•Chapter 42• Returning Home

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The triplets waited for their sister to return home. Jayden remained in the kitchen with Megan. He sat in front of her and put the creme onto her skin. Meanwhile, Jack and Jerry sat in the hallway. Jack sat on the stairs while Jerry paced around. "Can you calm down? Your pacing is irritating." Jack said. Jerry stopped in place. "Thank you," Jack said quietly. Jerry looked at the front door. "What are we gonna say to her?" He asked his brother. Jack shrugged. "Ask her what the hell she's doing," Jack replies. Jerry shook his head. "It might not be that easy." He said. Jack raised his eyebrow at his brother. "She's our sister." He chuckled, not quite understanding what his brother meant by that. Jerry turned back to his brother. "That's what makes it so difficult." He sighed. Back in the kitchen, Jayden's fingertips brushed lightly over the skin of Megan's slender neck. Megan felt slightly relaxed under his touch. Jayden looked up at her. "Hey, you alright?" He asked her. She nodded slowly. "Yeah, I'm okay." She replies. Jayden sets the cream on the table. "Are you sure?" He asked her. Megan shrugged in response. Jayden carefully grabs her hand. Megan looked into his eyes. "I'm sorry." She apologized, "I keep having the feeling that this is all my fault. I don't want you guys to turn on your sister because of me." Megan started to ramble. Jayden put one of his hands on her cheeks. "Het, it's okay. It's okay. Just breathe. You have nothing to be sorry about." He assures her, "I'm the one that should be sorry. I dragged you into this." He added. Megan returned a weak smile. "You did what you had to do. And, hey, we came out alright, didn't we?" She replied. Jayden shook his head. "Yeah, but it shouldn't have happened. None of it should've happened." Jayden tells her. "Jayden, you can't take the blame for everything," Megan said. Jayden shook his head again. He brushed his thumb over Megan's hand. "But it's my fault. I was the only one who could stand up to my dad. We should have never agreed to any of this." Jayden tells her, "Well, me and my mom. She could kick his ass." Jayden added. Megan laughed at that. "I'm sure she could've." She added.

Meanwhile, Jade stood with the Pack. She glared at her 'uncle'. "Do you have any idea what you've cost me?" She questioned. The man scratched the back of his neck. Jade started to walk towards him, taking very slow steps. "The girl was there as well. She has probably run off to my brothers by now. And, in case you haven't noticed, they were the ones that let her live." She points out. The man lowered his head slightly. "They murdered my father." She added. One of the members of the pack stepped forward. "Technically, they didn't kill your dad. His heart stopped." He pointed out. "If you don't want me to kill you, I suggest you shut up." She tells him. The man stepped back. "Apologies." He said quietly. Jade focused back on Louis. "I have been collecting important files from the Greenwoods for weeks. I have a guy on the inside. I can get all the juicy information to tear that family apart. And you...you ruined it. You ruined everything!" She exclaimed. Louis nodded slowly. When she got angry, she was just like her mother. Her voice and expressions. "Okay, that's enough," Ian tells her. Jade turned to Ian. "Shut up!" She snapped at him. Ian holds up his hands in defense. "Apologies." He said. Jade turned back to Louis. "Megan is probably telling my brothers all about what happened. What do you think will happen when I walk through that door? What do you think happens when you come in?" She asked her 'uncle'. Louis raised his head again. "I'm sorry." He tells her. Jade pointed her finger at him. "You better fix this." She replied. He nodded in response. "I will." He assured her, "By the way, you can be scary when you're mad." He added. "I live with three males in one house. A girl's gotta eat." She tells him. She walked past the males in the room. "I'm going home. If you don't fix this within the next twenty-four hours, I will do it myself." She tells him. Louis nodded. "I'll fix it. Don't worry about it, Little one." Louis tells her. Jade holds out one of her hands. "And I'm gonna need that file." She tells him. Ian chuckled behind her. "What? No. You're not getting that file." He tells her. Jade turned to him. "That file seems to be rather important. I want it." She said. Ian stepped closer to the teenager. "You can't have it." He tells her. Jade looked at Ian with a deadly glare. "Give me that file, Ian." She said sternly. "Give her the file...give her the file!" Ian whisper-yelled at the pack members.

A while later, Jade opened the front door of her house. Jack jumped up from his seat on the stairs. Jack and Jerry stood in front of her as she walked in. She looked up at her two brothers. "Uh, hi." She said awkwardly. She kicked off her shoes, about to walk upstairs. Jerry grabbed her arm. "Where are you off to?" He asked him. "My room. I promised Andrew I would call when I got home." She tells her brother. When she tried to walk away, Jerry pulled her back once more. "You're not going anywhere, young lady." He tells her. Jade rips her arm out of his grip. "What's your problem?" She asked him. "You're not walking out of this one, missy," Jack tells his sister. Jade brushed some hair out of her face. "What are you guys talking about?" She asked them. Jack folded his arms over his chest. "We're talking about you stealing files from the Greenwoods house." Jerry answers. Jade frowns at them. "What are you talking about?" She questioned. "Jade, don't lie to us. We know what you did." Jack added. Meanwhile, Jayden and Megan overheard them chatting in the hallway. Jayden looked at Megan. "Stay here." He tells her. He stood up and walked towards the hallway. "I don't know what you're talking about!" Jade exclaimed. Her voice sounded a little raspy for yelling at her uncle and his friend moments before. The young teenager made her way up the stairs. Her three brothers walked after her. "Jade, you're crazy! You can't do that!" Jerry called after her. "I didn't do anything!" Jade yelled. She walked into her bedroom, shutting the door behind her. Jayden rolls his eyes at her. He opened her bedroom door. The triplets walked into her room. "Jade, whatever you're doing, you stop it. You stop it right now." Jayden tells her. Jade looked up at them from her phone. "Oh, I will, daddy. Hey, there is a question for you. When did my oldest brother become my father?" She asked him. "When the first one died!" Jayden exclaimed, "Now, you're gonna tell us everything!" He added. Jade glared at him. "You guys are unbelievable. You don't actually think I would do something like that, do you?" She questioned. "Megan told us you did. You use that poor kid to steal files from his family. Why would you do that?" Jack asked him. Jade put her phone down. "Andrew is helping me with my investigation. Now, please, could you three mind your own business?" She asked them. "You're crazy. This isn't an investigation. You, young lady, are obsessed." Jerry tells her. Jade stepped closer to them. "I'm obsessed? What about you three? You're obsessed with the girl across the street!" She exclaimed. "Hey! They're obsessed with her, not me." Jerry said. Jade rolls her eyes at her brother. She scrolls through her phone. "Could you boys excuse me, please? I have to make a call." Jade tells her brothers. "No, we're not going anywhere," Jack replied. The three folded their arms over their chests. Jade groaned. "Fine, I'll go downstairs then." She said. Jayden grabbed his sister's arm when she wanted to walk past them. "What now?" She asked him. He snatched the phone from her hand. "You're not getting your phone back until we have a little chat." He tells her. "Damn it, Jayden! Give me my phone!" Jade exclaimed. "Oh, you got something to hide?" He asked her. "Just give it back!" Jade argued. Jayden looked at the phone as he pushed back his sister with his hand. He scrolled through her phone. His eyes fell on a text from an unknown person. "Got what you wanted." He read out loud. The triplets looked at the girl. "Who is this?" Jayden asked her. "No one-" Jade started. "Who is it?!" Jayden yelled at her. 

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