•Chapter 51• The Aftermath

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Jerry opened the door of their house. Jack walked in with Jade in his arms. Jayden walked in with his arm wrapped around Megan's shoulder. "Could you take her up to her room?" Jayden asked his brother. He nodded and made his way up the stairs. Jayden looked at his other brother. He puts his hand on his shoulder. "Hey," He started. Jerry glanced up at his brother. "Are you okay?" Jayden asked him. Jerry nodded slowly as he brushed his fingers over his nose. There was some blood on the tips of his fingers. "I should clean this up." He said. As Jerry walked off towards the kitchen, Jayden turned to Megan. "Are you okay?" He asked her. She nodded slowly. "Just a little cold." She tells him. Jayden brushed his hands over her arms. "I'll get you something." He tells her. Jayden turned around to walk up the stairs. Megan walked into the living room. She carefully sat on the couch. Jayden quickly returned with a blanket, a pair of grey sweatpants, and one of his hoodies. He handed them to Megan. She smiled awkwardly at Jayden. "Could you... like, look away?" She asked him. "Oh, yeah, yeah." Jayden blurted out. He turned around. Megan took off her shirt before she slipped on the hoodie. She then pulled her jeans off her legs and put on the sweatpants. "You can turn around now." Jayden turned around. He smiled at Megan. "You look pretty." He tells her. "I'm comfy. That's all I care about." Megan replied with a laugh. Jayden sat on the couch next to her. Jerry returned from the kitchen. He walked towards the couch and handed Jayden an icepack. Jayden held it up and gave a slight nod. "Thanks." He said before holding the icepack against his bruised cheek. Jerry's phone buzzed in his back pocket. He looked at it for a split second before putting it back. "I have to run." He tells the two teenagers. Jayden frowned at him. "Where are you going?" He asked him. "Doesn't matter. Don't worry about it." Jerry replied. Megan looked at Jerry. Their eyes met. Megan quickly figured out where he was going. She gave him a slight nod. Luckily, Jayden didn't notice. "Dude, you literally almost got beaten to death two hours ago." Jayden reminds his brother. "I know. There is just something I need to do. I'll be back in a few." Jerry said. Before Jayden could say anything else, Jerry had already left.

Jayden turned to look at Megan again. "I swear to god he's tougher than he seems." He said, making her chuckle. "I think all three of you are." She replied. Jayden shrugged in response. "Thanks, by the way. For pushing me out of the way." She tells him. "Well, I wasn't going to let my sister put a bullet in your head." He replies. Megan let out another chuckle. "Strangely enough, that almost sounds normal." She tells him. Jayden let out a chuckle as well. "Yeah, I guess it does." He tells her. Megan turned her head to look at the stairs in the hallway. "Do you think she'll be okay?" She asked him. She turned back to look at him. Jayden let out a deep sigh. "Not sure." He said, "It's best if we let this rest for now." He added. "You can't forgive and forget this, Jay." Megan tells him, "She held a gun at your head." She continues. "She's just confused," Jayden replies. "Jayden," Megan started. Jayden looked her in the eyes. He shook his head. "Family means sticking together. I'm not going to give up on her." He said sternly. Megan scooted closer to him. "I know. I'm sorry." She apologized. Jayden let out another sigh. He placed the icepack on the coffee table in front of them. He wrapped his arm around Megan. "It's alright." He assures her. Megan snuggled into Jayden's side. "This is nice." She tells him. Jayden couldn't help but blush a little. He hoped Megan wouldn't notice. But, of course, she did. "Are you blushing?" She asked him. "No. It's hot in here." He replied. Megan sat up. "You're totally blushing." She teased him. "Yeah, so what?" He said. Megan smiled at him. "I can't believe I made you blush." She giggled. "You didn't," Jayden tells her. "Yes, I did! See? Your cheeks are crimson red." She said as she started to poke him. "Stop that," Jayden said as he covered his face with his hand. Megan kept poking him. "You blushed! You blushed!" She teased him. Jayden then grabbed her hands. "Stop." He tells her sternly. Megan giggled as they looked each other in the eyes. Jayden then let go of her hands. He rests his hand on the back of her neck, pulling her closer. He crashed his lips onto hers. Megan moved her hands into his hair, kissing him back. Jayden smiled into their kiss. After a few seconds, Megan pulled away. 

Meanwhile, in Jade's room, Jack tucked his sister in. Her eyes were wide open. She was staring at the wall. Jack brushed a strain of hair from her face. "I'm sorry, Jack." Jade apologized. Jack smiled at his little sister. "Get some sleep." He tells her. She shook her head. "I can't. I won't." She tells him. "Do you want me to stay?" He asked her. She nodded slowly in response. Jack sat against her bed on the wooden floor. "Could you tell me a story?" Jade asked her brother. Jack turned his head to look at her over his shoulder. "Once upon a time, a little girl called Jade went to sleep. The end." Jack tells her. Jade let out a quiet giggle. "That's a horrible story." She said. Jack puts his hand on her cheek, brushing his thumb over her cheek. "Why don't you tell me a story?" He asked her. "Because I don't want to." She replies, "Why don't you tell me a story?" She asked him. Jack shrugged. "Because I don't want to." He said. Jade let out another giggle. Jack smiled at her. "At least I could make you smile again." He said. "Yeah." She said quietly. She let out a deep sigh. "I would understand if you guys hated me-" Jade started. Jack frowned at her. "Hate you?" He said, cutting her off. Jade nodded slowly. "Listen, we're family. Siblings. We may say we hate each other... but we don't. At the end of the day, we love each other. We always have, and always will." He tells her. Jade sat up in her bed. "But I held a gun against Jayden's head." She reminds him. "And our father was a serial killer." He tells her. Jade glanced down at her lap. Jack sat in front of her on her bed. "But at the end of the day, we still cared for him. Like we will always care for you. No matter what. Today was a mistake. And we're going to forget about it. Alright?" He asked her. Jade shook her head. "I can't forget about it." She tells him. "You will at one point." He assured. her. Jade let out another deep sigh. "How about, you try to get some sleep. And when you wake up we can watch some Netflix downstairs?" He suggested. She nodded slowly in response. "And I'll stay here until you fall asleep." He tells her. Jade smiled and crawled back underneath the covers. Jack sat on the floor again. 

Meanwhile, Jerry carefully knocked on the window. Inside, Liz's head shot up. She jumped up from her chair and rushed over to the window. When she opened it, her eyes fell on Jerry's bruised cheeks and some dried blood underneath his nose. "Oh my god." She said. Jerry holds up his hand. "I know." He replied. Liz helped him get inside. He sat down on her bed. "Wait here." She tells him. As she left, Jerry glanced down at his shirt. He pulled it up slightly finding another bruise on his ribs. Liz returned with a wet towel in her hands. Her eyes widened at the sight of her boyfriend's bruised skin. "What the hell happened?" She asked him. "A fight. But it's okay." He assured her. Liz slowly started to walk towards him. "You don't look okay." She tells him. She carefully wiped away the blood from under his nose. "Thank you." He smiled at her. "What happened out there?" Liz asked him sternly. "Nothing you have to worry about," Jerry assures her. "Someone beat up my boyfriend." Liz said, "I wanna know who he or she is so I can beat them up." She added. Jerry smiled at her. "Sure you will, Darling." He said. He then puts his arms underneath her butt. He pulls her onto his lap, groaning slightly. "Don't, you'll hurt yourself," Liz tells him. All Jerry did was smile at her. "What did you come to do here anyway?" Liz asked her boyfriend. Jerry fake pouted at her. "I wanted hugs and cuddles." He tells her. Liz rolls her eyes at me. "Can I get some hugs and cuddles from you, nice lady?" Jerry asked her in a childish voice. "No," Liz replied. Jerry kept pouting at her. Liz sighed loudly. "Fine." She said. "Yay!" Jerry exclaimed. He buried his head in the crook of her neck. Liz wrapped her arms around him, playing with his hair. "I love you," Jerry whispered to her. Liz smiled at him. "I love you too, you big baby." She whispered back.

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