•Chapter 29• Sibling Rivalry

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"Have you lost your mind?" Jerry questions. Jayden looks at his brother with his arms folded over his chest. "You have lost your mind." Jerry sighed. He points at Megan in who was still fast asleep. "She can't go home, Jayden," Jerry said. Jayden stepped closer to his brother. He holds up his hands, palms facing up. "Then think of something," Jayden replied. "Yeah, well, I'm not James Bond." Jerry snapped at his brother. "No, you're the smart one." Jayden reminds him. "What do you want me to do? You want me to wipe the memories of everyone in this goddamn town?" Jerry asked him. He stepped closer to his brother. He puts his index finger on Jayden's chest. "She's your girl, right? You fix this. You're the one that brought us into this situation." Jerry orders. Jayden smacks away Jerry's hand roughly. "What was I supposed to do? Kill her?" Jayden asked. The two brothers stood very close to one another. Their foreheads were almost touching. "I'm starting to think maybe we should have," Jerry replied. "She's scared!" Jayden shouted. "And so are we!" Jerry shouted back. The boy points at the girl again. "We didn't kill her for one reason. It wasn't because we cared for her. No. We didn't kill her because we couldn't do it! We didn't have the guts! Neither of us did!" Jerry exclaimed. Jayden throws his hands in the air in frustration. "Then why did you agree when dad asked us to do this?!" Jayden yelled. "Because I want him to live!" Jerry yelled back, "He's dying, Jayden. We have no one else!" He added. Megan started to wake up from all the shouting. Jack noticed and walked up to her. He helped her up and guided her out of the room. He left his two brothers to fight each other like always. Jack guided Megan outside. "Do they always do that?" She asked the boy. Jack sighed and took off his jacket. He puts the warm material over the girl's shoulders. "Brothers." He said. Megan smiled at him. "Thank you." She says. Jack smiled back at her. The two sat down in the grass. Jack looked at her. "Don't worry about them. They're gonna makeup after like an hour anyway." He chuckled awkwardly. Megan glances at the boy. She rests her chin on her shoulder as she looked at him. "I feel bad for you. I can't imagine what it's like to be in the middle of them." She replies. Jack sat crossed-legged with his knees high up. He rests his arms on his knees. "I've gotten used to it by now. And they're not that bad." He admits. Megan scooted a little closer to him. She rests her head on his shoulder. Jack glances down at her. "It's okay. I mean, they're siblings after all." He chuckles. Megan lifts her head again. "Well, I wouldn't know that." She giggled quietly. Jack smiled at her. They sat in silence for a moment. The two just looked into each other's eyes. Jack glanced down at her lips before looking back into her eyes. Megan didn't hesitate. She leaned in and pressed her lips against his. Jack gently kissed her back, not knowing Jayden had walked outside...

Meanwhile, Jade walked through the empty halls of the school. At least, she thought it was empty. She was texting Louis, asking how her father was holding up. Deep down, she wished that Bill had woken up. But she knows she shouldn't get her hopes up. She was so focused on her phone, she didn't notice when someone walked up behind her. The person wrapped his arms around her waist. Jade jumped, letting her phone fall from her hands. Andrew caught the device before it could hit the floor. He smiled up at her. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He tells her. Jade smiled at him and took her phone from his hands. "It's okay. Thanks for catching it." She says. She holds up her phone. "Of course. Heard anything from your dad?" He asked politely. Jade knows her father scares Andrew. She thought it was very sweet of him to ask. She sadly shook her head. "Not yet. But I'm visiting him later today. My uncle is picking me up after school." She answered. "Do you want me to come with you?" He asked her. She shook her head. "You don't have to do that. You were sweet enough to bring flowers the last time," she tells him. Andrew tilts his head. "Are you sure? I don't want you to be alone for too long." He said. Another person walked into the hallway. The person walked up to the two teenagers. It was Henry. "Hanging out with the freak again, are we?" He asked his brother. Andrew rolls his eyes and pulls Jade closer. "First of all, she's not a freak. Second, why would you care? Don't you have a teacher to bang to get your grades up?" Andrew questioned. "Being funny now, huh?" Henry said. Andrew shrugged and stands in front of his older brother. "You should get out of here before I beat you up." Andrew threatened. Henry laughed at his little brother. "You're very funny today, Annie." He chuckled. Henry looked at Jade. "Still no brothers?" He asked her. Jade didn't reply to the boy. Henry pouted at her. "Oh, do you miss them? I can't imagine what you're going through. Your brothers leaving you behind...then your daddy ends up in the hospital." He said. Jade stepped forward. "Your uncle should've kept his hands off me." She snaps at him. Henry smirks at her. He puts his hands on her waist. "But you're a little slut. You're asking for it." He tells her. Andrew quickly pulls her back into his chest. "Keep your hands off her." He tells his brother. "Or what?" Henry asked him, "You're gonna beat me up?" He teased. Andrew, unexpectedly, hit his brother's nose. Henry took a step back, grabbing his nose. "What the fuck, dude?!" He yelled. Andrew grabbed Jade's hand and guided her out of the hallway. 

Back with the triplets, Jack pulled away from their kiss and licked his lips. "That was uh...that was-" He started. Megan blushed bright red and looked into his eyes. "It was good." She whispered. Meanwhile, Jayden still watched from afar. His eyes were filled with anger. Jayden stormed towards Megan and Jack. His eyes were dark, and the adrenaline was kicking in. He grabbed Jack's collar, pulling him away from Megan. He punched his brother in his face. Megan screamed. "Jayden! Stop it!" She screamed. Jayden pushed Jack against the ground. He sat on top of his brother, pinning him down. He started to beat the boy harshly. Each punch harder than the last. Jack's nose was already bleeding. Jerry had heard Megan's scream. He rushed outside to find his brother beating up his other brother. Jerry rushed over to Jayden and tried to pull him off his brother. "Jayden! What are you doing?! Stop it! Jayden, stop it!" Jerry shouted. Eventually, with a lot of strength, he was able to stop Jayden. Jack quickly crawled out from underneath Jayden. Megan rushed over to him. "Are you okay?" She asked concerned. Jack nodded while coughing. Some blood came out his mouth as he coughed. "I deserved it." He whispered. Jerry stood in front of Jayden, trying to stop him from beating up Jack. "What the hell are you doing?" Jerry asked. Jayden pointed at Jack. "He kissed her!" he yelled. Megan glared at him. She stood up and walked towards Jayden and Jerry. "What's your problem?! It was just a kiss!" She exclaimed. Jayden pushed his brother off him. He stood right in front of Megan. "Just a kiss?" He asked her. He forced his nails into his palms, trying to stay calm, as he balled his hand into a fist. "Yes, just a kiss! Do you know how bad I felt when you kissed other girls? How badly I wanted to be one of those girls?" She asked him. Jayden didn't reply. "Well, now you know how that feels." She said. She turned around again, making her way towards Jack. She helped him up and back into the factory. 

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