•Chapter 8• Protect your Daughters

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Two days later, Selena sat at the dining table. She had wrapped her hands around a warm cup of tea. From the outside, it looked like a cozy scene from a movie. But inside, Selena was lost in her thoughts. Jayden, the boy from across the street, had picked her up this morning. He reminded her so much of Bill. There was no Parker in him, not even a little bit. This morning, when she caught a glimpse of him, she saw the same darkness in his eyes Bill had.
Suddenly a flashback appeared in her mind. Bill stared down at her with his dark eyes. He grabbed her face with his big hand and pushed some hair behind her hair. "You're never getting out of here alive." He whispered. Selena felt the tears roll from her eyes. Bill smirked at her and got a knife out of his jacket. He carefully cut open a part of her wrist. With her hands tied above her head, the blood dripped onto her forehead. Bill smirked again and licked the blood from the wound. "Fear sure does taste delicious." He said. Selena snapped out of her thoughts when the front door opened. Megan walked inside. "Hey, mom!" She said excitedly.
Selena glanced at the girl that walked towards her. "H-hey, how was school?" Selena asked her. Megan shrugged and kissed her mother's head. "It was alright, I guess. Classes were kind of boring. Oh, Jayden is coming over later. We're doing this project together." Megan tells her mother. Selena's head snapped towards her daughter in the kitchen. "What? H-he's coming here?" She questioned.
Megan nodded and sat at the table. "Yeah! Is that a problem?" the teenager asked her mother. "I don't want that boy in my house." Her mother answered. Megan raised her eyebrow. "Why not?" She asked. "I just don't want him here," Selena answered. "Is this because of those stupid rumors about his father? You know that's a lie, right?" Megan said. Selena sighed and reached for her daughter's hand. "It's not a lie, baby," Selena said quietly. Megan was still confused. "How could you think it's true? There is no way the grandpa from across the street is a serial killer." Megan said and laughed a little. But her mother couldn't laugh.
She could only shake her head. Megan got annoyed with her mother and stood up. "I don't know what's wrong with you, but you're crazy for believing that bullshit," Megan said and quickly left the room. Selena sighed and runs her hand through her hair. "I don't mind telling her." Someone next to her said. Selena shook her head and took a sip of her tea. "I should be the one who tells her. Not you." She said. Her husband, Eric, walked up behind her and massaged her shoulders for a bit. "Honey, what happened to you-"
"She should hear it from me. It's my story." Selena reminds him. Eric sighs and sat next to her. He grabbed her hand and glanced at her wrist. "He could've killed you." "But he didn't. But his son might be up to something." She said. Eric raised his eyebrow just as his daughter had done a few minutes ago. "His body may be weakened, but his brain isn't," Selena said. "What are you saying? That he set up his son to come after Megan?" Eric asked her. "More like sons," Selena said. Eric brushed his thumb over her scar. "If you think it's-" "No, I'm not going to the police. Last time that didn't help at all. All I'm saying is that we should keep an eye on our daughter." Selena said. "What do you suggest we do? We can't keep an eye on her all the time." He reminds her. "I might know someone for that." 

Jade annoyedly walked into their house. She slams the door close and throws her bag on the floor in the hall. "She's mad," Jack said quietly. "That time of the month?" Jayden questioned. "I don't want to know." Jerry filled in. Bill glanced at his sons. "Hide, before she sees us," he said. The four men on the couch slid down on the couch trying to hide. "I know you guys are there," Jade said. She walked into the living room and looked at the four men on the couch. They awkwardly waved at her. "Dad, don't sit like that," Jade said and helped him to sit up straight again. Jack was about to open his mouth when Jade glared at him.
He quickly closed his mouth again. "You know, it's kind of sad. You four are all scared of me." Jade said. "You're probably on your period, can you blame us?" Jack joked but regretted it immediately. Jade rolls her eyes at her brother. "I'm not on my period." She said. "We're clear, boys," Jack whispered to his brothers. They were about to sit up straight when Jade stopped them. "No, you're not clear. I am mad at you. And you should be scared. All four of you." Jade said. "Hold up, what did I do?" Bill asked his daughter. "You created them!" Jade complained and turned back to her brothers. "Andrew won't talk to me anymore." She informs them. "And that is our fault?" Jayden questioned. "We scared him, remember?" Jerry whispered. "Oh." The other two said. Jade folded her arms over her chest.
"Yes, oh! You scared him away!" Jade complained. "We were trying to protect you." Jayden tries to explain to his sister. But she wouldn't have it. "No, you scared away the only person in school that actually likes me! And right now, I think everyone in school hates me, for some reason I don't know. So thanks a lot!" Jade exclaimed. None of the four men said anything. She groaned and left the room again. The men on the couch looked at each other. "We really upset her, didn't we?" Jerry said. "Maybe we should tell her why people-" Jack started. Bill cut his son off by shaking his head. "You can't tell her." He said. "Why not? Dad, look at her. She has no one but us and it's our fault. She deserves to know why people don't want to talk to her." Jayden said. "No!" Bill said loudly. He took a deep breath and regained himself. "I'm trying to protect her. So no one tells her anything. Understood?" Bill questioned. The triplets sighed and nodded. 

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