•Chapter 44• Nightmare

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Megan's eyes fluttered open. The bright morning sun shone through the window. Megan opened her eyes and scanned the room. The room she was in seemed familiar. She glanced down to find herself restrained to a chair. A rope was holding her in place. Suddenly, a figure towered over her. Big hands leaned on her wrists that were bound to the armrests. The girl glanced up to look into a pair of dark eyes. It was Jayden. She tried to speak, but her mouth was covered with tape. "Look who's finally awake," Jayden smirked. "Took her long enough," Jerry spoke behind him. Jayden raised his hand and gently removed the tape from Megan's mouth. "There you go." He said, "Now, we're going to have a little talk, alright? And you're gonna answer calmly. If you scream, this goes right back. You understand?" Jayden tells her. Megan nods in response. "Good girl." He smirked at her. He turned around to pull up a chair. He sat in front of her. "So, princess, tell me," He started. He adjusted himself in his seat, folding his arms over his chest. "Are you willing to die for your family?" He asked her. "That depends." She replied. Jayden tilted his head at her. "On what?" He questioned. "What will happen when I do it?" Megan answered. "Our family will watch as yours crumbles down." Jack answers. Megan looked at him with fearful eyes. "Seems like you scared her off." Jerry chuckled. "Good, she should be scared." Jayden cut in. Jayden stood up from his chair again. He towered over Megan once again. He leaned down slightly, their faces only an inch apart. "Tell me how scared you are, Princess." Jayden orders. Megan gulped loudly. "Answer the question, sweetcheeks," Jerry spoke up. Jayden reached into his back pocket. He got out a pocket knife. He held it to her throat. "How scared are you, princess?" Jayden asked her again. "Terrified," Megan whispered. Jayden smirked at her again. "Good." He said. He raised his hand, slitting Megan's throat. Megan's eyes shot open. Her heart was pounding in her throat, and she was panting. She sat up in her bed. She scanned the darkness of her room. She grabbed her phone from her nightstand, taking the charger out of her phone. She scrolled through her contacts until she found the one she was searching for. She clicked on the contact and waited for them to pick up. "Hey..." Megan spoke up, "Yeah, yeah, I know. I didn't know what else to do. I'm freaking out." She whispered into the speaker. She felt tears forming in her eyes. "I'll open the window." She replied, before hanging up the phone. 

Only two minutes later, a dark figure crawled through the window. Megan glanced up at him. "Hey." He said quietly. Megan stood up from her bed. She walked up into his arms. She cried into his chest. "What happened?" He asked her. "I had a horrible nightmare. We-we were back at the cabin." She rambled, "It was so real. I was so scared." She added. He gently stroked her hair. "Hey, hey, it's okay." He tells her. He cups her cheeks in his hands. "I'm here." He whispers. Megan looks up at him. "I'm sorry for calling you at this hour, Jack. I just- I didn't know what to do." She tells him. The boy brushes his thumbs over her slightly damp cheeks. "It's okay." He assured her. Megan rubbed her eyes slightly. "Can you stay here for a while?" She asks him. Jack nods. "Of course." He replied. As Megan crawled back onto her bed, Jack slipped off his jacket and his shoes. Megan looked at Jack as he sat on her bed. "Do you want to tell me what happened?" He asked her. Megan gulped as she thought about the dream. Jack gently grasped her hand. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." He tells her. "I don't want to think about it again," Megan tells him. Jack nods in response. The young girl crawled over to Jack. She sat between his legs. "Can we talk about something else?" She asks him. Jack carefully wraps his arms around Megan's waist. "Like what?" He questioned. Megan shrugged as she played with the hem of her oversized shirt. "Anything." She replies. "Well, I kind of started having a thing for this girl." Jack chuckled awkwardly. Megan glanced up at him. "You do?" She asks him. He nods as his cheeks heat up slightly. "Would you look at that? The jokester finally found a girl." She smiled at him. Jack nodded slowly. "Yeah, I guess I have." He said. Megan focused back on the hem of her shirt. "What's she like?" She asked him. Jack smiled to himself. "She's perfect." He tells her. Megan let out a small laugh. "No one's perfect, silly." She said. "She is to me." He tells her. Megan smiled at his comment. "You're so sweet. She's a lucky girl." She replied. She looked back up at him. "Can we lie down?" She suggested. Jack nodded in response. The two of them lied down on her bed together. Megan got under the covers while Jack stayed on top of them. He had his arm wrapped around her waist. "I'm not sure if I'll sleep again tonight." She informs Jack. "You should. I'll be here to keep the nightmares away." Jack tells her. Megan smiled at him. "You always seem to be the one protecting me." She said, "Thank you." She added. Jack brushed some hair out of her face. "My pleasure." He tells her.

The following morning, the doorbell rang loudly. Megan and Jack were still fast asleep upstairs. Meanwhile, Megan's parents were already sitting in the living room together. Selena put her book down on the salon table in front of her. She got up from the couch and walked into the hallway. When she opened the door, Andrew stood in front of her. "Annie! What a nice surprise." Selena smiled at her nephew. Andrew awkwardly smiled back at his aunt. "Hey, uh, is uncle Eric here?" He asked her. "Yeah, he's in the living room." She answered. Selena stepped aside to let Andrew walk in. He walked into the living room, Selena following close behind. Eric glanced up as his nephew walked in. "Hey, buddy, what are you doing here?" He asked him. "I wanted to ask you something. Can we...talk in private?" Andrew asked his uncle. "Uh, sure." He replied confused. The man got up from his chair. He guided the boy into his office. He closed the door behind them. "So, what's wrong? Need some help with the girls?" He smirked. Andrew shook his head. "No, that's not what I'm here for." He said sternly, "I'm here to talk about Parker Salvini." He added quickly. Eric furrowed his eyebrows at his nephew. "Who?" He questioned. "Don't even pretend to not know who I am talking about. Jade's mother. The woman you almost murdered!" Andrew exclaimed. Eric grabbed the boy's collar and pulled him closer. "Quiet down, will you?" Eric replies. Andrew pushed the man off him again. "Stop pretending to be the good guy. You're not!" He said. "Compared to those brats from across the street?" Eric asked him. Andrew glared at his uncle. "You're a monster compared to them. I know what you did. I found the files at Grandma's." The boy informs his uncle. Eric took a step back. "You found the files?" He asks. "I did. You killed Parker's unborn child. No wonder they hated you so much." Andrew spoke up. "I had to save the woman I loved. She could've died by the hands of that beast," Eric snapped at the boy. Andrew stepped closer to his uncle. "You killed an unborn child. Her child. She never did anything to you." Andrew said. "She was a slut! She spread her legs for him before she even turned eighteen! She was his little brat. She was just as bad as he was." Eric tells him. Andrew shook his head. "I don't believe that," Andrew replied. What they didn't know, was that Jack had woken up. And he had heard every word of their 'secret' conversation. 

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