•Chapter 30• The Big Bad Wolf

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After school, Jade made her way into the hospital. She walked up to the front desk. "Hello, I'm looking for Bill Salvini. He's my father." She said. The woman looked up at the girl and sighed. "Identification." She said. Jade got her ID from behind her phone case and handed it to the lady behind the desk. The woman inspected the card and handed it back to the girl. "Second floor, room 7c." She tells her. Jade thanked the woman and made her way towards the room. When she arrived there, Louis was sitting in the room. He sat on a chair, his feet on the edge of the bed, reading a magazine. Jade pushed open the door and stepped inside. "Hey." She called out. Louis looked up from his magazine. "Hey, Little one. How was school?" He asked her. Jade shrugs and grabs another chair. "It was alright. But, I thought you were picking me up." She said. "I was busy gathering some blood for the old man here," Louis tells her. Jade tilts her head at the man. "Wasn't there anything in the fridge?" She questions. Louis shook his head. "I had to go to the storage to get some more." He explained. "But, I thought they would bring new supplies." Jade referred to her brothers. Louis shrugs and looks back at the magazine. "I guess they forgot." He said. Jade sighed and leans back in her chair. She folds her arms over her chest as she looks at her father. "How's he doing?" She asked. Louis glanced up at Bill for a second. He then focused back on the words in the magazine. "He's doing alright for someone who almost died," Louis tells her. "Have they visited him yet?" She asked her uncle. Louis closes the magazine and looks at Jade. "So they haven't. And he calls them sons? Those bitches?" Jade sighed. "Hey, you watch your tongue, young lady." Louis orders. Jade sat up straight again. "Why? It's true!" She said, "They should be ashamed of themselves. Your father is in the hospital, and they don't even visit? It's like they don't care." She continued. Louis glares at her. "You know they care. They're getting the blood from that girl." Louis reminds her. "Are they? Because this has been weeks. How long does it take to kill someone?" She snaps back at him. Louis leaned closer to the girl. "Depends on how you do it. They're probably slowly draining the life out of her." He tells her. Jade rolls her eyes and scoffs. "Yeah, sure they are." She said. Louis puts his hand on her knee. "Everything's going to be okay, Little one. All will be back to normal soon." He assures her. But the girl shook her head. "We're not a normal family. We don't get normal. We're monsters." She whispered. Louis shook his head. "We're not monsters." He tells her. 

Bill holds up his bloody hand. His clothes, hands, neck, and face were covered in blood. "Parker, Honey, this is not what it looks like." He tells her. Blood was dripping from his mouth as he spoke. The redheaded girl backed up until her back hit the door behind her. She reached over to the doorknob, trying to open the door. Bill drops the ax and holds up both of his hands. "Baby, don't be scared. I'm not going to hurt you." He assures her. Parker shook her head and turned to the doorknob. "Please, open." She whispered. Bill stepped closer to her. "Baby, don't." He tells her. He puts his hand over hers making her pull her hands away quickly. "Don't touch me!" She screamed. "Honey, I'm not going to hurt you," Bill tells her. "Yeah, is that what you told her as well?" Parker asked. She looked at the girl behind Bill. Her body was covered in blood and her legs were cut off. Two buckets were catching all the blood coming from the limbs. Parker collapsed to the floor as she looked at the corpse. This was all so overwhelming. Tears were rolling down Parker's cheeks. She looks up at Bill. "Are you going to kill me?" She asked. Her voice was shaky and broken. Bill shook his head and kneeled in front of her. "No, no, no, baby." He said. He puts his hand on her cheek. "Please, don't be scared. I can explain." He whispered. Parker broke down in tears. Bill forgot about all the blood and pulled the girl into his chest. he held her tightly as they sat on the cabin floor. He kissed her head. "I'm not going to hurt you." He whispered.

A while later, Jade was still in the hospital room. She held onto Bill's hand tightly. She brushed her thumb over his hairy skin. She looked up at him. She smiled at him. She noticed his greasy grey hair. "When we get home, we're gonna wash that hair of yours." She giggles, "I'm going to run you a nice warm bath. Cook your favorite meal, mom's spaghetti with spicy meatballs." She tells him. But there was no response. No fingers moving, no groans, no smiles...only his chest rising up and down slowly. Jade sighed. "I could make you something else as well. Maybe we should eat sushi? We haven't eaten that in a while." She said. Nothing happened. Jade looked down at her lap. "They'll get her, Dad. You'll have your revenge." She assures him. She shifted in her seat slightly. "I got an A on my biology test the other day. The highest grade in my class." She tells him proudly. A tear fell from her eyes. "Please, Dad, come back to us. We need you." She whispers, "We love you." She added. Still no response. Jade scooted closer to the bed. "Jayden, Jerry, and Jack will get the blood for you, dad. You'll be okay." She said. She glanced down at their hands. "Andrew asked about you. I told him I would visit you. He even wanted to come with me even though he's scared of you. Isn't that sweet?" She questioned. "Little one?" someone whispered. Jade glanced up and saw his lips open instead of closed. "Dad?" She said. Suddenly she heard a loud sound from the machine above her. She glanced up and saw a flatline on the monitor. "Dad? Dad!" Jade called out. She shook his shoulder gently, but nothing happened. "Uncle Louis!! Dad! He's flatlining!!" Jade screamed at the top of her lungs. A doctor and two nurses came rushing in. Louis soon followed. He grabbed Jade and pulled her away from the bed. They stood in the corner of the room. The doctor got out a defibrillator. He started the machine and brushed the two pads together. "Clear!" One of the nurses called. The man pushed the two pads onto the old man's chest. Jade burst out into tears. "What's happening?" She asked. Louis wraps his arms around her, not saying anything.  An electric shock was sent through Bill's body. But nothing happened. So the doctor repeated his actions. Over and over again until it seemed pointless. The doctor then stopped. "What...what is he doing?" Jade questions. The man checked his watch. "Patient passed away at...nine forty-seven." He said. Jade shook her head. "No...no! You have to save him! He'll die! Please, help him! Please!!" She begged them. She collapsed to the floor, pulling Louis along with her again. "Dad!!" She screamed. The doctor and two nurses looked at the girl. "I'm sorry." The doctor said. "I can't lose him!" She screamed. She crawled over to the bed. She grabbed her father's hand again. "You can't go! Please! Don't leave me like mom! You're all I have!" She sobbed. Louis still sat on the floor in the corner of the room. His best friend just passed away. He closed his eyes, letting one tear slip from his eyes. "Please, don't leave me, Daddy." Jade whispered, "You can't leave me. Don't leave me alone." 

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