•Chapter 32• The Funeral

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That night, the four teenagers were sitting on the cold floor in the factory. Megan sat resting her head against Jerry. She looked at Jayden and Jack who sat next to each other. "So, what are we gonna do?" Megan asked. Jack looked up at her but didn't say a word. Jayden looked at her as well. "What do you want us to do?" He asked her. Megan sat up. "I want you guys to take me home." She tells them. Jerry turned his head to her. "Megan,-" He started. The girl turned back to him. She looked at him with a deadly glare. "I want to go home. And if you're not going to take me, I'll go by myself." Megan tells him. She stood up. "Megan, you can't go. Especially not by yourself." Jayden tells her. Megan stormed towards the door. "Watch me. I am sick and tired of the situation we're in. For my safety? I'm here for my safety? Bullshit!" She called out. The three boys stood up and followed her. Jayden caught up with her first. He puts his hands on her arms and pushes her against the wall. Their faces were inches apart. "You can't go out by yourself." He tells her. "I want to go home." She snapped at him. "You're not going home!" Jayden snapped back. The door next to them opened. A man stepped inside. The triplet's turned to the man, standing in front of Megan. "Who are you?" Jerry asked him. The man holds up his hands. "I'm not a cop," he tells them. "Then why are you here?" Jack questioned. "I was a friend of your father's. I'm not here to arrest you or anything like that." The man tells them. He took a deep breath and holds his hands together in front of him. "Jayden Salvini, Jack Salvini, Jerry Salvini...I am here to inform you your father has passed away. I'm sorry." He apologized. The three boys looked at each other. Jayden looked back at the man. "Our father's not dead." He said. "His heart stopped. Your sister was there when it happened. I am very sorry for your loss." The man apologizes. He hands them three envelopes. "The funeral is tomorrow. Your sister wishes for you to be there. I hope you can make it." The man said before leaving again. Jack broke down and started to cry. Jerry quickly kneeled next to him and rubs his hand over his back. Megan puts her hand on Jayden's shoulder. "Are you okay?" She asked him. Jayden's eyes were filled with sadness. He sniffs and wipes his nose.  "Yeah." He said, "Seems like you'll be going home after all." He tells her. 

The next day, Louis walked through the woods. "Where is she?" Ian asked as Louis walked up to them. The Pack had gathered around the open area in front of the entrance. They stood in a circle on the slightly higher circle of land around the open area. Most of the pack was behind the trees, standing on guard. Louis stood in front of Ian. "I don't know where she is. She slept in her father's bed. I fell asleep in the chair next to it., and when I woke up she was gone." He informs. Ian groans and runs his hand through his hair. "You don't think she went-" Ian started. "Back to school? Why would she go there? Everyone in this town is celebrating Bill's death. Including that school of hers." He said. Meanwhile, Jade sat in Andrew's car. Andrew sat in the backseat, changing. Jade held the piece of paper Ian had given her in her hands. "What's that?" Andrew asked as he buttoned up his shirt. Jade looked at him for a second, catching a glimpse of his bare chest. She blushed and looked back down at the paper. "Someone told me to give this to my father, but I never had the chance to do it." She tells him. Andrew starts to tie his tie together as he jumped into the driver's seat again. "Do you know what it says?" He asked her. She shook her head. "Maybe you should read it," Andrew tells her. Jade looks at him. "But, it was meant for my father." She reminds him. "Aren't you curious what it says?" He asked. Jade looks back at her hands. She slowly unfolds the paper. Before she reads it she looks at Andrew again. "Thank you, for coming with me." She said. He chuckled. "Well, I didn't have much of a choice. You kidnapped me." He tells her. Jade chuckles at him. "Sorry about that." She said. "Oh, don't be! I liked it." He tells her with a slight smirk on his face. Jade smiled at him. She runs her hand through his hair. Andrew looked into her eyes. "Are your brothers going to be there?" He questioned. Jade nodded slowly. "I want them to be here. I need them." She informs him. "So, you're not mad anymore?" He asked her. "Oh, I'm still mad. I just need to set that aside for a moment. It's my father's funeral." She said. Andrew nodded and puts her jacket between his fingers. "What's up with the new look, by the way?" He questioned. "It was my mom's. Everything was. I decided that if I look like her...might start dressing like her too. Living up to her legacy, you know?" She explained. Andrew smiled at her. "I know." He replied.

Parker walked up to Bill and Louis. She puts her hands into her black leather jacket. Louis looked at her before looking at Bill again. "What is she doing here again?" He asked his friend. Bill looked at his friend. "She wanted to be here." He said. He then turned his head and kissed Parker. She smiled into the kiss. Louis rolls his eyes at them. "You guys are disgusting." He complained. Parker pulls back and takes the ax from Bill's hands. She smirked and stepped forward. She stood in front of the person. She tilted her head. "I'm sorry." She apologized. She then swung the ax at the guy in front of her. His head fell off his neck. Bill smirked and wraps his arms around Parker. He puts his head in the crook of her neck. "That was hot." He tells her. "It felt good." She tells him. Bill smiled at her. "I know, right. By the way, I love this new look on you." He tells her. Parker blushed. "So do I." 

A while later, the Pack, Louis, and the Salvini children walked onto the graveyard. Almost everyone from Hill City was there too. Jade ignored everyone as they walked towards the black coffin. Jade stood next to it while the other stood on the other side. Andrew looked at her and gave her a slight smile. Jade took a deep breath. "We're gathered here today," tears started to roll down her cheeks, "to say goodbye to my father." She said. She wipes her nose as she sniffs. "Everyone hated my father for who he was. What he did." She spoke, "But my father was terribly sick." She said. Everyone that stood in the back rolled their eyes at her. "He has been for years. I remember him once begging one of my brothers to kill him. To no longer give him the medicine he needed." She spoke, "But he made a promise to my mother. He promised her to look after us. And he did." She continued. Another tear rolled down her cheek. "He may not always have been good. But my father was a good man and a good father." She called out. The triplets walked up to their sister. "Our mother died..." She said. She then caught a glimpse of Eric standing in the distance. "Now my father dies. And now we have nothing. We're orphans." She broke down and started to cry. The three brothers wrapped their arms around her. She looked up at them. "Thank you for being here." She whispered. After a few minutes, she turned back to the crowd. "Daddy, I hope you're okay up there. Say hi to mom for us." She said.

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