•Chapter 4• Don't worry about me

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"Honey, what are you talking about? Revenge?" Selena asked her husband concerned. "Oh come on, we both know what I am talking about. Don't you want justice? What that man did to you-" he started. Selena puts her hands on his chest. "What he did, happened twenty years ago. He was sick. Honey, I don't want to go through all of it again. And I certainly do not want to put Megan through this." Selena argued with her husband. The man pits the bag down on the table. "Babe, are you seriously not-" he started but Selena cut him off. "I said no. We have a kid together, Eric. I thought we had agreed to not open this can again and yet here we are. For all, we know they are calling the police right now because you broke into their house and stole this out of their home. For all, we know he needs this to stay alive!" Selena said sternly. Her husband rolls his eyes at her. "He'll be fine, there were like twenty others in that fridge." He tells her. "You know I only want what's best for you," Eric said. Selena smiled at him and kissed him briefly. "I know, Honey. I know." She said.

Later that same day, the Salvini's sat at the dining table again having dinner like always. "How was school?" Bill asked his children. "It was alright," Jack answered. Jerry nodded and runs his hand through his hair. It was quiet after that. Jayden glanced at his family at the table. "So we're not going to talk about the fact that someone broke into our house today?" Jayden said quietly. Jack glared at his brother. "Can we not do this now?" He asked. Jayden snaps his head towards his brother. "We can't just sit here while he is-" "Jayden," Bill warned. But Jayden ignored his father's warnings. "We have to go to the police. He broke in and stole one of the only things that keep you alive at the moment. We have to-" "Jayden!" Bill yelled. Jayden looked at his father with a quilt expression on his face. "Enough," Bill said sternly. "I'm just saying-" Jayden mumbled. "I said enough," Bill said again. Jayden groans and stands up from his seat. He left the room and ran straight upstairs to his room. The other children glanced at their father. "Let him be for a while. He needs to be alone." He tells them. They finished their dinner and Jerry and Jack cleared the table. Jade sat at the table with her father. "Are you sure you're alright?" Jade asked her father. He nodded and smiled at her. "Don't worry about me." He tells her. Jade holds her father's hand. "I will always worry about you. What if something had happened today? Dad, we can't lose you too." Jade tells him. Bill holds up his hand. "I know, Little one, but I should be the one worrying. Not you." He said. "Dad, I didn't worry at all when mom got sick, I can't lose another parent," Jade said. A tear rolled down her cheek. Bill wiped it away gently. "Stop worrying. Please. It drove your mother insane, and I don't want the same thing to happen to you." He tells her. Jade nods and stands up. She stands behind the wheelchair of her father and pushes him into the living room. She helped him sit on the couch and walked to the kitchen to get him a drink. "Are you okay, Sis? You seem a bit off like your mind is somewhere else." Jack asked his sister. "Yeah, you're really quiet." Jerry agreed with his brother.  She shrugs and opens the fridge. "Jade, you know you can tell us when somethings wrong, right?" Jerry reminds his sister. Jade nods and smiles at her brothers. "I know, thanks for that by the way." She said. But her brothers weren't easily fooled. They knew something was up. Being the big brothers they were, they immediately started to worry. Was it someone at school? Did someone say something mean? Is someone bullying her? Who hurts their little sister? Jade smiled and walked out of the kitchen with a glass of water and a new saline bag filled with blood. She walked into the living room and set the glass of water on the coffee table. She removed the old saline bag and replaced it. Jade then sat next to her father on the couch. "You want to watch a movie?" She asked. He smiled at her. "Sure, why don't you pick one?" He tells her.

When they finished cleaning up, Jerry and Jack sneaked off towards the stairs and up to Jayden's room. Loud music was coming from behind the door. Jerry knocked on it. "Go away! Not in the mood to talk!" Jayden yelled. Jerry looked at Jack. Jack rolls his eyes and knocked on the door again. "Jayden! Come on man!" Jack said. The music just got louder. Jack looked at his brother. Jerry sighed and walked over to his bedroom. When he came back he was holding a key to Jayden's room. He unlocked the door and both brothers walked in. Jack locked the door behind him again. Jayden glared at his brothers. Jerry walked over to his phone and turned down the volume of the music playing through his JBL speaker. "Okay, you guys have to stop using that key," Jayden complained. Jack jumped on his brother's bed. "What's wrong with you? Why are you so fired up about this whole thing?" Jack asked him. Jayden groaned and walked away from his brother. "What does it matter? Can you guys just leave?" He asked his brothers. Jerry folded his arms over his chest and shook his head. "Not until you tell us what's going on," Jerry said. "Nothing." Jayden lied. "We're triplets, remember? We know when something's up." Jack reminds his brother. Jayden looked at his brothers. "What? Are you guys expecting some kind of heart-to-heart chat? Not happening. If you want that go talk with Jade or dad, not me." Jayden said. Jack rolls his eyes at his older brother. "Jayden, come on, we know something's wrong. Why are both you and Jade hiding things?" He questioned. Jayden looked at his brothers. "Jade?" He asked concerned. "Yeah, we think something might've happened in school today. But we were talking about you." Jerry answered. "I'm her big brother, I have to know what happened and beat someone up!" Jayden said. Jack glared at Jayden. "We're also her big brothers, you know that, right?" Jack asked. Jayden glared at him. "All I'm saying is...with you you never know." Jack joked. Jayden was about to walk out of his room when Jerry stopped him. "We need to talk first," Jerry said. "But Jade-" "She's with Dad," Jerry tells him.

Jade sat on the couch with her father. They were watching The Silence of the Lambs together. It was one of her father's favorite movies of all time. As they were watching it, Jade started to think about what happened at school today. She started to drift off into her thoughts. 
"Hey, Freak!" Henry said. He pushed Jade against the wall and held her tightly. Jade tried to push him off but she wasn't strong enough. "Please let me go." Jade pleaded. He chuckled. "So you're dumb and weak? He questioned. Jade tried to fight him off. His grip on her arms only tightened. "What are you going to do? Call for your pathetic brothers? Or your psycho daddy? Maybe your dead mother?" He asked her. "Let me go, Henry," Jade said. He chuckled again. "No.," He said. His grip on her arms was so tight, those were going to be bruises tomorrow. "No, you are staying here. Just like her mother in her grave." He whispered in her ear. Jade tried not to cry but she couldn't help herself. "Let her go!" Someone behind them said. Jade glanced behind Henry and saw Andrew standing behind her. Henry let go of her. "You're lucky your boyfriend showed up. Next time, you won't get away." Henry tells her and walks away. Andrew quickly rushed towards Jade. "I'm sorry about my brother." He said. "It's not your fault," Jade tells him. Andrew glanced at Jade's arm. He gently pulled her flannel down her shoulders to look at her arms. "I am so sorry." He apologized again. Jade glanced at the bruises and sighed. "It's okay, Andrew. Thank you for stopping him." She smiled slightly. He smiled at her. "Of course." He said.

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