at him. "What? Why?" She asked. Andrew scratched the back of his neck. "Jade kind of asked me to do it." He tells his cousin, "She needed the files to figure some things out about her father. I've been helping her ever since you disappeared." He added. Megan holds up one of her hands. "So, you've been stealing from your uncle...to help his enemy's daughter?" She asked him. Andrew glanced down at his lap. Megan stood up. "Come on." She said. Andrew looked up at her. "What? Where are we going?" He asked her. Megan offered him her hand. "I'm going to help you find the files you need. Come on." She tells him. Andrew takes his cousin's hand. She pulls him up from the couch. She drags him into the hallway. "Where are we going?" Andrew asked her. "Grandma's. My dad keeps the important files there." Megan answered.

Meanwhile, Jade walked out of the kitchen. Louis stood by one of the walls. He looked at some of the pictures that hung on the wall. Jade set his coffee down on the table. She walked towards him. She looked at the picture her 'uncle' was looking at. It was a black and white picture of her parents. It was their wedding day. Her mother was wearing a beautiful white mermaid dress. A huge train extended from the back of her gown. Her father dressed up nicely next to her. Jade looked at Louis. "Were you there that day?" She asked him. Louis nodded as his eyes remained on the framed photo. "Must've been the perfect day," Jade said. "It was. Neither of them could stop smiling." Louis tells her, "I've never seen two people more perfect for each other." He continued. The older man looked at Jade. "Your father wasn't a very good man. But your mother always got the best out of him." He tells her. Jade smiled and looked at the picture. Louis followed her eyes. "The idiot had to fall for her." He whispered. He turned away from the wall. He grabbed his coffee from the table. Jade sat next to him. The two of them sat in silence for a while. Louis set the cup back down on the table. "I'm leaving for a while," Louis said. Jade looked at the man. "What?" She frowned. "I have to leave town for a couple of days," Louis tells her. "Why?" Jade asked him. "Because Ian has some business in the big city. He asked me to come with him," Louis tells her. Jade pouted at him. "I don't want to leave. What if Eric does something while you're gone? What if he tries to attack me?" She asked him. Louis puts his hands on her shoulders. "Your brothers will take care of it. But he won't bother you anymore, Little one, you know that." He reminds her. The older man looked into her eyes. She was tearing up. "I don't want you to go." She said quietly. Louis pulled her into a hug. "It's just for a couple of days." He tells her. 

Ian looked up as the door opened upstairs. The others mimicked his movements. Louis descended from the stairs. "And?" Ian asked him. Louis nodded slowly. "Good. Very good." Ian spoke. He looked at the other members of the pack. "Alright, we all know what our goal is. We get in, take what we need, and get out. Simple." He said. One of the members looked at Ian. "What if someone sees us?" He asked. Ian glared at him. "No one's gonna see us because you're on guard. Got that?" He snapped. The man nodded slowly. "Good. As for all of you. Louis and I go in, the rest of you are out in the open." He ordered. Everyone nodded in response. "We're leaving in twenty minutes. Get what you need." He tells them. All of the members left the room to gather their material. Louis walked towards Ian. "I'm sorry you had to lie to her." Ian apologized. "I've lied to her before. I have to keep her safe." Louis replied. Ian opened the door to the backroom. "Did you tell them?" Louis asked as he stepped inside. Ian closed the door behind them. "No." He answered, "They're better off this way." he added. Ian looked at the older man. "Are you up for this?" He asked. Louis nodded. "Yeah, I'm good." He said. Ian started to pack up his bag as he looked at Louis. "How is she?" He asked. "She's alright. She has her brothers...and her boyfriend." Louis rolls his eyes at the word. "She has a boyfriend?" Ian asked. Louis nodded. "Yeah, she does. Bill approved him, so we're good." He chuckled. Ian zipped up his bag. "Oh, wait, is that the boy she went out with? Bill asked us to follow her. He told us she had a date." Ian questioned. "I think so," Louis replied. "God, she's growing up." Ian sighed. Louis sighed as well. "Yeah, I guess she is." He said. Parker smiled as she laid eyes on the pack. "Hey, Red," Ian said. Parker opened her arms and hugged him. "I'm glad you could make it." She said, "All of you." She tells the rest of the pack. They all walked into the living room together. Some of the neighbors, including the Greenwood's, were in the living room. The neighbors shot some disgusted glares at the men as they walked in. Little Jayden ran up to Ian. "Hey! What's up, Little man?" Ian asked. He picked up Jayden. Jerry and Jack hid behind their mother's legs. Bill then walked into the room. In his arms slept a sweet baby girl. Ian handed Jayden over to one of the pack members. Bill handed his baby to his wife. Parker presented her baby to the pack. The baby slowly opened her eyes. "This is Jade," Parker tells them. The pack gathered around the baby. She giggled at them. Bill picked up Jerry and Jack. The three little brothers looked at their sister as the adults did too. "She's beautiful," Ian said. He looked at Bill. "She looks nothing like you." He tells him. Bill chuckled. "I know she doesn't. She looks just like her mother." Bill said. He kissed Parker's forehead. "I wish we were around more. Jayden didn't even recognize us at the funeral. And I was his favorite!" Ian pointed out. Louis chuckled. "You were. For the two years, you were around," he tells him. The older man walks towards Ian and pats his shoulder. "Bill knew you didn't have a choice. He never blamed you for anything." He tells him. "I blame myself." Ian admitted, "We should've been there when Parker got sick. We should've been there to help with the kids." He added. "You were on the run. You didn't have a choice." Louis tells his friend. Ian sighed. "I wish I did have one." He said, "Let's go rob that old bitch." He added. Louis nodded in response. "Right behind ya."

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